'Healthy' foods that arent



  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    As a chef, I refuse to eat "fake" or diet food. Things that are labelled low this and lite that are generally fluffed out with chemicals and who knows what to make them taste acceptable - that's not to say that they even taste good! One real chocolate chip cookie leaves a better aftertaste and feeling than 5 diet cookies any day!
    I'm not one of those extremist "5 ingredients or less" people, but I try to make sure that at least 90% of what I'm using is real - no margarine, no lite/low/reduced/etc, nothing with added this or that, only olive oil or butter, etc. I'd rather use 1T of butter than 5T of margarine!
    I hadn't had any kind of Helper (Hamburger, Tuna, etc) in over a year, and then one day it was on sale for $0.50/box, so I bought it, cuz my man loves it. I ate my share and the next day it was, well, let's just say I'll never do that again! So much sodium, preservatives, etc etc etc.

    The Healthiest Food is REAL Food.

    thanks for this post !! I'm from France & love baking. and I am always surprised with all the pre-mix stuff here in the US.... Like baking pre-mix. Ok, cakes are not great for diet but it's so easy to do a simple cake with real ingredients like chocolate & butter & egg & sugar & that's it !!!
  • Carissamr
    Carissamr Posts: 35 Member
    everyone's opinion on healthy and unhealthy food will be different due to different dietary needs...I am sticking to 1500 calories a day and am losing weight just fine...I cut my sugar intake by 80% or more and still go over my MFP sugar allotment every day...I go over my sodium constantly too and I rarely add salt to my food...I cut out most cheeses in my diet because I find them to be to high in calories...I also switched to alot of diet, fat free and reduced fat items...I'm sure as I lose weight I will modify my diet so it is even more healthy...as for now this is working for me and is much healthier for me
  • EvaHayden
    EvaHayden Posts: 3 Member
    OMG those Atkins bar things! soo many calories!!
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    An italian sandwhich (amato's rings in at almost 700 calories and it's veggies/ham/cheese) (not that it's overly healthy just calorie shock I guess)

    dried fruit

    many protein bars

    Nuts! I know some are still good for you nutrient wise but I can't get over the calories in just 1/4 cup!

    while nuts are very calorie dense they are definitely healthy in moderation
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Another trick they use is bogus serving sizes e.g. "per 1/2 sandwich". Or variable serving sizes - one pack screams it's only x calories per serving so you think it's lower than the rest. But it just uses a smaller serving size than competitors.

    That's why I like labels that quote "per 100 g".
  • juicyfruitkk
    juicyfruitkk Posts: 95 Member
    An italian sandwhich (amato's rings in at almost 700 calories and it's veggies/ham/cheese) (not that it's overly healthy just calorie shock I guess)

    dried fruit

    many protein bars

    Nuts! I know some are still good for you nutrient wise but I can't get over the calories in just 1/4 cup!

    while nuts are very calorie dense they are definitely healthy in moderation

    Oh, I eat them (mostly almonds and walnuts) because they are full of nutrients. As I said, it's just shocking how many calories are packed into a small serving :smile:
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    My kids hate my oil and vinegar dressing. I tried to find a dressing they'd like. Even in the natural food section they all contained soybean oil. I did end up buying one just for them. And organic croutons to make a salad for them.

    After reading labels I've found a lot of things I thought were healthy (quaker harvest crunch) isn't. I plan on making my own granola.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Salads. Especially from restuarants/fast food places. They can have as much fat and calories as a cheeseburger. I've heard coworkers say they are eating "healthy" by eating salads fromt fast food places. Wrong. If you aren't dieting and enjoys salads, then by all means eat one, but don't fool yourself into thinking they are healthy.
    yep, this ^
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    It's all in the choices you make. If you go to subway and get some salt laden ham sandwich, slathered in sauces, cheese or mayo, then yeah not too healthy.

    Some protein bars, yes. I personally avoid one like South Beach or Special K. Lot's of sugar. Not to say the Atkins that I sometimes eat are uber healthy, but they (my opinion) at least have better levels of protein or fiber.

    I agree, store bought trail mix. NO WAY. I make my own.

    I agree about the salads indeed. Restaurants have a way of making them sound so healthy but if you look them up, holy cow! Usually lots of sugar or salt.

    Really, you just have to watch what you eat and how much. It would be like buying a low fat sugar free ice cream treat (say a sandwich bar or Popsicle) and saying "wow, how healthy is this" but then eating 5 of them. Not healthy after all.

    I sometimes might not always make the best choices and I am still learning about ingredients (good, bad, better, worst, what to avoid, etc) so sometimes the choice I make that might appear healthy, might not be and other times it might be. Still learning, like I said.

    *edit, I tend to go to the low fat or fat free but I think I will go back to regular. Just keep tabs on the portions. Most low fat or fat free just doesn't taste the same and I too noticed the amount of salt in such foods. Nuts!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    The bread aisle is the most eye opening experience. I once spent a significant amount of time in the bread aisle looking for some bread that was healthier.

    Now i bake my own bread if I want a sandwich.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Everything can be healthy in moderation. A huge plate of nothing but bacon and lard isn't going to be healthy, but one slice of bacon along with a balanced meal certainly can be.

