Gaining puffy fat on Insanity



  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    @Tnqnt I mean people who dont really think about what I am saying and just say what they would tell anyone, such as "muscle weighs more than fat" etc (a pound is a pound, if I was gaining muscle my size would be smaller, what they mean probably is muscle is smaller than fat when it weighs the same). I have consulted other beachbody coaches who were just outright rude, nasty, put me down, and said that I have zero excuses. I dont mind being told that, but when you are a coach who has not lost any weight and doesnt even post pics of yourself, how can you tell me anything?I post lots of pics of myself. I wont post the said insanity pics here because I was in my underwear but I dont mind posting pics in clothing or on the beach at my honeymoon. I talk the talk and I walk the walk. If you just talk the talk, dont give me a generic, empty response.

    I agree with what you wrote as being rude and generic and even insulting... but no one here did that, did they... honestly?

    I think people are trying to help and it is hard for a one size fits all solution. There are rules and there is science and people are responding, I think, to the best of their knowledge using their experience.

    No one was rude, here, in their response to you, at least not in this string of posts, in my sincere and honest opinion.

    You could be eating too much, too little, it could be a health issue, it could be you are pregnant or you could be over-exercising. The only people who can really figure this out is you and your doctor and nutritionist. Everyone else here is making their best non-professional and non-first hand guess to try to help you, and for that, you should be grateful.

    MFP folks are generally here and are so helpful with advice and support. :smile:
  • jessicakogan
    I dont remember who, but a woman said a little while ago that she gained weight because she did muscle work that pushed up the fat. I do alot of muscle work, I work my abs ALOT, when I watch TV, when Im bored. I have alot of moves. I can feel my abs hard up and down, but a thick layer of fat right over it. Just made me think, maybe that is happening as well?
  • Sksieger
    Sksieger Posts: 63
    Also I am just now reading that you have been on depo for about a year. BC in general and specifically with depo and make weight lose hard and a lot of people gain on it. More importantly it can also make your body store more fat in your tummy area. That is another thing you may want to look into. Having a thyroid issue and then adding more hormones into the mix could be what is making you retain your weight and in specific areas.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yes. I used to run 3 miles every morning, work out in the gym 5 days a week for an hour. I never lost 1lb or any inches.

    Once I started counting calories I starting losing 2lbs a week. Diet is everything.

    @NoAdditives That goes without saying. If you are not losing weight, let's be honest, you are not filling yourself up on veggies every meal.

    Actually, I do eat a ton of fresh vegetables and fruits. My diet is extremely healthy and very clean. That alone does not get my body to burn fat. Having a calorie deficit alone does not get my body to burn fat. The only thing that gets my body burning fat is exercise.

    So while your body may need a calorie deficit, others don't. What works for one person won't necessarily work for another.
    Try eating zero calories every day for a week and doing zero exercise. I have no doubt that you will still "burn fat" (along with muscle in most cases). On the other hand, try eating 10k calories every day for a week and doing as much as exercise as you can. You will not "burn fat" (and probably gain plenty).

    Also, regarding your last sentence, read this:
    Jeez. You again? You tried that "eat 10,000 calories" garbage on me in another post a few days ago. It was stupid then and it's stupid now.
    I could just as easily say my Honda gets better mileage than your truck, so I will not go empty on gas by driving. Some burn faster, some slower.

    You can't change physics. If you eat at a deficit you will lose weight. Not losing weight? You are NOT eating at a deficit.

    Nice try though.

    Yeah, I was eating at a deficit. Before I joined MFP I was eating 400-700 net calories a day. I didn't know I was eating that little until I met with a trainer and went over my eating habits. I initially lost 10 pounds and then didn't lose anything for 6 months. Not a single pound after that first 10.

    I know how my body works. I know that I don't lose weight if I eat fewer than 1500 net calories. Right now I'm breastfeeding. I'm burning 1200 calories a day from making 60 ounces of milk. I should be eating about 3000 calories a day. Most days I don't come close to that. I'm not losing weight. But, if I do manage to eat 2500 calories or more for a few days in a row, I do drop a couple of pounds.
  • Kaylarhodes
    Kaylarhodes Posts: 12 Member
    I prefer month one of Insanity so that is all I do. I do the between week then right back into month one. If it works for you do it again. Maybe you should stop working out and do The Ultimate Reset. Then come back to Insanity with a fresh start.
  • jessicakogan
    @NoAdditives YOU GO GIRL!! people like that are called internet trolls, they get on forums and all they try to do is solicite responses out of people..thats why some people are not getting responses out of me..but you tell him!! he is so retarded for reusing that same insulting comparison!:laugh:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Since you are not logging your food it's hard to say what the problem is - you could be going over in your calories..whether it's 'good' food or bad it's still over the amount of calories you need to consume in one day. You could be under eating and over training. If you want to find a resolution I would suggest that you start logging ALL your meals to track your calories in. And perhaps invest in a HRM to have an accurate reading of your calories out. People will throw a lot of suggestions out to you but that's the only way to know for sure.
  • byock
    byock Posts: 23
    @NoAdditives I'm sorry we disagree. I weigh 192lbs. I work out at the gym 5 days a week. I walk at 4-4.5mph for 2 hours 3 times a week. I eat 1500 calories max a day. . As I have lost weight, I have had to keep dropping my calories. I am currently losing about 1lb a week.

    At 2500 you are eating 1000 calories a day more than me. Some how I doubt you are burning more than I am. So again, the answer is clear, you are eating too many calories. At 2500 a day, I would be gaining a lot of weight.

    To those calling us trolls, we are sincerely trying to help, you just are not getting the answer you want to hear. You know what you need to do to lose weight, it's up to you to do it.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I am so sorry for what you are going through. I really think it would be helpful to start counting your calories. Before I started I had no clue how overboard I was eating on a daily basis. I've only been counting calories for almost two months now and it is a tremendous help for me. I also noticed you stated you lowered your carb a lot which I do not think helped you at all. The carbs are supposed to give you energy especially if you are doing work outs like Insanity. I think that is also a reason why you were passing out. Maybe not eating enough calories and definetly not enough carbs. I think that if you change these things and go back to month 1 you will be okay and will begin to loose weight again. Good luck on your journey and please let us know how it turns out. And please try not to let this get you into a depression. I know it is hard but tracking your calories will really benefit you in the end especially using this MFP. I really wish the best to you and I hope your health gets better soon. And please increase your carbs if your gonna continue to do insanity or anything else that strenuous you want to make sure that you are eating enough so you have enough energy to make it through the workout. :flowerforyou:
  • mamato2babes
    I think logging you food would be helpful. From your description of only eating soups and salads during the day, it's actually likely that you aren't eating enough! Your body is holding onto everything because you are overdoing it on the little calories you are consuming.

    I know if I let my calories get too low, I also get lightheaded. Have never passed out, but I'm not doing Insanity either.:wink:
  • FCHW
    FCHW Posts: 35
    I don't think it is counting calories that is the problem. Counting calories is not the answer to your problems. I believe you should go back to your eating habits that you had in the first month. Different things work for different people. Don't be discouraged, you can do this. I had the same problem until I started listening to my body. If you are fainting, you need to slow down and feed your body right. Give your body the rest it needs and do the nutritional things that work for you. Hope everything works out for you. :)
  • jessicakogan
    Thanks to the last couple of woman who posted. Im not concerned that the trolls are saying that what I do is wrong or right, its the fact that they feel so great about themselves that they can pass judgement on me instead of weighing the situation. So many great suggestions! I want to count calories to see where I am but at the same time I dont want to put myself in a position again where I'm like "hold on..gotta take out my phone..::thumbs through phone:: ok Im searching for the meal, Im adding the meal...OH WAIT! I cant find it...wait maybe I can just replace it with something similar?"

    Anyway I am gonna put everything I ate yesterday into the counter and see what it says, I will post, just give me a few minutes
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Thanks to the last couple of woman who posted. Im not concerned that the trolls are saying that what I do is wrong or right, its the fact that they feel so great about themselves that they can pass judgement on me instead of weighing the situation. So many great suggestions! I want to count calories to see where I am but at the same time I dont want to put myself in a position again where I'm like "hold on..gotta take out my phone..::thumbs through phone:: ok Im searching for the meal, Im adding the meal...OH WAIT! I cant find it...wait maybe I can just replace it with something similar?"

    Anyway I am gonna put everything I ate yesterday into the counter and see what it says, I will post, just give me a few minutes

    In all honesty...after you count calories awhile it becomes second nature. And especially when you start to see the results!!!!!....then you really see the value of logging everything! Best wishes!
  • Sksieger
    Sksieger Posts: 63

    Alot of people here are so positive and helpful. Not giving me generic or rude responses. I love the help, and I am going to start counting a little bit again just to have an idea.

    When I first started counting I would obsess. One way around that is I would write everything down for a week then go back and put it in MFP so I did not worry about the numbers. I did weigh/measure everything but this kept me from knowing exactly what I was consuming until it was too late for me to worry about what I could/should and could not eat every day. Instead I would look at the week total and think okay I need to eat more/less depending on the numbers.

    What I sometimes do to not feel like I am obsessing is I plan and record my meals to the best of my ability for the week before it starts. Then at the end of the week I fill in the changes and gaps. on the site two days out of the week can be better then every day after every meal. :)
  • jessicakogan
    Alright guys I calulated everything. I put everything I ate yesterday and I put my 2 workouts that I did, Insanity and 2 brazilian butt lift workouts (they are shorter so I dont mind doing it)

    I ate a net total of 975 calories yesterday.
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I don't think you are pregnant, but I know that Depo Provera makes a LOT of women gain a lot of weight. If weight loss is a priority, I would consider switching birth control methods.

    After my third or fourth round of depo I started packing on lbs like crazy and TOM never went away. Definetly one of the worst birth control experiences I ever had. And at the time I was not overweight (ages ago). I advise everyone against it. I've had non hormone iud for 6 years now and don't even think about it, no issues.
  • jessicakogan
    @Melaniec78 I am too scared to have that IUD implanted :noway:
  • mamato2babes
    Alright guys I calulated everything. I put everything I ate yesterday and I put my 2 workouts that I did, Insanity and 2 brazilian butt lift workouts (they are shorter so I dont mind doing it)

    I ate a net total of 975 calories yesterday.

    Yes, that's too few! My guess is that you were able to lose during your first 30 days because of your cheat days that helped to level out your calories. You need to eat!! :smile:
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Jeez. You again? You tried that "eat 10,000 calories" garbage on me in another post a few days ago. It was stupid then and it's stupid now.

    Nice try though.
    So do you have anything else to say other than it's "stupid"? I didn't "try" anything, I gave an example to prove a point. The fact is that it is about calories vs calories out, and you are not a thermodynamic miracle.
  • jessicakogan
    WOW I love how you take your time to bother the woman who pointed out that you are bothering people, and yet you have nothing to say when I posted my calories, Mr. we cant help you unless you post calories. well what? I posted them? Nothing?? I told you I am not overeating, if anything its under eatting.