Oh what to do what to do.

Alright well. I am a pretty shy person, so the idea of going to the gym just doesn't appeal to me quite yet, I will get there one day!. As well as running outside makes me think that people will look at me like the little marshmallow running frantically in circles. Also I hate running, always have, lol. I do however, somewhere under the dust, have P90X and Taebo. I saw the Tapout XT program and I WANT! I'm just not sure what kind of program I should do. Weights or resistance? kettelbell? Oh my the possibilities are endless! Suggestions?


  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    go for Jillian Micheals 30 Days Shred.. It definitely works with in 30 days and then it is the best circuit training you can do alone at ur home at ur time with minimal tools and equipment.... u tube search of this can help to see and try its level one if it suits you can buy the rest.... or join her on her website...

    hope it helps
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You should do both weights and cardio for the best results.

    Pick a cadio activity that you enjoy.. doesn't have to be running. I used walking as my cardio for about 95% of my weight loss journey.. only recently did I start running and that was only after walking didn't cut it any longer.
  • johnsummerton
    johnsummerton Posts: 86 Member
    You should pick a nice gym . Mine is run by the local council , there are people recovering from heart attacks .disabled .obese people . They inspire me ,also a 50 year old lady who wins national bodybuilder contests, also everyone is friendly .so perhaps the time has come to try the gym . I'm shy but now I love it .
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I understand you're shy; but honestly face your fear head on either by running, walking outside or going to the gym. You can't live life in fear or let it control something like this. I've heard great things about P90X but my problem with videos is that I worry and have seen it; people find more excuses or distractions when doing videos at home to not do them day after day. Then you're back in the same situation. I find accountability in myself by belonging to a gym and following a running program.
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    Do what you will do. It sounds cliche but it you do something for a week or two and then tire of it and go back to old habits you won't be doing yourself any favors.

    That said - after trying many things over many years, I have finally found that kettlebells are my favorite. Tracy Reifkind has a great book out called The Swing on how she lost over 100 lb using kettlebells. It's a great resource to get started with. She now posts workouts regularly on youtube.

    If you are not ready to run, you can get similar benefits from walking. Or look into a Couch to 5K program. If anyone looks at you like a marshmallow - flip them off and keep going.
  • tcbutler
    tcbutler Posts: 146
    Do what you will do. It sounds cliche but it you do something for a week or two and then tire of it and go back to old habits you won't be doing yourself any favors.

    That said - after trying many things over many years, I have finally found that kettlebells are my favorite. Tracy Reifkind has a great book out called The Swing on how she lost over 100 lb using kettlebells. It's a great resource to get started with. She now posts workouts regularly on youtube.

    If you are not ready to run, you can get similar benefits from walking. Or look into a Couch to 5K program. If anyone looks at you like a marshmallow - flip them off and keep going.

    I'd recommend kettlebells as well. You can get both, cardio and strength training, in one workout with them. Granted the cardio might not be the same as running, but if you do the workout right, you are huffing and puffing as if you just ran a few miles and all your muscles are worn out.