Frustrated and dissapointed



  • doing something u really enjoy takes the boredom out of exercise also u only need about 30min. and u can split that up into 3-10min sessions, try just walking that's the most tried and true exercise!!
  • akilah16
    akilah16 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I'm new to myfitnesspal but am also trying to motivate myself to workout and eat healthy so that I can get back to my prepregnancy size. Before I got pregnant I use to run every other day and workout with a trainer at bootcamp classes this helped me shed 40lbs. I gained a total of 70lbs while I was pregnant and didn't work out or eat healthy. Since having baby I no longer have the same amount of time to dedicate to my workouts and no longer work close to my gym. I purchased the Insanity DVDs, which are high cardio interval workouts and only about 38-45 minutes each day. I do my dvds in the morning (at 6:30 while baby is sleeping) and if the weather is nice outside I jog after work with the baby in the stroller. I also just started using this app to help me get my snacking under control. You have to remember that you didn't put this weight on overnight and likewise it won't go away overnight. Just take each day one at a time and stick to it. If you can't get motivated to go to the gym then look for a class you can join - I know they have P90x and Insanity meet-up groups. Best of luck to everyone on this post- we can do it!!!!!!!!
  • Mom2AandA2011
    Mom2AandA2011 Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same problem where my Throyid is a slow one. After i had my son i went down hill. I swear i hit the bottom and the rock fell on me. My guess i have lost 30 or 40 total since Oct 2010. Its so hard. I am 26 and weigh 211.6 and 2 kids later. I am tired of being the fat girl. I have been exercising for 17 days out of May so far. I use my breaks at work. We just put a little gym in our warehouse so it helps. No results yet....
  • suemoony
    suemoony Posts: 25 Member
    Please feel free to add me as your friend. I am a fitness coach and this is exactly what I do, I hold accountability groups, primarily on FB but will start them here also. I have started a group within my fitness pal. Its called Urbanity Lifestyle look it up and join me. I will post in this group info on starting our accountability group so you can reach your goals. You can also find me on FB I dont know if Im allowed to post that info here but I will have it within the group page. Looking forward to helping you and anyone else interested in joining the challenge group.

    I found you on fb, :very motivational page, thanks ))
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, as my baby girl says to me "Tell it to me sista" I also find myself doing the same thing. I nominally quit working out when I cannot get over my plateaus gain the weight plus some then curse myself all over again. I have started to notice this time around find something you like. I agree with diemademdie, I had a mountain bike for years and just collected dust. So one nice warm afternoon I got on it and been hooked ever since. I get up at 4:30am to get a ride in before work and pray for sunshine every day after I get off from work to go for another. Each time pushing myself to go further. I also dusted off my treadmill put one my music and walk until my husband ask if I am ever going to get off. Find something you love, you don't have to go to a gym to lose it, and we were not there when we gained it.

    Hope this helps, feel free to add me if you wish. I am also looking for some friends to help me with my struggles.
  • Perfect...I will be starting a challenge group soon. I do require at least 5 people who are fully committed. Search for my group page Urbanity Lifestyle and join in. We will be starting in June.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I have a hard time staying motivated. Eating healthy is very easy for me, staying motivated to work out is very hard. i am at a loss as to how to stay motivated. I do really well going to the gym and will work out about 1.5-2 hours a day then i just stop and won't work out for another 3 or 4 months. I am NOT happy this way at all. I get my bloodwork and my numbers checked every 6 months since my mother's heart attack. I am in very good health right now but how long is that going to last? I am 34 and 5'2" and 170 lbs. Its only a matter of time before my health starts suffering from this. I need someone to push me and i ask all the time but noone will stick to it!

    Sounds to me like burn out. Personally, I aim to spend no more than an hour at the gym. I up the intensity instead of the time. 2 hours is a really long time!

    Also, it is much easier to exercise regularly if it is something you enjoy. I don't really like cardio machines, so I just do intervals to get it over with. But I'd rather take a walk and do that more often. I also like the rowing machine, so I do rowing challenges. I also like to play tennis. That's fun so it doesn't feel like a workout at all.

    Good luck! Feel free to friend me, I am pretty much on the slacker plan for exercise (except for during my 2 week challenge right now). I generally exercise for 3-4 hours a week (3-4 days).
  • FeliciaW1908
    FeliciaW1908 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I at one point at was 188 pounds, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I had to have several jaw surgeries and dropped weight quickly however because I could only eat soft foods, I was eating a lot of cookies and cake. They are soft after all. The first thing I did was just started walking. I then wanted to challenge myself and did light easy jogging. I then started doing yoga which I love. I am also training with friends for a 4.5 mile run this July.

    My suggestion is find an exercise that you really like doing. Once you find that, it won't seem so much like a job and when you see results, it will get you even more motivated to exercise. The other is fif you can get a workout buddy. Training for this run next month has beenn challenging but having others that hold you accountable and are doing it with you will help you with staying motivated.

    Good luck.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    You are probably better off finding a more moderate 30-45 minute circuit like workout. It is varied and fast so you won't get bored or lose motivation as quickly. These workouts can be just as effective
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    I get 30 mins into my daily routine by taking public transport and walking to work - this is a nice start/end to day. With any extra movement (eg Wii) a benefit. Another idea is putting extra bits in, like getting off a stop early, walking the scenic route to shops, etc. The little bits all help.

    Working for me but very new at all this.

    Good luck
  • akilah16
    akilah16 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - My name is Akilah and like you I also have a hard time motivating myself to workout. Before I use to work out everyday after work before I went home but since I had the baby it's become hard. I'm not sure what your lifestyle is like - if you have kids to take care of, etc. However, what I can suggest is committing yourself to workout at least three times a week in the gym. Pack a gym bag and on your way home go the gym - you can start out by just doing a class - which will help you get an effective workout in an hour. Start with only one hour workouts. On your off days - try some outdoor activities such as walking, jogging or cycling. Working out coupled with a good diet will help you get to your weigh loss goal. Also look for bootcamp classes you can join - they are really effective in helping to motivate you and get you into shape :-)
  • Consistency is the key and it takes around 6 weeks to make a habit. Start going to gym 3 times a week for a hour at a time, fit it into your schedule and make it a habit. Also make it fun to go to gym take a mp3 player with your favorite tunes, take a zumba or yoga class. If its somthing you enjoy doing you will stick with it longer. Also you may consider buying some personal training sessions and have them sit down with you discuss your goals and personalize a workout for you with your trouble areas in mind. As far as eating the goal is to burn more calories than you are putting into your body. Start writing down what you are eating and log in this website and see even the healthiest of eaters if you are putting more calories in the body than burning off you won't lose weight.... Hope this helps =)
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Feel free to add me. We seem to be around the same weight and height. Everyone needs a little push, remember we're all in this together.