    Ummm....bacon is not healthy no matter what you pair it with. Certainly eating a well balanced healthy meal is better for you but then adding a piece of bacon does not make the bacon 'healthy' because the meal is. That being said, I agree with everything in moderation but bacon is one I eat VERY rarely. I would rather use those calories for something else!

    Someone also posed something about smoothies. Some may be high in calories but they are nutrient packed so even if they are 500 calories, who cares if those calories are coming from fruit, protein and ingredients that are good for you!

    Granola was a surprise for me as well. This is where I use 'healthy in moderation'. Since granola ( unlike bacon) has some ingredients that are good for you I choose to eat it 'here and there' with my Greek yogurt!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    everyone's opinion on healthy and unhealthy food will be different due to different dietary needs...I am sticking to 1500 calories a day and am losing weight just fine...I cut my sugar intake by 80% or more and still go over my MFP sugar allotment every day...I go over my sodium constantly too and I rarely add salt to my food...I cut out most cheeses in my diet because I find them to be to high in calories...I also switched to alot of diet, fat free and reduced fat items...I'm sure as I lose weight I will modify my diet so it is even more healthy...as for now this is working for me and is much healthier for me

    I eat a lot of fruit so I stopped tracking my sugar just for this reason! I track my fiber intake instead now!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    The protein bar and shake racket I think is disgraceful. My friend practically lives on bars and shakes and she's been trying for years to shove them down my throat. She drinks a shake for breakfast, might eat a salad for lunch and a shake or some bar for dinner, and a bar for snack. While I'm not against shakes for a quick meal that you have to get in, I do not want to exist purely on shakes and bars, I like food and the taste of it. I used to keep larabars in my desk at work, in case I wasn't able to eat breakfast, and I do have a low sugar protein powder at home for the same reason. But to live entire on shakes and bars, yuck! and a lot of them are so loaded with sugar.

    Fiber One bars are the scariest looking ingredients and they make one...ummm gaseous.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Any food that sends me over my caloric goal is unhealthy.
  • diemodemdie
    diemodemdie Posts: 37
    Fiber One bars are the scariest looking ingredients and they make one...ummm gaseous.

    Well, in all fairness, I think that they're supposed to make you that way. :tongue:
  • michellematteson
    For me it was Yoplait yogurt. I was eating one of their 100 calories yogurts each day. When I was starting my weight lost I decided to start eating cleaner and reading the labels of everything I was eating. I was shocked to see that high fructose corn syrup was the second ingredient listed, even before the fruit. I switched to Greek yogurt soon after and I'm much happier for it.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    Some protein bars. Some aren't much better than candy; when the first three ingredients are different forms of sugar kind of makes me think it would just be better to have a hard boiled egg for protein.

    oh goodness, this ^
    i'm always taken aback by people who boast about their protein bars... only to look through their nutrition labels and find myself shocked by all that sugar and fat! (Some of those silly things don't even have very much protein in them, either!!)
    i don't understand the obsession with peanut butter "flavor" in those bars, too..
    why not just have the good ol' PB (made with just nuts and a dash of salt) or a handful of almonds?

    However, i do think eating a protein bar, for a sweet fix, is much better than reaching for a regular candy bar.. At least they provide a little "something-something"
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member

    I'm going to disagree with this, as a general answer.

    Cooked and drained of as much fat as possible, bacon isn't too bad. Obviously lots of protein, and no carbs, and moderate fat. Where it does get you is the salt curing, but it's so flavourful that you don't need much to accentuate a dish. So in my mind bacon is fine in moderation. Perhaps not the best thing in the world, but far far from the worst.

    I will add fast food and restaurant wraps. They are often marketed as a healthy alternative, but the propensity is to fill them will bad for you sauces, really driving up the calories and fat content. Rule of thumb: don't buy wraps!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    The healthiness or lack thereof in food is a myth perpetuated by people confused on what sort of details are important when it comes to food.

    All foods contain macro and micronutriets. Eat a wide variety of foods and micronutrients are irrelevant, unless you are pregnant.

    How filling a particular food's macronutrients are is irrelevant when you can control portion size and have control of your eating patterns; when you can do that it is impossible to set some food on pedestals relative to others. If you've met your micronutrient and protein goals for the day and have 500 calories of space, whether you fill it with chocolate, cookies, potatoes, beef, turkey, oranges or carrots is irrelevant if hunger is not going to cause psychological issues with you later on.

    Overly fat people see high calorie density foods as unhealthy. Shouldn't overly skinny people see low calorie density foods like veggies as unhealthy?

    And away from the fattening power of food or its largely irrelevant micronutrient profile, everything else is basically a form of orthorexia, irrationally believing in the healthfulness of purity.

    And science agrees with me.


    I think one of my favourite irrational health beliefs is the belief that food prepared at home is inherently "healthier" than food that's prepared for you ..... even if it's the same food. It's as if the more inconvenient and work-intensive the food is, the healthier it is.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Fiber One bars are the scariest looking ingredients and they make one...ummm gaseous.

    Well, in all fairness, I think that they're supposed to make you that way. :tongue:

    My nutritionist said they have too much of one type of fiber which is the one that makes you gassy. Had to nix those, nobody needs that next to them at work. HA!