How big of a deal is pre-diabetes?



  • email4jenp
    email4jenp Posts: 52 Member
    I think Pre-diabetes is WAY bigger of a deal than most people think it is. Pre-diabetes is still not good. Damage is being done even if it's not full blown diabetes.

    I am reading this book called "The Blood Sugar Solution" by Dr. Mark Hymen and it's a great read (I usually can't read books of this nature, they bore me) but he's a great writer and he's got some excellent points in this book. He dub's this generation as the Diabesity generation and talks about Pre-diabetes and what it does to our bodies and simple solutions to take control back and get out of pre-diabetes.

    If you are a reader and have the chance to read it, I highly suggest it. It's a really good, informative read and you will definitely see life in a much different light after reading it. He makes it motivating to make the changes.
  • KauandMe
    KauandMe Posts: 45 Member
    Excellent thread. Thanks so much for all the info!
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    My dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when he was 50. They gave him medication, he took it once, and said he wasn't going on it. He has controlled his diabetes through diet and exercise since then, so it can most defiantly be done.
  • carrie31023
    carrie31023 Posts: 17 Member
    I am diabetic. I was diagnosed in 2005 with type 2. From what I have learned in my experience with the disease is that it reacts differently in every person. What may be good for one isn't good for the other. All I can tell you is my experience with it. From what the Dr's and my mother have told me is that I have probably have had it all my life. I am 43 years old and back when I was little I was always overweight. When I was diagnosed it was at a routine blood glucose was over 200! Since the diagnosis I have had numerous procedures in both of my eyes to stop the vessels from bleeding into my retinas...henceforth I have diabetic retinopathy. I could have gone blind but I am in remission with it. I used to weigh over 400 lbs on my 5'2" frame. I lost all the weight and got down to 122 lbs. Then I put some of it back on and was diagnosed diabetic. Since then my weight has fluctuated up and down from 160 to 142. The diets that the Dr's have given me didn't work for me. Yes 15grams of carbs equal 1 carb choice, but they fail to tell you how many carb choices you should have per meal and if the diet tells you how many they were either too little for me or too much and I never could get it right. So, my weight was up and down. I am on Byetta 10 pen, metformin, and actos for it. I have with the help of MFP lost 26 lbs. I am 4 lbs from 122. My sugars range from 74-90 all the time. They used to run 140-over 200 with the meds. So with all this said... In my opinion, pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2 wreaks havoc on the body and is a progressive disease.(only gets worse) but, you can control it with diet and exercise. I am living proof. From my Dr's own mouth he gave me a decision I had to make..if I wanted to get off the meds I would have to prove to him and my body that I could lose the weight and I have. I have an appointment in two weeks to start slowly to remove the meds. So I encourage anyone who has weight issues, diabetes, or any other health condition is to start out slowly and carefully and eat healthy and exercise. You can reverse it!!!! YOU DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY!!
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I'm type one and have been since i was 10.

    Up until a few months ago, i didn't really look after it. eating whatever, and taking more and more insulin to cover it. using this fantastic method i managed to not only have a normal feeling blood sugar or about 12 (not sure what that converts to in the other system - between 5 and 7 is normal) but i gained 40 kg over 9 years. awesome.

    signing up to mfp has changed all that, i have it on my phone, laptop and ipad, and before i eat anything i enter it in to see the carb and sugar level and then only take the insulin i need to. in just over a month iv lost nearly 10 kg and halved my insulin and got off metformin.

    luckily for me the only complication i have had from living in such a crappy way is a bit of fluid leak in my eyes. seeing some of it is near the area that will affect my vision im going to have this dried up by laser, i was told to be thankful it has only happened now because a few years back it would have been the beginning of the end for my sight.