Frustrated and dissapointed

I have a hard time staying motivated. Eating healthy is very easy for me, staying motivated to work out is very hard. i am at a loss as to how to stay motivated. I do really well going to the gym and will work out about 1.5-2 hours a day then i just stop and won't work out for another 3 or 4 months. I am NOT happy this way at all. I get my bloodwork and my numbers checked every 6 months since my mother's heart attack. I am in very good health right now but how long is that going to last? I am 34 and 5'2" and 170 lbs. Its only a matter of time before my health starts suffering from this. I need someone to push me and i ask all the time but noone will stick to it!


  • Hi. My name is Tracey. I am 38 yrs old, 5'6" and weigh 160#. I have a thryroid issue(hypoactive..slow). So it's not so easy to lose but easy to gain. I feel your pain! I have 3 kids and never seem to have time for me. Everytime I am doing good for a stretch of time, I "fall off the wagon"....not so easy to get back on! I need someone to motivate me and keep me accountable!!!! I have only been on MFP for 3 days now. I promised myself I wouldn't weigh for 4 weeks. So if you are looking for a friend, I am here!:smile: I would love to have someone to help me too!
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    Feel free to add me! i could use you to help me too & I'll help back! We're all in this together.
  • diemodemdie
    diemodemdie Posts: 37
    I think that maybe the motivation lies in the "going to the gym" part. I used to be a gym rat, but more and more, it felt like this big event to get motivated for to keep going.

    So I'd suggest doing something simple that is immediately engaging. As in, you can get up and go at a moment's notice and you're burning calories and feeling great!

    For me, that was cycling. I picked up my dad's old bike, and started to just ride. And I sucked at first. But it was nice and fast, and I was sweating by the end of my 10 mile ride.

    Now I regularly do 25 miles every other day or so, and it feels great. I use it as an excuse for everything - just slap on a backpack, and you're grocery shopping. Friend lives 5 miles away? Ride there. There's a myriad of things you can use it for, and all the while, you're cookin' those muscles!

    It's just a suggestion, but that's something that motivated me - instant gratification of the workout coupled with a lot of utility!

    Edit: also, feel free to add me if you wish to just get some simple verbal motivation!
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I was the same before. This year I realized, that 25-30 min workouts are idial for me. 1 hour is too much, too hard, too frustrating. I don't go to the gym for 25 minutes, but I found a lots of good workouts at home, that I really like. I realized also, that I like to use dumbells and weights. I'm stronger than ever before.
    Now I strated to add some more time to my workouts. I see the results too, so I stay motivated.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Perhaps you won't want to hear this, but only YOU can motivate YOU to work out. Take a "no excuses" attitude. When you try to excuse yourself from working out (i.e. it's too cold, it's too hot, I'm too tired...), counter your excuse with a "solution" statement (i.e. put on a coat, turn on the fan, you'll sleep better knowing that you worked out). And on those days you are trying to convince yourself that you don't want to work out, just get in a 15 minute walk or 15 minutes of sit-ups/push-ups/stretches or 15 minutes of SOMETHING. You'll likely find that you have "the want" to do a little more. And on those days when you succumb to the excuses, recognize that you are doing just that, be good with it, and start over again the next day.

    Good luck!
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    1.5-2 hours seems a bit long, especially for someone who is sort of a gym "beginner" every 3-4 months. Try a 30 minute workout video at home until it becomes a habit.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You don't need 1.5-2 hours at the gym. Even 30 minutes 5 days a week will give you a huge leg up in the weight loss realm. I think you're burning yourself out doing way more than you need.
  • Feel free to add me I feel the same you do so I need some motivation and I will help motivate you!
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Hi. I started here in early March. Started "boot camp" at work about the same time. We work out 30 minutes per day, three days a week. In addition, MFP has helped me to track m calories, ALL of my calories. By doing the two of them, I AM aking progress. Others are correct. Only I can motivate ME. Hang in there, and do something you enjoy to burn calories. Good luck.
  • I like your plan. It easy to tell your you won't feel like exercising --but 15 minutes at a time isn't so bad. Thanks for the thought.
  • loriwarner
    loriwarner Posts: 18 Member
    I feel your pain! I have a few suggestions for you, perhaps something will click for you. When I worked out with a trainer, she told me people these days are killing themselves at the gym. She recommended 30 minute workouts. (10 minute warm-up, first, and always stretch afterwards.) She insisted it would help prevent burnout, and that I could effectively build muscle and lose weight. It's a combination of cardio and weights. (I felt very intimidated by that word-weights!) I was used to slaving over my elliptical, dreading my time at the gym. (OK, I still do dread the gym, mostly!) But, going forward, as I try to get on track, I will try this idea!

    whoops, I just read the previous replies. Note to self, read replies before posting my own!:tongue:
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred!!You do not have to leave your house, you can do it in private, you can incorporate the family if you want to and there is no excuse for not being able to work out for 20 minutes a day :tongue:
  • One trick you can do if your gym has a T.V. is go at the same time as one of your favorite shows and allow yourself ONLY to watch the show while working out.

    The other way of doing this is to watch an episode or two of a show from netflix on your phone (if you can) per workout, again that you can only watch at the gym.

    I find this can help since if you want to see the next show you HAVE to work out. The more addicting the show, the better! :-)

    This is only a starter though, hopefully the addiction to working out kicks in after 4-6 weeks and the show becomes just a bonus.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    we all get frustrated at different times of our journey. I have had to fight for every pound I have lost. Now, I see this more as a way of life. Getting ready to put the scale away since all it does is frustrate me and I know that I am doing right by my body and my body is reshaping and reforming itself. A way of living for the rest of my life. Exercise is becoming very important in this journey and it is completely linked to eating well. I have recently started running and if I can do it, really anyone can. I am loving it. If the gym isn't your thing, find something that is. Getting out of the house is the hardest part. I started with walking and it turned into walking for hours, Then I joined the gym and now running, setting goals and achieving them. Make it a habit instead of eating. Whenever I am super hungry, I exercise instead and it is a perfect way to get my mind off of food. I am 5ft 3.5 inches and now I am 153 lbs. 10 lbs I am normal but I am putting the scale away to focus on what my body needs. There is no option to give up, this is your life. Quality life is so important. It doesn't mean you have to starve or have a vigorous exercise schedule. Do something you can live with now and then that will morph into something else. :)
  • hford001
    hford001 Posts: 1
    Wow I feel the same way...31, 4 "11 and 162 lbs. Ridicuous! I feel HUGE, and I tend to overeat all the time. I'm thinking about joining weight watchers because I can't do this on my own.
  • leicalady
    leicalady Posts: 1
    When it is time to exercise...and you don't want to....look at the clock and say to yourself- the next thirty minutes will pass anyway, what would I do with that time besides procrastinate, look for more excuses and then feel like crap about myself. Then imagine yourself thirty minutes from do you want to be? Then get over yourself and just do it. For me it's hopping the treadmill at home so I can watch tv or pop in a DVD (those Jillian michels ones kill me! But it's over before you know it). Kettle bell workout are short and effective. It's only thirty minutes and then the rest of your day is a breeze. You can do it, in fact I am going to go and do it right now, just because of your post. You reminded me of how I often get in my own way. Thanks.
  • jiggalude
    jiggalude Posts: 53
    I do Les Mils classes at my gym. I love them! I found that I lacked the motivation for just equipment or weights and decided to try one of the "dance" classes. Then I tried a pump class and other cardio and strength classes. I actually look forward to going and find that some days I can't wait! Try some classes out, that might help your motivation!
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    I know where you are at. A few years ago when I lost weight (which I've gained back), I was working out twice a day and with a trainer a few days a week. Then I hit a plateau and the scale stopped moving... My checkbook told me I couldn't handle the trainer anymore and then tax season came.. no time to work out at all and mega snacks in the kitchen to keep us at work. I started a new lifestyle two weeks about when I joined MFP. Now I don't eat anything without recording it. My husband and I joined the local gym last Saturday, but neither of us had gone. I told myself I needed to go this afternoon, but I couldn't even motivate myself to walk upstairs to find socks and gym shoes. I finally told myself to get off my a.... and get going. I made it up the stairs and found a pair of socks (not easy since I don't own many) and off to the gym I went. 31 minutes on the elliptical and I was done.... Tired but satisfied that I did it. I figure I can handle 30 minutes a day without burning out and still figure I'm getting my money's worth at the gym. Tomorrow is water aerobics.. Take care and do not hesitate to add me if you like.
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Tracey and everyone. I am in the same boat. s/w/f 45 yo ..5'9" here in South Louisiana. I weighed myself Monday and have VOWED to not get on the scale for a month. I was tired of being a scale junkie.. I need all the motivation I can get too. Please add me and we can help each other.

    Colette :flowerforyou:
  • lizzie82088
    lizzie82088 Posts: 12
    You are working out for TOO LONG! That is way too much and its way too hard to keep that up. 30 - 45 minutes, 4-5x a week. That's what I do and its easier to get motivated.