Best workouts for weight loss?

I have been at this for about 5 weeks. I go to the gym 5 days a week and usually do 20 minutes of fat burn on the elliptical, then some weights or circut exercises with the weighted balls or weights, I do Zumba one night a week and play softball 2 nights a week. I have lost around 8 pounds. I feel like I am losing so SLOW. I can see some small differences, but I just want to make sure I am doing things right to get the maximum benefit, and to look my best when I finally get to my goal (toned). I am currently 5'1 and 197. Any suggestions on some exercises that are more successful for weight loss? 30 day shred good for burning serious calories? P90x? Insanity? I just want to keep things changed up and don't want my body to become complacent and come to a stand still. :/ Help please!


  • 69Greer
    69Greer Posts: 36
    Eight pounds in 5 weeks is a pretty good start if you ask me. I realize we all want quick results but I have found the things that really last in life, in whatever arena, seem to be realized by a slow, steady, but determined pace. Keep up the good work. Consistency is what wins the day.
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    Eight pounds in 5 weeks is a pretty good start if you ask me. I realize we all want quick results but I have found the things that really last in life, in whatever arena, seem to be realized by a slow, steady, but determined pace. Keep up the good work. Consistency is what wins the day.

    Thank you! Motivation is def. key for me too! :) I just want to make sure I am doing this right. I am working too hard to be doing things all wrong!!
  • emalbright
    emalbright Posts: 45 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great! I wish I had your motivation to work out like that! Keep up the good work! Oh, we are the same height! Short girls are awesome! LOL
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    There are no workouts for weight loss... weight loss happens when you burn more cals than you consume, which means weight loss starts in the kitchen. If your diet isn't in check, cardio can give you a little "buffer room", but at the end of the day weight loss is about diet, not exercise.

    weight loss = eating right
    fat loss = eating right and lifting heavy
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    There are no workouts for weight loss... weight loss happens when you burn more cals than you consume, which means weight loss starts in the kitchen. If your diet isn't in check, cardio can give you a little "buffer room", but at the end of the day weight loss is about diet, not exercise.

    weight loss = eating right
    fat loss = eating right and lifting heavy

    I'm sorry, I've worded this incorrectly. Best workouts to burn the most calories. :)
  • Kathy503
    Kathy503 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree about the dieting. I can add all kinds of excercises to my day and I won't lose any weight unless I cut back on my eating.
  • PSuzy55
    PSuzy55 Posts: 1
    You are doing great with 8 pounds loss in 5 weeks. You may also be building muscle tissue which weighs more, with all the exercising you are doing, but the muscle will start burning more calories, so you may start losing more after awhile if you can keep up with all that you are doing now. Good Luck.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    There are no workouts for weight loss... weight loss happens when you burn more cals than you consume, which means weight loss starts in the kitchen. If your diet isn't in check, cardio can give you a little "buffer room", but at the end of the day weight loss is about diet, not exercise.

    weight loss = eating right
    fat loss = eating right and lifting heavy

    I'm sorry, I've worded this incorrectly. Best workouts to burn the most calories. :)

    In that case, it's all about intensity. Whatever you're going to work the hardest doing is going to burn the most cals.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have been at this for about 5 weeks. I go to the gym 5 days a week and usually do 20 minutes of fat burn on the elliptical, then some weights or circut exercises with the weighted balls or weights, I do Zumba one night a week and play softball 2 nights a week. I have lost around 8 pounds. I feel like I am losing so SLOW. I can see some small differences, but I just want to make sure I am doing things right to get the maximum benefit, and to look my best when I finally get to my goal (toned). I am currently 5'1 and 197. Any suggestions on some exercises that are more successful for weight loss? 30 day shred good for burning serious calories? P90x? Insanity? I just want to keep things changed up and don't want my body to become complacent and come to a stand still. :/ Help please!

    You're doing great. You didn't put on all that weight in one month, so don't expect to lose it all that quickly. You're much better off making sustainable lifestyle changes (like adding exercise into your life) and watching the weight come off slowly then to do a crash unsustainable exercise diet/plan which will give you quick results but lead to rebound weight gain.

    If you want some motivation, take a picture of yourself in a bathingsuit in the mirror now, and compare it to yourself each month. It sounds totally hokey but it helps big time with motivation.
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    I have been at this for about 5 weeks. I go to the gym 5 days a week and usually do 20 minutes of fat burn on the elliptical, then some weights or circut exercises with the weighted balls or weights, I do Zumba one night a week and play softball 2 nights a week. I have lost around 8 pounds. I feel like I am losing so SLOW. I can see some small differences, but I just want to make sure I am doing things right to get the maximum benefit, and to look my best when I finally get to my goal (toned). I am currently 5'1 and 197. Any suggestions on some exercises that are more successful for weight loss? 30 day shred good for burning serious calories? P90x? Insanity? I just want to keep things changed up and don't want my body to become complacent and come to a stand still. :/ Help please!

