Belly Fat...How do you get rid of it?



  • AGldnGrl
    AGldnGrl Posts: 8 Member
    All of the suggestions are right on spot with my experience. You might research Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar as well. Even if it doesn't get rid of belly fat, there are many additional health benefits. Strict logging of food intake is also important. Maybe "tweeking" your protein/carb/fats? I'm not an expert, but sharing what's worked for me in the past.

    I'm making an effort to get back into the "clean" life again, after falling off the wagon. Bragg's was included previously in my health regimen, along with "clean eating", cardio and weight training 6 days/wk. Dropped 67 lbs in 8 mos. Belly was still flabby, but still had more "fat" to loose. 80-10-10. 80% what goes in your mouth, 10% physical activity, 10% genes?

    Looking forward to getting back into the groove :-) Keep us posted on your efforts AND keep up the FANTASTIC determination to be healthy!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm using Braggs everyday, but not results in the weight loss line that can be attributed to that - it does works wonders for preventing acid reflux and heartburn though - still eating the same food, but absolutely no heartburn since I started taking a tablespoon a day with water....
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Running was starting to tone mine up when combined with eating well and drinking only water.


    I miss running... I really need to get back to that!
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I don't think there really is a magic answer.
    Just keep on exercising and it will come off eventually.
    You could do may be making progress and just not realize it.
  • earthquick
    earthquick Posts: 20 Member
    Yes I am a huge fan of salmon. Walmart sells these wild salmon individually wrapped, so easy and quick to cook. Cook up some veggies on the side or some lentils for extra protein, and you will feel great and full. Great for the belly!!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yes I am a huge fan of salmon. Walmart sells these wild salmon individually wrapped, so easy and quick to cook. Cook up some veggies on the side or some lentils for extra protein, and you will feel great and full. Great for the belly!!

    Yep it is great for the belly, it makes it nice and full, AND tastes nice too!
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I actually spot reduced the fat in my neck by shaking my head at these threads daily. :wink:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I'm sorry but your wrong... and you don't need to be rude.. I was just trying to help

    Reading is good...
    Reading beyond the headline is even gooder. :drinker:
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member

    stomach is mainly the food! Also, I wear a body wrap when I work out and sit in sauna to get rid of some of the water. But you can work your abs all day, but if the fat is there, those sexy abs will be underneath. Focus on healthy foods veggies and lean proteins :)

    happy journey

  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    I actually spot reduced the fat in my neck by shaking my head at these threads daily. :wink:

    :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Cranking Up! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I actually spot reduced the fat in my neck by shaking my head at these threads daily. :wink:
    :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Cranking Up! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mswn02
    mswn02 Posts: 38
    I always say ... you can't hide poor nutrition. Belly fat reveals all. You can exercise until you're blue in the face, eat "better", lose weight, but still have belly fat. Eating clean is the way to go.
  • AGldnGrl
    AGldnGrl Posts: 8 Member
    I'm using Braggs everyday, but not results in the weight loss line that can be attributed to that - it does works wonders for preventing acid reflux and heartburn though - still eating the same food, but absolutely no heartburn since I started taking a tablespoon a day with water....

    I'm very happy that in your experience, Bragg's is helping with preventing your acid reflus and heartburn. Acid reflux and heartburn must be miserable to deal with. AND drinking it with water is indeed the best way to take, as I understand it has a tendency to wear away at tooth enamel, as with any highly acidic food.

    I do apologize if my wording appears to attribute my weight loss to Braggs. My weight loss is attributed to a sincere dedication TO MYSELF by living a healthy life: which includes eating clean and excersing and strcit food logging, which helped me personally. I did include Bragg's as part of my health regimen, In my personal experience, I feel it did appear to assist with the "appearence" of less belly fat, however, I can not state scientifically that it did. I am simply suggesting she research it on her own and after researching, make her own decision as to whether or not to include it. Again I will re-iterate 80-10-10. 80% what goes in your mouth and into your body; 10% your dedictation to moving your body; 10% Genes. I am not an expert in nutrition, and am offering a suggestion. As did anyone else that posted.
  • MrRJF2
    MrRJF2 Posts: 1
    How much Salmon can you eat in a week? Can you have it 5 days a week or is that bad for you?
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Eating right and exercise.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    The same way you get rid of the rest of the fat.
    Or you could just learn to love it.
  • StrawberryPip
    aaaah. but you can spot reduce. trainers at my gym told me about it, really interesting. bio(something - mechanical?) modulation. if you are interested i'll fw the article they sent me when i'm home from work.

    10 minute solution ab dvd is fantastic, and cheap off amazon. i went from a 26 to a 23 1/2 waist doing this. cardio is always good, as everyone has suggested, too. maybe something like high intensity interval training would be good for you?
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Choco Taco's and Slimfast, but in all seriousness hardwork and dedication.

    Man, I LOVE Choco Taco's!!! I haven't had one of those things in years! I almost forgot they existed!

    I just bought Jillian's 6 week 6 pack. It's a total body work out- but it focuses on the core. Oddly enough it was my back muscles that were sore the next day. But I had been doing the 30 day shred, eating right, and now I'm adding in 6W6P and I can tell a difference in my midsection.
  • sunshineshica
    sunshineshica Posts: 277
    Calculate your BMR then deduct 500 calories from your daily caloric intake and you will be losing 1lbs per week with no exercise. If you add the calories burned from working out your weight loss will be even greater.

    My BMR is 1355 my daily caloric is 1200. Soooo 1200-500 is 700. Then what? Where does the BMR come in to play?
  • Sneakypeek1972
    i have only started to lose weight im quite big still and i worry about the small flabby pouch just above the pubic line due to having 4 children, surely after losing some pounds you would need to do some toning and strength training to help with the flabby parts??