Just realized what I'm doing to myself...



  • tstawicki
    tstawicki Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome and wish you the best of luck. I'll offer some advice for what it is worth, but I know everyone has what works for them.

    I used to weigh 290lbs at one point, down to 206...my experience has been setting a 1200 calorie goal is hard to do and really restricts what you are able to eat. It makes the process painful and you definitely feel like you are dieting.

    Just my opinion, but you may want to consider something slightly higher, around 1600 a day. Still gives you room to eat relatively normally (portion control is everything) and still hit your goals. Makes it more about lifestyle change and good food/portion choices and is much easier to maintain over time.

    This, this is so true, and my experience too
  • Welcome...it's good to log what you're really eating, it's a wake up call. Don't make the mistake SO many make and restrict your calorie intake to the point where you're starving. Read some of the "for newbies" posts under the "general diet and weight loss questions" thread on the message boards. It will answer a lot of questions that will come up as you start to work within the constraints of MFP to budget your calories.

    Feel free to add me if you like. I'm committed to losing the weight once and for all this time, and I'm here most days, logging my own stuff :)
  • v_snowdrop
    v_snowdrop Posts: 59
    There should be a palce on the diary to just plug in "pigged out today" of "Faturday".

    LOL I need this feature.
  • lisaw0823
    lisaw0823 Posts: 1
    I feel like I was slapped in the face with reality as well. I notice I get tired more easily. I am on a misson to change as well. I have been trying to eat healthier for about 6 months, not losing any weight and need to add the excercise component. Now I am realy out of shape. Hard work and dilegence will pay off for use both!!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I remember doing the same thing when I first started and being horrified lol. :sick:

    I was actually like "GOOD JOB BODY, I CAN'T BELEIVE YOU DON'T WEIGH 1,000 POUNDS ALREADY!!" :laugh:

    Onward and downward! You can do it!!:drinker:
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    Good for you! Realizing what you've been doing wrong is takingnto first step to taking the right step...befriend me if you like...I would invite you but I am tech challenge...lol
  • I find that I fail to "log" in my diary on purpose when I know I have overdone it. My goal for next few weeks is to log it anyway. Like today, I thought I had way overdone it but it really wasn't too bad since I also went for walk. There should be a place on the diary to just plug in "pigged out today" of "Faturday".

    Good luck.

    Ha! This cracked me up. I'm so using "Faturday". I've definitely done it...just stopped logging on a day that goes off the rails, or not logging on a day when I'm intentionally taking a break from calorie counting. My goal this time around is to log everything no matter how ugly it gets...to keep myself 100% accountable.
  • robinbarten
    robinbarten Posts: 17
    Welcome and congrats on starting, that is the first step in the right direction.
    I totally agree with the previous posts on you should eat more than 1200 calories. And make sure to enter everything you eat otherwise it defeats the purpose of logging. Not all days are going to be perfect, but knowing you are going to log everything may keep you from overindulging in something you shouldn't.

    I don't feel there is anything I can't eat, just have to be careful on how much and stay within my allotted calories.
  • shan2112
    shan2112 Posts: 1
    I hear ya! I have lost 30 of my 90 pound weight loss goal - so I have exactly 60 pounds to go too! We can do it!!!
  • robynb7d
    robynb7d Posts: 8
    I just started a week ago...and the portion (or lack of) control I had before was so amazing to me, after tracking everything and takin into perspective. I too have really changed the way i think and eat in just these few days...i have about 60 to lose. Good luck!
  • Good for you! I have a good friend that signed on to MFP recently because of the same thing. She was floored when she looked at the calories and her salt intake. Do you have a plan yet other than watching your calories?

    Yes - salt intake can be astronomical without even realizing it!!

    OP -- Knowledge is power and WTG for taking that first step. You (we) can do it!! :)
  • Lampy00512
    Lampy00512 Posts: 117
    I think that most of us have gone through the shock of realizing how poor our eating habits are! Before making my changes, I tracked my eating habits for a week in my notebook, and was shocked to see how "under" my calories intake are. I was eating about 900 calories :noway: I knew I didn't eat enough, but didn't realize it was THAT bad. Now I eat double the calories :) Feeling GREAT :drinker:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Since your new I suggest wikipedia-ing bmr rmr and tdee since many many people misconfigure and use mfp poorly. Work out the math yourself, there are calculators online (fat2fit being popular). Especially if the number that popped up is 1200. I was set to 1200 to get to this weight and could eat 1000 more easily and still loose.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Today, after a "normal" day of eating (for me), I decided for the fun of it to see how many calories I was eating. I've never paid much attention to calories before and after today I have a completely different mindset. I won't get into the details.. but basically I have been regularly eating 3 to 5 times what I should be eating, according to myfitnesspal.

    I want to make a change in my life because my health is suffering and nothing is going to get better without me making an effort.

    I am serious about this, so please do not hold my food diary entry for today against me!
    Now that I know better, I intend to do better.

    It would be nice to have some friends on here with similar goals! I want to lose about 60 pounds. Add me! :)

    That is EXACTLY how I got started with MFP, just logging what I ate, and then "completing entries" at the end of the day. When I SAW what I would weigh in 5 weeks if I continued to eat that way... Oh, that was all the motivation I needed.

    You are going to do just great. Do not worry about your diary, we all have days that we pray no one looks at it. But it does get progressively better!

    All the Best
  • starrybay
    starrybay Posts: 15
    Wow, thank you everyone for the great feedback!
    It is so inspiring to see what a strong community there is on MFP :)

    I really appreciate all your comments about increasing my calories. I will definitely be doing this!!

    You all inspired me to get off my *kitten* for the first time in years and go for a walk. I did more than a mile today (although I was pretty slow :/ ) and will definitely keep it up

    Thanks, again! :)