Cycling and Weight Loss



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I ride and wear a Heart Rate Monitor. I'll do anywhere from 12 to 20 miles at fairly good intensity. I burn from 800 to 1300 calories. Sometimes more if there are hills. I can ride longer than I can run, I enjoy it more and the burn it just as good!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Cycling and changing my diet got me down to my current weight, and is maintaining me at my current weight. I cycle as often as I can, weather permitting, usually for around 60-130 minutes at a time, and including hills, rough pavements, road, gravel and stop/starts due to traffic lights. I have not yet used my hrm for the ride, so I just use the calorie burn estimates that seem to tally between three different sites. I could be underestimating, but do not think I have been overestimating as my weight has not gone up from eating back the calories it says I burnt. I also ride a pretty heavy hybrid bike, and have to exert a lot of effort as a result, that and I have mild emphysema so just a small hill really gets my heart rate going.

    I also do fast walking, calisthenics and stationary bike, and hopefully swimming during the summer.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Bumping so that I can read these answers. My husband got tired of me injuring myself while running (I have bad joints) and bought me a bicycle for Mother's Day. It was the first time that I had been on a bike since my early teens and boy my legs are feeling it. But I have had so much fun with it. I would love more tips on turning it into a useful exercise. (Noting that I am usually pulling 70 lbs of children in the trailer).
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    Most of my exercise comes from cycling and it really helps me stay at my current weight and did play a huge roll in getting there.
  • lindast69
    lindast69 Posts: 1
    What's the name of the app. Thanks
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    I've been riding a bicycle almost a year now and it has helped me drop about 100 of 155 pounds. Diet is still critical but cycling allows me to burn and consume a large amount of healthy calories while still maintaining a calorie deficeit. Even though I am at the dreaded weight loss plateau within 25lbs or so of my goal weight I still firmly believe in the benefits of cycling.

    I need a HRM to get to the next level of cycling. Especially since MFP doesn't give me any extra calories for doing 18+ mph versus doing 16+ mph :-D When I first started riding then I was thrilled with a 12mph average speed. I am currently commuting to work with a 17mph average speed as a normal speed and sometimes hitting 18mph and 19mph average speeds. On group rides, I am solidly in the 19+mph average speed range bridging over into the 20's.

    I say all of this to show the progression and benefit of cycling not only for weight loss but overall fitness. However, if you stay satisfied to do no more than a 10mph average speed then you will not be receiving the maximum benefit from cycling.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I was riding my bike and it felt a lot tougher than it should. I chalked it up to how out of shape I am. But then a mile and a half from my house, a gentleman stopped me and told me that I was riding on a flat rear tire. My husband hasn't stopped laughing at me yet. What can I say, I'm just getting used to all of this.:blushing: