I can't get started...

I can't get myself STARTED. I always tell myself that This is the day i will start and then I end up eating out the house. Anyone have any tips or advice to how to get started? I REALLY need to get this going.... I feel lost and totally out of control. I am NOT logging in all my food either... Help?


  • melb747
    melb747 Posts: 10
    I have been on my fitness for MONTHS NOW. I need to do this...
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Don't think of it as all-or-nothing. If you need to ease into it more gradually, start with one meal at a time. Or one snack at a time. Try to log what you can and just make yourself a note in that day if you felt like that day wasn't the "start" day, and I think after a bit you will notice that you've started without even realizing.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    Until you truly want it, you won't be ready to hear it.

    Just try to change ONE thing this week. Don't try to 1.) Eat "right" 2.) Exercise an hour a day 3.) Log everything 4.) Eat only whole foods 5.) Join a gym 6.) Buy exercise DVDs 7.) Buy new workout clothes 8.) Buy a Heart Rate Monitor 9.) Join a Biggest Loser contest


    Doing everything at once will lead you to frustration and you'll feel overwhelmed, and will most likely give up. This process of getting healthy will mean you have to make a lot of changes. Change is always difficult. It's a process.

    You do a little bit at a time. Not everythingallatonce. You have to learn about yourself.
  • jazzrose007
    jazzrose007 Posts: 51 Member
    Do not leave any food in your house that can sabotage you. Get rid of the temptations!
  • MoganHorse
    MoganHorse Posts: 39 Member
    I don't have a smart phone, so i know it is darn near impossible to log EVERYTHING you eat! I try to keep a tally of my calories (roughly) and put that in at the end of the day, or even the next day if you have to (you can edit previous days). Also, in terms of getting started, i had to actually write the entire day down, make SURE that i have time to work out, and clean one cabinet out and only put the food for that day in it. Yes, it is only one day, but once you do that for one day it is a ton easier to keep it up! Also, if you can, make the food before the day and have it ready to eat. This is not a science and there is no end all be all for getting started, anyway you do it is still really HARD! But you can do it! Best Wishes!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    This was me. I was so good ... for awhile. Once I fell off the wagon, I couldn't get back on. I started my way "back" with 1 regular thing (for me it was exercise) .... I logged that religiously. My eating was still crap, but at least I had that. Now the eating is getting better. Still not at 100% yet. Log what you can. It will get better when you're ready.
  • kaylea6
    kaylea6 Posts: 2
    Two years ago, I ran a 5 k, then I ran another. I was getting fit, wasn't loosing a lot of weight, but I was getting stronger. Then last June/July I hurt my foot and went through alot of different types of therapy for the injury. Finally, in April I had to have surgery. In my mind, I was going to have the surgery and be back in the gym the next day. Crazy person! In reality, I was able to make it back in the gym two weeks ago and start going on short walks last week. It ain't easy, but I am learning a few things.

    1. Show up. - Stop with the excuse's and just get there. No matter what.
    2. I do strength training first, then cardio - like the elipitcal and the stationary bike. With my injury, I can go on the eliptical for a short time - the first day I did 5 mins. now I am up to 20mins.
    3. Listen to your body. Your body knows its' limits - then push a little more.
    4. Set a goal. For instance, I need a haircut, but I am not getting one tell I reach a short goal.
    5. You didn't get where you are overnight. It takes time.
    6. Take the word 'can't' out of your vocabulary. It is a downer.
    7. Make a menu of what you would like to eat on any given day and stick to the plan. My breakfast - oatmeal - snack - apple's, lunch (haven't figured it out yet) dinner - chicken or fish with just Lawrys seasoning, brown rice and veggies.
    8. Drink lots of water. In fact, drink a glass of H2O first before you eat. It helps.
    9. Most importantly I think is not to look at the big picture (or the skinny people as they pass), realize where you are and a LONG TERM goal of where you want to be, but set short term goals to get you there.
    10. When I start any exercise - I do my goal - such as - eliptical for 5mins - then I do 5mins more for me. It is all for me, but when I change that mindset at the end, it really helps.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I find planning my day the night before, or first thing in the morning. Of course, it doesn't always go like that, but I feel like it gives me a little bit of guidance :-)
  • mundane_human
    mundane_human Posts: 11 Member
    I tried to do it with the most strict set of rules. it did not work.

