How did you come up with you're GOAL weight?



  • texasyarngirl
    My goal weight is a healthy BMI at 135#, I'm 5'5" and 35 years old. I need to prove to myself that I can get to AT LEAST the top of my healthy BMI, but I did lose weight in 2003 and got to about 127 and didn't look good. I was like 3-5# shy of NOT looking like Skeletor. My face was too thin ... But, I'm happy to have to gain a bit :-)
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 432 Member
    My original goal was to get to 260lbs at 6'6", This was just an arbitrary number that I thought I had a chance of achieving. I started at 490lbs. I've always been a big guy and thought I couldn't get much lower than that.

    Once I hit the 260, I decided I still had plenty of padding to remove, so I moved my goal to 245. At 245 I still had padding, so I went down to 240. I stayed at 240 for 2 months, and then decided to see what 230 looked like.

    I hit 230 this past weekend. I think I could still stand to lose a little more padding, but I'm going to stay at this weight for a few months and see how I like it. By the BMI chart, I'm still 14 lbs into the overweight category, but I've been doing heavy weight lifting for 2 years now, and have put on a significant amount of muscle mass, which the BMI numbers don't account for.

    I think body fat percentage is better goal to have, and I'm shooting for some where in the 15% range, which I think I am approaching now.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I'm so sorry.. the only thing I am paying attention to is the use of " YOU'RE" in the title.. don't be mad at me! PLEASE!! lol... and I came up with my goal weight just by an estimate. I'm very overweight, I need to lose at least 100. But I set a goal weight at 50 for this time around. Baby Steps.

    Gotta love predictive type! Of course it's, "your".... I'm a nut about grammar, too.... Argh, now it's going to bother me, lol.
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    I chose my goal weight of 165 because that is about what I weighed when I was happiest with my body overall. I was over 200 lbs all through middle school, high school and for several years after high school. I lost weight before I had my children, and my lowest weight was 142 pounds. at 142 I felt I was too thin for my frame. I like having curves (mostly, a round butt) and at 142 pounds I just didn't like my body very much.. my butt was almost flat, and my ribs and hip-bones were showing... so I don't want to let myself get that thin again. I was trying for several months to put some of that weight back on and wasn't able to gain it back. ..until I got pregnant(gained 25 pounds) and after I had her (gained some more) then got pregnant again (put more on) .......I put ALL of the weight I lost before back on and then some... so, now I'm starting all over again...
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    200 is a nice round number!
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I chose my goal weight based on what I was most comfortable at, and most healthy at. I also have made the choice to make healthier lifestyle changes, which I am struggling greatly with... but it is a process
  • cali8_love
    cali8_love Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5"2' and my doctor told me that A good weight for me would be between 115 -120 !! But my goal is 130pounds !! After I reach my goal of 130 ill set myself to another mini goal for another 10 pounds to loss so I can be 120bls !
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    117 lb is what I was in my mid twenties and I was happy with my body then.

    But honestly, I'm no longer trying for a goal weight. I just want to be happy with what I see in the mirror. Whether that's 130 lb or 110 lb. doesn't really matter to me anymore.
  • jade1108
    jade1108 Posts: 20 Member
    I chose mine as I am 10 stone and have been 9 stone before and was still fat, never been in 8's so decided that if I got to 8 maybe I would look thin and it is within a healthy BMI for my height :) x
  • sixeyes
    sixeyes Posts: 3
    I have moved further away from having a goal weight as well, but I last remember feeling confident about my body at something over 60 kilos. This is in the lower parts of what is healthy for my height (178 cms), but I have a small frame, and carry much of my excess fat on my stomach. At 62-63 however, I didn't have much muscle, which I'm trying to build more of now, so as I said, the weight is not really the issue any more.