Ladies - panty lines and tight gym pants



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Why are wanting to look nice and working out hard mutually exclusive? I object to the insinuation that I don't work hard enough if I care about what my butt looks like. My entire physical training up until recently has been constructed on the premise that the harder you work, the more effortless and beautiful you should make it look. I find it really hard to believe that someone as beautiful as any ballerina isn't working hard. So disabuse yourself right now of any notions that you can't work hard and be concerned with how you look.

    so why even bother asking the question if you're going to take offense to the responses you dont like? :laugh:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    If you are comfortable without them, don't wear any! It's all about what works for you. I'm a panties kind of girl. I like something there to soak up some of the sweat...ew, I know. And thongs are just disgusting. They wipe your *kitten* and then put that funk in your vagina. YUCK! I don't care how hot they make my man,,,,,AIN'T WEARIN EM :p

    Exactly how I feel. For me thongs are not comfortable at all and I think that they are not hygienic either, the same about going commando. I don't care about panty lines showing through my clothes, specially working gear.

    I have seen ladies wearing low cut pants, bending over and showing their cheeks holding to dear life to the string of a thong. IMO, that is worse than showing panty lines.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    I think people are missing the point. This is a personal "look" preference for HER, not about OTHERS seeing a panty line or looking nice at the gym for the oglers. Me personally, I pretty much look like *kitten*, since I go straight after waking up. :-D

    I wear Nike DriFit workout pants and usually cotton boyshort underwear. I have even asked my sister about pantylines and she says they are not visible. Maybe try the DriFits?

    Good luck.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I go commando personally. but I have an idea!

    How about wearing shorts over your gym (yoga) pants? Might look better with legging style or running tights, not so much the flare bottom or boot cut ones. That way you can wear your comfy undies, prevent camel toe, and have no panty lines.

  • CountDown321
    CountDown321 Posts: 117 Member
    I wear undies. I am there to workout, and I don't give a hoot what I look like.

    This mostly. I care, but I dont give a flying anything about a panty line.
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    i own "spanks" or spandex shorts that are tight enough to give me support but loose enough not to squeeze what fat i do have left. the brand is nike but other brands have them too. they remind me of the longer version of spankies, which are what cheerleaders wear underneath their skirts. if you aren't comfy wearing them out in public where them underneath your work out clothes, it should help with the lines.
  • AshlyRamos
    AshlyRamos Posts: 76 Member
    Personally, I think you're just being paranoid over something no one else even pays attention to. Until I read your post, I have never given it a thought or even noticed it about anyone else at the gym.

    I believe it's safe to say that 99.9% of the people there aren't focusing on your panty lines. :)

    I wear bikini and boy shorts - which is what i wear normally.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    commando here too!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I think people are missing the point. This is a personal "look" preference for HER, not about OTHERS seeing a panty line or looking nice at the gym for the oglers. Me personally, I pretty much look like *kitten*, since I go straight after waking up. :-D

    I wear Nike DriFit workout pants and usually cotton boyshort underwear. I have even asked my sister about pantylines and she says they are not visible. Maybe try the DriFits?

    Good luck.

    yea but she asked a question on a message board asking for other people opinions. yeah it's her preference but why the expecttaion that everyone agree with giving a crap about some stupid panty lines? :laugh:

    i still stick by my statement that if you have enough time at the gym to scope out people's butt situation then you either need to add more weight to the weight stack, increase the intensity of the cardio machine or just man up and realize that people like me are going to call you out for not stepping it up at the gym in the first place
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I wear undies. I am there to workout, and I don't give a hoot what I look like.
    100% agree. I think panty lines are forgiven at the gym.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Why are wanting to look nice and working out hard mutually exclusive? I object to the insinuation that I don't work hard enough if I care about what my butt looks like. My entire physical training up until recently has been constructed on the premise that the harder you work, the more effortless and beautiful you should make it look. I find it really hard to believe that someone as beautiful as any ballerina isn't working hard. So disabuse yourself right now of any notions that you can't work hard and be concerned with how you look.

    Apparently you are quite conceited my dear.

