17 Day Diet



  • Jennifer23
    Jennifer23 Posts: 15 Member
    Diet experts believe detox diets are dangerous and don't really "cleanse" your body. By the way, that's what the liver does - it cleanses the toxins right out of your system. Please read the current research on it. Based on what I've read here, the REAL reason you're losing weight isn't the "detoxifying", it's the calorie restriction. 600 calories a day? Of COURSE you will lose weight. But only until you start eating more.

    600 calories/day? You don't want to go below 1200 calories. It's easy to, though, because you feel full -- even at 600 calories. Even though you don't have to "count calories", I recommend you do it for the first week to make sure you're getting a *minimum* of 1200 calories per day -- others require more. Whenever I started, I failed to count calories and the scale wasn't moving. I logged my calorie intake and realized I was only getting around 700 calories. Now, I've upped my calorie intake and am down 6.3 lbs. You NEED to eat on this diet in order for it to work. You shouldn't feel hungry at all.
  • melanielupien
    melanielupien Posts: 54 Member
    Diet experts believe detox diets are dangerous and don't really "cleanse" your body. By the way, that's what the liver does - it cleanses the toxins right out of your system. Please read the current research on it. Based on what I've read here, the REAL reason you're losing weight isn't the "detoxifying", it's the calorie restriction. 600 calories a day? Of COURSE you will lose weight. But only until you start eating more.

    I agree, anything below 1200 is not the way to go. even 1200 is too low for many. In the long run, this will damage your body and make it harder to lose the weight. The best and safe way to lose is a slow steady pace.

    The reviews for this diet worry me.
  • nancylovesjimmy
    nancylovesjimmy Posts: 3 Member
    I am on Day 10 and have lost 8 pounds already!! I feel healthy...I don't feel deprived of food (except junk food!) Lol.
  • camperchick64
    camperchick64 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm not seeing anywhere in this book where it says to eat low calorie - where are you guys getting that at? If you are not eating until you are full (the foods it allows you to eat) then yea you might go below calories. I see that it is having you eat no carbs (except for veggies and fruit), or maybe I should say no processed foods, and cutting your fatty and unhealthy foods like junk foods - but its giving you plenty of veggies, and lean meats and dairy.

    Did you actually get the book and read it??
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    What happens after 17days?

    After years of trying Jenny Craig, different programs, Atkins, cleanses, etc...I really never found anything that stuck. Dec of 2010 I went to see a D.O. I was taken back by his first question to me. Every time I went to my old doctor, his first question was "How are you feeling? Are you still taking your meds regularly?"

    My D.O.'s first question was.. "What are you eating?" I was floored when he explained how we are going to change my health with my food and get me off my meds if my Blood Pressure comes down and my Cholesterol comes down. I thought he was off his rocker, heart disease runs in my family.

    I hit the scale at 210lbs. After his visit, I met with his dietician who worked with me on what I eat and how I eat. It took me 2 years to lose 40lbs (it took me 7 years to gain it). I have been maintaining my weight over the 2 years and also incorporated cardio and weight training at the gym along with bike riding to work and on weekends.

    I know what I was eating before that made me gain the weight, I no longer eat that way. I say do what works for you, but really, you should get a doctor/dietician that monitors your health throughout the weight loss cycle. I go to my doctor every 3 months for a blood work up.

    Oh, and the meds...well, I no longer need them. BP and Cholesterol are perfect.

    Good luck to you :smile:

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
    ― Hippocrates
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just cut out refined carbs and refined sugar/high fructose corn syrup and you'll see great results. There's no need to do a fad diet like this.
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    I had great results with the 17 day diet! I did it for about 6 months starting last June and lost 25lbs on it (16 in the first month!). I've taken parts of the diet and incorporated it into my every day life, like now I just eat minimal grains/breads and lots of lean meats and vegetables. When I felt like my metabolism needed a kickstart, I did the first 2 cycles over again (even though I think I'm not supposed to do that..llol)

