I can't get started...



  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I know a lot of people are saying, "JUST DO IT!", but the reality is that there are so many steps to it that it can be daunting. My husband always remarks that I get into these fits where I'll say I'm going to eat this way, and workout that way, and do all kinds of stuff at once. Start with one thing and work your way to other things. It might not all come to you at once. The more you overload yourself with expectations (just like with ANYTHING in life, be it school, work, family, etc.), the more likely you are to want to give up or fail. Like some people said...baby steps. It's not all or nothing. Go at your own pace.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    What do you want to do? What are your goals? Do you have any friends wanting to get fit too? I have eaten some tasty things while being on a diet and have lost weight not eating like i am on a diet. When i started my goals were to ruin faster, throw harder, jump higher, last longer, etc. looking better were the perks. I just wanted to be healthy .
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I know a lot of people are saying, "JUST DO IT!", but the reality is that there are so many steps to it that it can be daunting. My husband always remarks that I get into these fits where I'll say I'm going to eat this way, and workout that way, and do all kinds of stuff at once. Start with one thing and work your way to other things. It might not all come to you at once. The more you overload yourself with expectations (just like with ANYTHING in life, be it school, work, family, etc.), the more likely you are to want to give up or fail. Like some people said...baby steps. It's not all or nothing. Go at your own pace.

    1st- you are still cute. lol
    now that thats out of the way and Ive embarrassed you.... when i say just do it, I'm not saying do the perfect diet and start deadlifting a billion pounds. I just mean, do SOMETHING. I got the impression from the 1st post that she isn't doing anything but mentally torturing herself. She should start doing one of her goals...even if it is a small goal, today.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I agree with everyone that said start with logging everything. The good, bad and the ugly. Even if you are 3000 calories over. Log it. You can't fix what you can't see.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    ok, tough love here. :smokin:
    like lovely said, either you're IN, or you're OUT. i will ask one thing of you, LOG EVERYTHING!!!!! keep your diary closed, who cares. but if you do not log, you are only lying to YOURSELF!! MFP community can't make you log. the reason i say this, you will see how much you are putting down your throat. this was HUGE for me, and almost made me sick. i was taking in almost or over 3k per day and sitting at a desk all day long. this will get things into perspective for you.
    you are not alone, this just didn't happen to "you", it's happened to thousands of us on here. make today, be the first day, of the rest of YOUR life......... :flowerforyou:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Change takes effort. No one ever lost a pound wishing them away. They started doing something to change it.

    Get motivated and get moving if you want your life to improve. The people telling you "Oh honey start another time, just work on thinking positive thoughts" aren't doing you any favors. It isn't easy. It takes hard work and determination. Every damn day. But you can do it! You just have to.. you know.. actually do it!
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Just like if you don't want that cookie, you won't eat it. But if you do want that cookie, you will eat it.

    Nonsense. I want EVERY cookie but I somehow manage to not eat them.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wake up and choose yourself for once. It's liberating.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I used to do this all the time, make excuses to not work out, to eat like crap, etc. I just started reminding myself how disappointed in myself I felt when I gave in. It's the saying "You never regret the workout you did"
  • mercy4life
    mercy4life Posts: 5 Member
    Don't say you'll start "today". Tell yourself today that you will start after memorial day weekend. Then, you have time to mentally prepare, get rid of any junk, etc. I do this anytime I need to "restart" or get back on track.

    This really helped me- I did the same thing, set a date, got myself prepared by having GOOD food in the house, and stuck to my guns on the day! TELL OTHER PEOPLE that you SEE- face to face, like your family, to keep you on track. When they say, "hey Mom, did you start today?", you will want to be able to tell them yes!

    Also- FIGURE OUT WHAT MOTIVATES YOU!!! Don't listen to the "be motivated or be miserable" crowd! Everyone has SOMETHING that motivates them....not just "You have to decide"! People decide for a reason! They want something! What do you want? What do you want in the next 3 months? A swim suit 3 sizes smaller? A weekend get-away at your favorite beach with your loved one, or your best friend? FIND THAT CARROT AND DANGLE IT!!!!
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I just want to say.......every morning when my alarm goes off I think "*kitten* it, I don't want to get up! I just want to sleep some more". Then, I think about the reasons I started this journey in the first place........1) my daughter and husband, 2) tired of feeling like *kitten*, 3) I wanna look and feel better, etc, etc. I don't know......maybe that's my "mantra" each morning - but WHATEVER it takes to get myself out of that bed and to the gym! Then, you know what? The next morning I fight the same battle! What I'm trying to say is........a lot of us (I'm not going to say ALL because I'll get hammered) fight the same battle you are fighting right now EVERY DAY too! The WANT has got to win over the DONT! Good luck girl!!
  • WorkitoutBev
    WorkitoutBev Posts: 29 Member
    I understand, this is my 2nd week and I'm feeling like that. But one day at a time, I started the gym first and then logging my food. My problem is that I'm not eating enough and I know I have to eat. But working on doing better, you can do. Just do it!
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Really? You would rather sit there and complain about wanting to get fit and healthy than actually getting off your bottom and doing something about it?

    Life is not a spectator sport.

    Don't talk about it; be about it.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Really? You would rather sit there and complain about wanting to get fit and healthy than actually getting off your bottom and doing something about it?

    Life is not a spectator sport.

    Don't talk about it; be about it.

    Sometimes I like to watch...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Really? You would rather sit there and complain about wanting to get fit and healthy than actually getting off your bottom and doing something about it?

    Life is not a spectator sport.

    Don't talk about it; be about it.

    Sometimes I like to watch...

    Sometimes I like being watched.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Really? You would rather sit there and complain about wanting to get fit and healthy than actually getting off your bottom and doing something about it?

    Life is not a spectator sport.

    Don't talk about it; be about it.

    Sometimes I like to watch...

    Sometimes I like being watched.

    Party in my pants.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    setting a starting line implies there is a finish line.

    Just do a little more than you did yesterday and eat a little less.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    zomg is your username downsizing hos?
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    zomg is your username downsizing hos?

    lol DownsizingHoss. HOSS, not Hos! You can just call me Hoss LOL (stupid site cuttin off the name)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't have a smart phone, so i know it is darn near impossible to log EVERYTHING you eat! I try to keep a tally of my calories (roughly) and put that in at the end of the day, or even the next day if you have to (you can edit previous days). Also, in terms of getting started, i had to actually write the entire day down, make SURE that i have time to work out, and clean one cabinet out and only put the food for that day in it. Yes, it is only one day, but once you do that for one day it is a ton easier to keep it up! Also, if you can, make the food before the day and have it ready to eat. This is not a science and there is no end all be all for getting started, anyway you do it is still really HARD! But you can do it! Best Wishes!

    I have been logging my food since before there were smart phones and never had a problem logging everything. If you are using the lack of a smart phone as an excuse not to do this right, you don't really want it that badly.