Hungry Day !! Help please - ideas for what I can do..

schustc Posts: 428 Member
I've had a 'hungry' day. More so than normal, and I've kept myself from going nuts most of the day, but am down to 200 calories. A predicament for Dinner :(

I have a 500 calorie appetite, and 200 calories -

need ideas? :( Please!


  • pixidust82883
    No ideas, but I feel your pain. I have those days too! I usually just say the heck with it and go over for the day, I can always start over in the morning.
  • juicysand
    juicysand Posts: 1 Member
    If you have time go for a long walk (brisk) that would give you a few more calories for the day! Don't give up. You can do it. :smile:
  • Breathe_Glamour
    Maybe a dish with beans, like black bean salad or a quinoa & bean chili would really fill you up and they're typically low in calories.
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    Don't worry about it. I've found if I'm hungry, there's a reason. I had one of those days last week. Went over by a few hundred, and the scale went down the next day. Just make healthy choices. Low cal dinner idea- stir fry. And drink lots of water/ herbal tea!

    Good luck
  • gamehen2
    gamehen2 Posts: 45 Member
    Can you add an extra workout session? Drink black tea or black decaf coffee to suppress appetite. And if all else fails, go ahead and eat over your calories with something protein rich and healthy. It's not going to destroy your diet.
  • scoutit
    scoutit Posts: 36
    Imagine Organic "Creamy" Tomato Soup about 90 calories.
    2 cups of romaine hearts about 30 calories
    drews sugar free peppercorn and garlic dressing 70 calories
    Small handful of chopped bell peppers, radish, green onion, etc. for about 15 calories...woops over by 5 :-)

    If you need more you can minimize going over by choosing Trader Joes multigrain thin crackers I think they are about 110 calories for 17 crackers, or 22 baked lentil and sea salt chips for about the same.

    Good luck! I'm having a tight calorieday too...
  • scoutit
    scoutit Posts: 36
    Um, yes, everyone else is right, you can go do something active if you have the time! I guess I just have food on the brain right now!
  • manymicks
    manymicks Posts: 4
    I'm no expert but I find I have "hungry days" after a day with calorie body screaming for more food. If that's the case, I don't worry about going over but make sure its with quality foods. I can have a very nice/large salad for 200 calories as long as I use "bolthouse" brand dressing....about 45 call for 2tbs....if you are ok with exceeding a bit, throw in a bit of chicken and you should feel full. also really important to drink your water.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I had one of those days last weekend! I ended up eating almond butter on toast (I would have literally ripped someone's head off for the bread particles between their teeth that day. I generally avoid bread.) and while I wasn't thrilled I'd eaten it, I felt much better and was able to put it behind me and proceed normally.
  • the_prettty1
    Drink a cup of coffee or tea
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    I say eat the 500 calories and be at a 200 cal deficit for the day.
    Maybe your are not eating quite enough food to begin with.
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    Big salad---low calorie dressing & a little chicken on top.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Have some hot tea or water... and while you are sipping that try to decide if you have time to do a small workout. If not, make a dinner with lots of fiber and protein to fill you up. If you go over, just plan better tomorrow. :)
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    What is your daily goal for calories maybe you arent eating enough you should never be hungry
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    THANKS ALL!!! My blood sugar was starting to tank so I had to decide quick. I made oatmeal (used 1/2 cup dry instant) with a little brown sugar. makes a HUGE bowl. I am hoping it's enough, but if not, I might make a piece of low cal toast with some PB2 on it. would end up throwing me over by about 100-125 calories, but I can live with that.

    That said - THANK YOU for all the great ideas - I'm going to have to save this and do some shopping so i have emergency stashes of low cal meals on hand. I usually do pretty well but 200 calories is stretching even my bank of ideas!


  • onyxaj
    onyxaj Posts: 17
    You have to remember key factor when trying to get fit - Food is NOT the enemy. Yes, make sensible choices, and if you hit your goals most days, great! But if your body is screaming for food, feed it. Your body is a biological machine, and needs fuel to run. If you deny it what it needs, it will shut down. Example - Does running your gas tank completely empty in your car make it run better? Just a way I put it in perspective.
  • lipsticknlattes
    lipsticknlattes Posts: 49 Member
    egg whites. You can have lots for small calories.
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    just made a dish with whole wheat linguine, shrimp, broccoli and some garlic, onion, basil, red pepper flakes and canned diced tomatoes. I got about 230 calories for the serving! it's delish, too :) and spicy so it feels more filling!

    good luck! but like a previous poster said, i've had those days before, and i end up losing the next day! even when i go over a bit... :)
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    What is your daily goal for calories maybe you arent eating enough you should never be hungry

    my goal is 1500 - and usually it's enough. this week seems to be a bit hungrier, but I wonder if it's related to being my 7th week of strength training with a trainer, maybe increasing the muscle means increased hunger? that or I'm just reaching at straws. either way, today was TOUGH. Saturday is my day off (I take one day off from dieting per week) so I just need to make it one more day!!!


  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    just made a dish with whole wheat linguine, shrimp, broccoli and some garlic, onion, basil, red pepper flakes and canned diced tomatoes. I got about 230 calories for the serving! it's delish, too :) and spicy so it feels more filling!

    good luck! but like a previous poster said, i've had those days before, and i end up losing the next day! even when i go over a bit... :)

    OH YUM! maybe I should stop reading - these are making me even more hungry ! LOL!