What do you eat when you feel faint and shakey?



  • angie_sample
    angie_sample Posts: 190
    u should have ur blood pressure checked
  • justruthy
    justruthy Posts: 1
    There are several different causes for this, and I agree that you should visit your dr about it. I have suffered with fainting for years and even caused myself damage from passing out (broken my teeth etc).

    A very common case is low blood pressure, which is worse when you've been standing for too long and not had enough to drink, this can cause vasovagal syncope which is a fancy way of saying fainting. What stops it is to get low down or lie down. Before you get to the faint you get a surge of symptoms such as dizziness, shaking, sometimes sweating. This will ONLY ever happen when you are stood in the upright position. This is the type I get and when I start feeling the signs of a faint coming on I find a place to sit and drink water, it usually resolves itself.

    Another common cause in women, especially blood donors is anaemia, and this is most likely if you have been more sympotmatic since giving blood. If you see the Dr then they will do an iron screen that will not only look at your haemoglobin levels but also other factors such as your ferretin (iron stores) and things like your folate and vitamin B12. If you are suffering with anaemic type symptoms you will feel tired and out of breath more easily as well as the occasional feeling of faint.

    Hypoglycaemia is not that common you can get reactive hyopglycaemia as mentioned, which would come on after eating something, and the dr will be able to test for this.

    i got all these blood tests done and an ECG to rule out cardiac causes, perhaps you should do the same, but really see what your dr says.
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    First time it happened to me it was non anaemic iron deficiency. Second time It was low blood pressure.

    For a sugar boost I have a Jaffa cake. 46 calories (2 syns) or if it's dizzy/light headed I make sure I have something salty to get my blood pressure up.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Yes, if this happens often I would suggest seeing a Dr. This happens to me seldomly as well. All of a sudden it will hit me, (i'm not hungry either) I get shaky, feel sweaty, and weak. I do eat something even though i dont think I am hungry. I am not sure what causes it. I too eat whatever is closest to me and drink water. It very seldom happens to me, so I haven't seen a doctor. But, if it happened more often, I wouldn't chance it. Might as well get seen
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    1. Change your diet, that does not mean eat meat but if you go for the gas station goodies your obviously not vegan. So, add animal protiens Milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt. 99% of all chocolate has milk in it some how so your eating it anyway.

    2. I dislike the suggestions of peanut butter, peanut butter is NOT a good source of protien, it is a good source of fat and sugar and very calorie dense 2 tbspn=almost 200 calories, 12 grams FAT, and almost 1 tsp of sugar almost 20% sugar per serving! Your better off eating a candy bar if your going to be taking in 200 calories.

    3. See your Dr if things don't improve. There are other tests besides blood sugar! TSH to check your thyroid comes to mind. If your going in to get everything else looked at have your glucose, lipids, CBC, CMP, TSH, Liver, and Kidney's tested too! Better to rule out all problems at once.

    I have vertigo and low blood pressure. I get dizzy, sweat, and shake frequently. I've passed out and get motion and car sick. Not much they can do for either. If it's really bad I take something OTC for motion sickness. I do find eating enough calories, drinking extra fluids, and taking extra protien actually reduce the symtoms. Good Luck!
  • redtwiglet
    redtwiglet Posts: 4
    I have this problem due to hypoglycemia. I used to carry around fun size candy, but now my go-to fix is Chocolate Zico Water. Even just 1/2 of the bottle is a terrific boost - it's a coconut water, TONS of potassium, and all natural!! Boosts that blood sugar right back up! That said, I do try to eat protein at every meal and eat at least 2 servings of fruit to keep my blood sugar up during the day, but when I start feeling faintness coming on, I always grab a zico!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    The trick is to not get shaky in the first place. But if I do an apple works well.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Go to a doctor to see if you hypoglycemc (think I spelled it right).
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    If you are struggling with protein start incorporating greek yogurt, fat free cottage cheese, quinoa, beans, whey powder, nuts and nut butters into your diet. Those are all healthy sources of protein
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    If you are struggling with protein start incorporating greek yogurt, fat free cottage cheese, quinoa, beans, whey powder, nuts and nut butters into your diet. Those are all healthy sources of protein
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    see the next problem I have is I am a vegetarian and I am struggling to eat the right amount of protein (carbs is fine :D ) - could protein be causing this?

    I don't know whether I should go to the docs about it, I gave blood last week and when he dropped my blood into the two little bottles to check for whatever it is they check, he said it is just okay, it wouldn't sink as quick as it should do?

    I like Nakd Bars, these are raw nuts and fruits naturally pressed into a bar, are they good enough?

    Anemia could be causing this. A lack of iron in your blood due to lack of meat. I'm no doctor, but you could be anemic.
  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    Get your blood sugars checked
  • ThatOthrVeganChic
    I eat a vegan diet. I tend to keep Luna Bars in my purse for those times though they don't happen often.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    Sometimes I have to confess that I will end up drinking a can of full fat coke. I actually truly despise full fat coke but it's the only thing sometimes that will stop me from fainting.

    Although I do have lucozade glucose tablets which I try first.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Dried fruit mix
    Strong cheese sticks
    sometimes a peppermint helps!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I have both hypoglycemia and iron deficiency anemia so I have had lots of episodes like that. I have found though that if I eat something really sugary when that happens, the rapid jump in my blood sugar will make me really sick as well. I drink some milk, eat something with peanut butter on it (something with substance). It usually happens when I'm not eating enough or eating regularly.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    first of all cant see your diet to see if you are eating right to begin with..that happens to me when i didnt eat enough and become active at something .
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I used to feel light-headed, dizzy, and like i was going to faint when I exercised early in the day- even if it was very light exercise like commuting a few miles by bike, or mowing the lawn. I tried eating different things for breakfast, eating at a different interval before exercise etc.

    For me it was that I needed more water. I was drinking my 8 glasses (80-100oz) every day and thinking I was doing fine. For some reason I need massive amounts of water to really feel my best and energized during exercise. About a year and a half ago I started pushing for 4-5 liters (135-170ish oz) daily I don't ever feel lightheaded or dizzy during a workout. If nothing else is working you can always try more water =)
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Go see your doctor. Describe your symptoms. Have them test fasted blood sugar and thyroid hormone levels, at least. Those symptoms could be diabetes or hypoglycemia, either of which can be very serious if untreated.
  • hiskatiekat
    I eat a slice of bread usually because it is the fastest thing I can find. I also keep ensure drinks/protein bars on hand.

    I know if you go to the store there are glucose shots which should be helpful when it comes to low blood sugar which sounds like what you are describing.