    When I am thrusting a 45 pound olympic bar in the air or running around the gym doing a circut with my trainer, the last thing I am concerned about it making it look effortless and beautiful.

    This isn't some damn stage that you are dancing on.. it's a gym. People tend to look not so pretty or effortless in the gym.. it's a fact of life.

    Well said.

    Okay, well you guys have your workout priorities and I have mine. I don't understand why you have to insult people who work out differently from you, but I guess if it makes you feel better...

    It really has nothing to do with other people looking at me and everything to do with how I see my own lines, which I feel get ruined by panty lines. I'm not about to just forget about all of my training when I work out, as I find it far more valuable than anything I ever learned or did in a gym. Trust me, if it were possible for me to just go take ballet in this hell hole where I live right now, I would. But all I have is a crappy gym with some yoga and pilates so that's what I'm working with. One day when I move again I'll be back in a ballet studio and my lines will matter, so I'd prefer to continue working on them and thinking about them even if I'm not in the studio.

    Again, I'm not sure why people feel the need to be a jerk about this.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Why are wanting to look nice and working out hard mutually exclusive? I object to the insinuation that I don't work hard enough if I care about what my butt looks like. My entire physical training up until recently has been constructed on the premise that the harder you work, the more effortless and beautiful you should make it look. I find it really hard to believe that someone as beautiful as any ballerina isn't working hard. So disabuse yourself right now of any notions that you can't work hard and be concerned with how you look.

    so why even bother asking the question if you're going to take offense to the responses you dont like? :laugh:

    Because I'm interested in recommendations for pants and underthings from people who have figured out how to reduce visible panty lines. I'm pretty sure I never asked to be insulted or ridiculed for my perspective.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I like to go commando so nothing is riding up my a**.
  • hrtoftx
    hrtoftx Posts: 32
    In my humble opinion....I wear boyshorts when I work out. I cant go without because of sweating. And the thong...I used to wear them till my doc said NO MORE wearing them because they were causeing me to have infections. So.......boyshorts are what I wear. Panty lines...probably but it is what it is. Hope you find something that works for you girl!!!
  • kmel2479
    kmel2479 Posts: 102 Member
    Panty lines all the way! sorry but I am not wearing a thong while I work out and I am not going without underwear. If someone does not like it don't look =)

    I agree and must say I have never noticed anyone else's underwear choice at the gym. Most people are quite focused on themselves while working out so really can't be bothered with what others are wearing.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    Big sigh.... I hate the fact that there are so many rules for women and dos and don'ts and the constant pressure of trying to look good. It is so tiresome. No matter what you do and where you go, there is ALWAYS someone who will think something you're doing isn't correct/pretty/ladylike or whatever else.
  • libby555
    libby555 Posts: 43 Member
    Dang... I love some VPL!!!! I think that would be my preference over seeing someone bend over in what they think are black workout pants (cheap varieities) and see their thong and much buttcheek.

    Same here! We have glass windows into the exercise rooms and there are always a ton of people waiting for the next class. As you know stretching is done at the end of the class and as people bend over with their rears towards the windows you can see everything thongs, butt cheeks, cracks you name it! Granted those people may not care but if it were me I surely would! :blushing: So I wear full on undies! :laugh:
  • azzle07
    azzle07 Posts: 10
    I've no advice on the undies, BUT, I completely hear you from the ballet point of view! The whole point of ballet is doing something incredibly physically exerting and making it look effortless! So of course it still matters to you how you look! A lifetime of training isn't going to suddenly disappear cos the settings changed! That'd be like a veggie going into macdonalds and being like, well I may as well have a big mac (for want of a better example lmao!) I hope you find something that works for you xx
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    I wear whatever will stay on me under my basketball shorts :blushing:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I don't wear underwear to the gym. I wear the appropriate work out gear so that I don't have to...sweaty panties? No thanks!!

    ETA: Purely for comfort and practicality btw. Appropriate exercise clothing is made of moisture-wicking material. Regular panties are not. It's unsanitary to have sweaty cotton all up in your business like it's hella uncomfortable!