    You're doing great. You didn't put on all that weight in one month, so don't expect to lose it all that quickly. You're much better off making sustainable lifestyle changes (like adding exercise into your life) and watching the weight come off slowly then to do a crash unsustainable exercise diet/plan which will give you quick results but lead to rebound weight gain.

    If you want some motivation, take a picture of yourself in a bathingsuit in the mirror now, and compare it to yourself each month. It sounds totally hokey but it helps big time with motivation.

    Thanks ahamm002 - That's a very good idea! If I can stand myself in a swimsuit! HA!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The best workout for weight loss is anything that doesn't feel like a workout. When you can find an activity you ENJOY doing so that you keep on wanting to go past the "bare minimum" it will go a lot farther towards general weight loss and cardiovascular health than what most people designate "workouts." A person with an active dog who plays with their dog periodically throughout the day because they legitimately enjoy running around with their dog will end up in a better position than someone who does 20-30 minutes a day of "exercise" in the gym and calls it a day.
  • jessw1823
    jessw1823 Posts: 24
    Sounds to me like you're doing great! I wish i had the same success as you! Keep it up! :)
  • Ruthaw1961
    Ruthaw1961 Posts: 42 Member
    I burn the most calories in Spinning classes followed by Body Step and Body Combat. I lost more weight, fat and inches when I combined that with a proper diet and lifting weights in Body Pump 2x a week and lifting heavier with a trainer 1x a week. Do not be afraid of the weights as this is what will change the shape of your body that, in reality, is what everyone really wants. You do not have a sign around your neck with the number that appears on the scale!

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Oh no not the cardio vs weights AGAIN. The best workout for anything is the one you enjoy the most hate to sound corny but it is true. Myself running has seemed to work the best for me I look forward to my run every single day its one hour or so its just myself and the pavement and or few trails. Of course theres the pedestrian and ducks and cyclists here and there but you get my meaning. And just stay as active as you can and eat right. You will loose it quicker than you gained it you say 8lbs in 5 weeks thats good it is quicker than you gained im sure. I know I need to and want the results from weights I just have not got to that point yet.

    Good Luck
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I think eight pounds in five weeks is great - don't be discouraged.

    The best workout is one you enjoy. Seriously. One that will get you to the gym in the rain, or when you have a headache, or when you're a little tired. You get my point.

    Cardio will help burn calories. Weights will help the final product look sleeker and tighter.

    Keep up the good work.

    ETA: I was posting at the same time as belgerian - we said basically the same thing :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Oh no not the cardio vs weights AGAIN. The best workout for anything is the one you enjoy the most hate to sound corny but it is true. Myself running has seemed to work the best for me I look forward to my run every single day its one hour or so its just myself and the pavement and or few trails. Of course theres the pedestrian and ducks and cyclists here and there but you get my meaning. And just stay as active as you can and eat right. You will loose it quicker than you gained it you say 8lbs in 5 weeks thats good it is quicker than you gained im sure. I know I need to and want the results from weights I just have not got to that point yet.

    Good Luck

    I'm probably splitting hairs, but feel like I have to considering the question.

    Technically speaking, this is rarely the case (that the thing people love to do is also the best for burning cals). Why? Because for most people, the things they love to do they are better at, thus it takes less work to do them, thus they burn fewer cals. Try doing something you're not conditioned to do... it's usually going to be A LOT harder, and you're usually going to burn A LOT more cals.

    While I get the point you are making (that if you love to do it you'll be more likely to do it, especially in the long run), things people love to do rarely burn more cals than things they aren't as good at.
  • CrystalKust
    CrystalKust Posts: 1 Member
    Your doing great! Interval training will help burn the most calories in the shortest period of time. If you like to walk walk for 2 minutes and then sprint for 20-30 seconds. Do that for 15-20 minutes and then you can increase as needed.
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    Sounds like your doing all the right things- I find with workouts its all about keep pushing the body if your body gets use to the workout then the effect settles down. I slowed and maintained for awhiel so began Insanity- its very intense but my weight loss doubled and i left 2lbs a week for the first 4weeks. Then stayed the same for 2 now im back on track with weight loss. Its a great program and has really pushed me but then everyones different with workouts.

    Keep up the good work- Im sure you'll do great. x
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    You're doing GREAT!! And short girls are awesome - I'm 5'1" too.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Best " Burn " workouts come from cardio ... biking, swimming, running, dancing and high intense cardio programs ... ie, Shaun T and others.

    But ... Strength training is also imperative if wanting to define your muscles as your losing. A nice healthy balance is key.

    I burned 700+ calories today just doing Shaun T for 68 min. My biking burns 1000+ cals doing 21 miles.

    Try to mix it up and challenge yourself ... if not using an HRM ... I would suggest getting one for true burn numbers.

    Hope this helps ! :)