Help! What helps you relax and sleep?



  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    I use audiobooks. I recommend ones that have just one person reading- "A Brief History of Time" springs to mind. Make sure the volume is just at the right level so you don't have to strain to hear it, but not so loud it's intrusive. If you can't sleep because your mind is running in circles, focusing on the book will calm it. I've done this for years. My husband thought I was nuts, now he can't sleep without a CD in the player.

    This is if all other options suggested on here fail, of course!
  • sunnyflower1177
    Melatonin and sex!
  • Jb8885
    Jb8885 Posts: 126
    chamomile tea, spraying pillow with a mix of water lavneder and valerian, take a bath with lavender oil, or reading a book. all those things knock me out! I have a lot of natural remedies for all kinds of things so feel free to message me anytime!
  • jennlove79
    jennlove79 Posts: 36 Member
    Dr. Teal's sleep lavender Epsom salts in a warm bath for twenty minutes
  • bakingmadness
    bakingmadness Posts: 70 Member
    I use Mint Tea or just hot tea with honey. Curl up with my mug and kindle and most of the time I am sleepy within half an our to an hour.

    I also have a sound spa that I turn on when I get in bed every night. I like the rain sound the best and set it for an hour and most nights I am asleep in 5 minutes.
  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    wine! Works everytime for me!
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    A glass of red wine is the best:yawn:
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    is it obvious to suggest rubbing one out?

    bahahahaha! :laugh:
  • gettingthinandfit
    lol. yeah.
  • Rhiannon723
    Rhiannon723 Posts: 64
    wine! Works everytime for me!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I download relaxation music from Amazon or ITunes and set the sleep timer on my IPod. It really helps me to refocus my mind and relax.

    I also have a pretty set bedtime routine that includes a hot bath or shower right before bed. Having a routine helps a lot.

    Also, TV is the enemy of sleep. Turn your TV off before you try to fall asleep.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I hear Mary and Jane may have a good answer.

    Haha! This works for me. I only do it when I can't sleep or am really sick coughing & stuff, cause it knocks me out. Better than nyquill, I say! :laugh:
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    If you go to bed at a certain time, an hour before then do not eat anything and do not engage in activity that requires a lot of focus or thought. Your main goal is to make your brain shut up and to get your body to relax enough to let you sleep. Mindless TV, a movie, just listening to some relaxing music, warm shower/bath, some chamomile/jasmine tea.... If you're not trying to get your mind to focus it's easier to slip off into sleep but if you're thinking about something or how your day went or what's stressing you out, you're keeping yourself up because you're not letting your mind relax by turning off those parts of it.

    Also a good general tip, don't hang out in the bed. Don't flop on it and watch TV, read a book, chat on the phone in it. A lot of times you end up telling your brain it's not just for sleeping in and you can hurt yourself that way. The horizontal tango I left out because, well, I'd be a bloody hypocrite.

    If nothing else you might see about talking to your doctor about it. I know the trend here is "herbal" and "natural" but sometimes a doctor actually knows what they're doing.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    Melatonin and wine
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member

  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I hear Mary and Jane may have a good answer.

    I wanted to suggest the same. Didn't know how to word it =p
    That works for me. I don't like taking sleeping pills or anything like that.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I like reading a book, usually something like young adult fiction that isn't too complicated. Relaxes me and also makes me sleepy.
  • bellyake3
    bellyake3 Posts: 135 Member
    white noise always helps me..passing cars, crickets or the ticking of the ceiling fan.:yawn:
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
  • bellyake3
    bellyake3 Posts: 135 Member
    that'll work