    i then started backwards; basically took 100 calories away from my daily max to maintain my weight, and guess what it worked and is working. I am now pretty much doing 300-400 calories from my max allowed per day, and still losing weight.

    patience and persistence ,in baby steps
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    You can't get started b/c maybe you're not ready. Not saying it to be mean but before I joined MFP I was always saying today I will start, today this today that. Finally I made up my mind and I just did it.
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    I would definitely say start with the simplest...Log EVERYTHING! This is what I did. It makes the decision that much easier once you can actually see what you're eating and how or where you can slowly start to cut some calories. My first log I believe had over 2K Cal after looking at it I gradually got down to 1500 then to 1200. It was a process but a less traumatic way of "jumping in" :-) Good luck, Hun!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Are you measuring, weighing and logging your food? It shows you the self-sabotage quite clearly. Can you go for a 10 minute walk today?
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    Hugs a few weeks ago I fel like you. In the back of mind I was always going to start "Tomorrow" or I'd make some excuse as to why I couldn't Today.
    I finally just said RIGHT Now I am making XYZ changes..>i will log my food, I will work out every day, and i will finish P90X. I started 2 weeks ago this past monday and I haven't felt better. My first week was a little messy, missed some work outs, didn't log every thing, made a mess of my diet.
    Last week was perfect, I ate well worked out right...and I AM HERE!!!! I am going to just keep going and going.

    Just start...say for this meal I am eating XYZ calories, I am going to log it on MFP, and today I am going to walk for 15 minutes. Then you are DONE for the day.

    Wake up tomorrow and say...today I am going to stay in my calorie range, and take another short walk.

    Good Luck though.

  • i agree logging everything you eat is where i started then added exercise in,, to me that is the best way... good luck we all need a push now and then... :smile:
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    Just log everything you eat. Possibly seeing the actual calorie intake will motivate you to make one small change at a time, ie; instead of the candy bar for a snack that hs 200+ calories, drink a bottle of water and have a bowl of grapes.
  • yolifoli
    yolifoli Posts: 20 Member
    Great Idea about getting rid of any bad food.
  • ColtyHan
    ColtyHan Posts: 59 Member
    I started by not changing anything, I just logged what I did. I ate what I wanted, and the only excercise I did was yard work, and playing with the kids. After a while, I started making better food choices because I was tired of seeing so many big numbers on my log.

    Don't set your calorie goal to lose anything, just set it to maintain. After you get in the habit of logging, try to add in some excercise a couple of times a week. Then change your goal to lose 1/2 a pound a week, once you are comfortable with that you can change it again. Things will slowly come around. Don't try to change everything about your life at once.
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    Maybe you could start by loving yourself. Don't beat yourself up for the things you "should" or "shouldn't do"- Recognize the positive things and more positive will come your way! :happy:
  • yolifoli
    yolifoli Posts: 20 Member
    What I do to get started is go grocery shopping after I have borrowed a great cookbook from the library. I rarely get time to myself with a 2yr old. So I get something good like Back To Nature cherry, almond, and patachio and add chocolate chips and pb chips to it. I measure it out and place them in baggies to eat during the week. Getting myself organized first makes it too easy not to fail. I often shop at night too. I love fresh fruits in small containers in the fridge. This helps me stay on plan. I am hoping to lose 40lbs by September! Good luck girly!
  • yolifoli
    yolifoli Posts: 20 Member
    You can also head to the library to borrow some dvd's. I love their selections!