    Also, this was doing almost no exercise (outside of what I was already doing, which was just some walking/occasional tomfoolery with friends)
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    I liked some of the recipes on it! A couple of my friends did it and lost tons of weight and will go back sometimes and do it again to jump start their weight loss again. It's perfectly healthy so go for it!
  • krlister
    krlister Posts: 3 Member
    I did the 17 day diet this winter and lost 20 lbs and did great, I felt great!! Starting it again next week to get these last few lbs off!!!
  • camperchick64
    camperchick64 Posts: 146 Member
    Again if you have read the book you would see that you don't just end it after 17 days. It is a healthy way of eating not just a fad diet. Yes, if you cut out refined sugars, processed carbs - simple - you would lose. But maybe some people need a little more direction than that. This takes you out of the craving carb and sugar stage and helps you learn to eat a healthy well-balanced diet. If you are not reading the book and well-informed - it is misleading to post that it a fad diet, unhealthy, extremely low in calories, and leaves you hanging after 17 days.
  • I've just ordered the book and the cookbook and I can't wait for it to arrive =) I really need to get rid of my carb and sugar cravings =D I can't wait!
  • Knightvera
    Knightvera Posts: 2 Member
    For those that have are are doing this diet: can you vontinue to workout everyday? My issue in the past is not being able to workout because of low energy on these diets.
  • fergipup
    fergipup Posts: 6 Member
    I actually did two complete cycles of 1 - 3 of the 17 Day Diet, lost 26 lbs. & felt GREAT! Then it was discovered that I had a gluten/wheat intolerance, threw me in a tailspin, gained 11 back and bloated. It was only discovered because I was eating very little carbs, went back to them and PAIN like no tomorrow!

    Now that I have that back under control, its much easier to pass up those donuts, breads, and wheat-filled foods. I guess I consider that a blessing since its actually "helping" me get my head back into the diet and have lost 3.2 lbs. in 4 days. The first cycle is always the one where you'll lose the quickest, but it will slow down in cycle three, the maintaining cycle. This diet is instrumental in helping you "learn" how to eat properly and make certain food changes to keep your body healthy and happy.

    I don't think this diet is extreme, but it can hurt you if you don't read the book, follow the guidelines, and he does suggest you get plenty of water, rest, little exercise in cycle 1 and build up your exercise routines as you go thru the cycles.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member

    I will caution: Starving your body is one of the WORST ways lose weight. Additionally, it's FAD, not a Diet. A Diet is the regular daily NUTRITIONAL intake. I would suggest alternative methods. There are NO Healthy means of losing weight rapidly.

    If you do continue...be careful.
  • camperchick64
    camperchick64 Posts: 146 Member
    For those that have are are doing this diet: can you vontinue to workout everyday? My issue in the past is not being able to workout because of low energy on these diets.

    I'm getting ready to start so I guess we will see - but I suspect that if you feel too slugish you could add some more veggies and lean meat - and maybe even some more fruit (as long as its before 2:00). It seems the 1st week is the only week you should have a sluggish problem - but after that if you feel you need more than I would eat more. Which is where MFP can come in as far as tracking your calories to make sure your getting a sufficient amount. I'm a big advocate of working out and am very active. So I will tweek where I need to and keep working out. But from what I am reading - you can pretty much eat unlimited amounts of lean protein and certain veggies to fill your hunger.
  • eknobbe
    eknobbe Posts: 106 Member
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    For those that have are are doing this diet: can you vontinue to workout everyday? My issue in the past is not being able to workout because of low energy on these diets.

    Actually my energy level greatly increased once I got a few days into this diet. I wasn't weighed down by carbs and sugars. My body responds very well to this type of diet though, I know everyone is different.
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    Again if you have read the book you would see that you don't just end it after 17 days. It is a healthy way of eating not just a fad diet. Yes, if you cut out refined sugars, processed carbs - simple - you would lose. But maybe some people need a little more direction than that. This takes you out of the craving carb and sugar stage and helps you learn to eat a healthy well-balanced diet. If you are not reading the book and well-informed - it is misleading to post that it a fad diet, unhealthy, extremely low in calories, and leaves you hanging after 17 days.

    Cool, good deal. I didn't know that. Sounds like a good way to start and stay then, thanks for informing me :smile:
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    My 25 year old daughter did the diet and lost 30 pounds in around 8 weeks that is all she needed to lose. She kept if off but is now pregnant. She has not gained much weight though and is eating everything. I on the other hand have a difficult time when I cut out food. I found it too difficult to stick to. It will take me longer but I do not want to fell like I have to restrict stuff....years and wisdom has shown me that FOR ME that is a path to binging.

    The first cycle is the most restrictive almost no carbs.

    2nd cycle you can add more meat options and a few more carbs

    3rd cycle you can eat most things

    then if you have hit your plan you go on maintenance which is pretty well eating anything in moderation.

    Many people have had success, if you are familiar with high protein low carb eating plans then you should not have a problem
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member

    I will caution: Starving your body is one of the WORST ways lose weight. Additionally, it's FAD, not a Diet. A Diet is the regular daily NUTRITIONAL intake. I would suggest alternative methods. There are NO Healthy means of losing weight rapidly.

    If you do continue...be careful.

    I don't think you know what this "diet" is really about. I stayed well within 1200-1400 calories a day, I was just getting these calories from lean protein, veggies and fruits instead of carbs starches and sugars. My energy level went way up, I felt amazing, my skin cleared up...there was nothing unhealthy about this diet, and I most certainly did not starve! I never once felt hungry or ate below 1200 cals on this diet.