If you chew up all your food and spit it out...



  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    This has to be a joke.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member

  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    1. A person who chews and spits is not allowing essential nutrients into the body. Therefore, the behavior is akin to starvation dieting and/or purging by vomiting.

    2. Ulcers (because food in the mouth triggers acid release in the stomach) and jaw pain are possibly in store for regular chewers and spitters.

    3. Weight gain, not weight loss is the most likely consequence. The body reacts in unforeseen ways to continual chewing and spitting. Seeing, smelling, hearing about and even the hint of food can trigger the release of insulin. This hormone regulates blood sugar and is a major player in diabetes. Tasting food releases salivary enzymes and also triggers the release of insulin. Excess insulin is a dieter’s worst nightmare, because the hormone stirs appetite, making a person feel hungrier, wanting to chew and spit more. Here lies the addiction to chewing and spitting, which like bingeing and purging can be daunting to try and quit. Heightened appetite also triggers eventual weight gain, something easily evidenced by simply reading the bloggers’ laments. If a person chews and spits long enough, they can fall into a state of hyper-insulinemia, producing too much insulin, which sets him or her up for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and eventually diabetes.

    4. Finally, a person who chews and spits is probably harboring deeper fears about his or her weight and body image. These fears– and all preoccupations with thinness and dieting– are the foundation of all eating disorders. If you chew and spit, you are setting yourself up for a serious disorder later in life.

    Don’t wait for Chewing and Spitting to become an “official” eating disorder. If you’re chewing and spitting,PLEASE get help now.”
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Why do you want to do that and why even bother to measure?
  • NikkiJoH
    NikkiJoH Posts: 22 Member
    If you chew up all your food and spit it out...how many calories (what %) do you take in/absorb?

    I'm not certain whether you're just asking this for humor reasons, or whether or not you're considering this, but be aware that this is behavior consistent with eating disorders and I would absolutely recommend that you:

    a) Don't do this.
    b) Stop thinking about things like this.

    and if you have a hard time with either

    c) Get help.

    what he said xx
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Just to play devil's advocate, under very specific circumstances, this behavior might not be indicative of an eating disorder. For the same reason that wine tasters often spit out the wine after they taste it, if you are tasting food for quality (say you're a professional chef, or an ice cream taster), I can entirely understand not wanting to swallow everything you taste, especially if this is your job. You'd still retain some of the calories, but, if you were say, trying flavors of ice cream all day, you could save a considerable number of calories doing this, not to mention keep yourself from feeling quite ill. However, if you are not in the specific situation of being a food tester, you may want to consider whether this thinking is part of a more troubled relationship with food and eating (i.e. an eating disorder) and whether it may be appropriate for you to seek professional help.
  • Ann1ka87
    Ann1ka87 Posts: 12 Member
    I have sort of wandered this... not in an eating disorder way, but with stuff you are meant to chew and spit out.

    Like chewing/bubble gum. Do you take in all the calories it says on the pack if you are not actually swallowing it?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I would suggest you pose this question to:

    your healthcare provider

    followed immediately by

    your mental healthcare provider

    Then listen very carefully to what they tell you after you ask this question and accept any treatment or counseling they provide you.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    If you chew up all your food and spit it out.....

    1. You're wasting a lot of money
    2. You get no dessert in this house young lady so go to your room and think about what you've done
    3. You might get hired in hollywood
    4. You might have an eating disorder

  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    saw an anorexic girl on Intervention that did this, she would carry around a big gulp cup and spit her food into it. so nasty. if you are serious, you definitely need help.

    good luck to you.
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    Haha to be honest, I've actually done this. I attempted to bake some healthy cupcakes... after I made them I started to eat one and decided that they just weren't good enough to waste my calories on... so I spat it out! Nothing wrong with that... right? :P
  • khloee1
    khloee1 Posts: 90 Member
    I agree with everyone sounds unhealthy......and yucky!!!
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    That's so yucky. I like food too much to just waste it on a few chews.

    Get. Help.

    100% this ^
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Just like everyone already said....typical eating disorder behaviour.

    ...and such a waste of money. I pay too much for all of my food to not swallow and get the full benefits.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    It works better when you swallow!:yawn: :bigsmile:
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Like chewing/bubble gum. Do you take in all the calories it says on the pack if you are not actually swallowing it?

    Specifically with gum, the sugars dissolve out of the gum and you ingest those. What you spit out is indigestible. So, yes, if you chew gum the few calories in it would be counted.

    On the other hand, most gums have, what, 5-10 calories a stick? Unless you're chewing packs of gum a day, it's not going to be noticeable, so you can choose not to log the occasional stick of gum and it won't make a difference.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Haha to be honest, I've actually done this. I attempted to bake some healthy cupcakes... after I made them I started to eat one and decided that they just weren't good enough to waste my calories on... so I spat it out! Nothing wrong with that... right? :P

    Nothing unhealthy about that. Personally, I'd swallow the bite you had and try to log it accurately, and either throw out or give away the remainder. But that's mostly because, if the food ain't bad, I'd rather not spit it out. The calories in a small bite of pretty much anything won't be much anyway.

    Everyone is (rightfully) concerned about making a habit out of chew-spit, not the one-time "hey, you know, this isn't worth the calories" decision after you put something in your mouth.

    If you find yourself making this decision often after choosing food, that's something else entirely, and you may want to consider talking to someone while it's just a minor issue.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I had this disorder over 10yrs ago....For 6yrs I chewed my food & spit it out....They diagnosed me as bulemic/anorexic b/c there was no name for this....For those 6yrs I was in & out of the hospital....I did this b/c I had a fear of choking if I swallowed anything...Including water...I would even spit out my saliva most times...I did start drinking again (After going to a therapist who hypnotised me) but I could not eat...I wanted to but the fear overpowered what I wanted to do...I did lose weight in the first couple of months but obviously not in a healthy way..Duh!! I was flabby all over b/c I had lost all of my muscle tone & this is how I messed up my metabolism so bad....If you are doing it to lose weight...Definitely get help b/c I was to the point that my kidneys were starting to fail & I was hospitalized more than 10x in those 6yrs...Luckily somehow with a therapists help & members of my family who were there for me I finally overcame this before my kidneys did shut down completely & I was spared having to go through dialysis....I understand what you are going through but please get help before you end up skinny fat & hooked up to machines...Seriously!!! PM me if you ever want to talk!!!!

    ETA: Loving ALL of the support that people give when people actually are crying out for help b/c of eating disorders...Very encouraging...:grumble:
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
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