New (sort of) - Need buddies with similar goals!


So I'm new to MFP in a way... I "started" back in February but haven't really logged in since. I am really getting into MFP this week, logging my food and exercise. I am 22 years old at the University of Wisconsin and have been gaining weight since, well, senior year of high school! I have about 50 pounds to lose, which is super scary! I'm looking for anyone who would be willing to check in with each other daily about diet and exercise... I need motivation. Make me feel guilty for being lazy, and I'll do the same for you if you would like!

I'm also starting the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred if anyone is interested in doing it with me! Day 1 was a success!

Shape: Hourglass, but not a pretty one
Height: 5'7"
CW: 198
GW: 145
Pant size: 14

Add me as a friend or share words of encouragement, I'll take all of the help I can get!


  • robynb7d
    robynb7d Posts: 8
    Feel free to add me if you'd like =)........I am new on here as of last week, and would love new friends. The support and kindness of everyone has really pulled me through this week and inspired me to keep going. I am 30 with about 60 lbs to lose. Am tired of looking and feeling the way I do...I just heard of the 30 day shred today actually from another member...but def. want to check it out....for now i've just been walking...I am so outa shape it's a start. Good luck! you can do this.
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
    I've been doing this for 450 days now and still have a lil more weight to lose. Me, my hubby, and youngest son have lost a combined total of 380 pounds so far, with clean, healthy eating and exercise. Plus, I like the extra support and motivation too.
  • mallorielewis
    Definitely add me I need more friends and really need constant accountability and love to give it. I am 26 with 50 lbs to lose. I joined just last week and have been addicted to this site ( in a good way) :)
  • SenshiV
    SenshiV Posts: 131 Member
    Same, I joined and knew 1 person, then someone else added me and her daily comments made me more interested in reading other people stories so encouraging really works! Good luck :)
  • RenVan
    RenVan Posts: 121 Member
    Hey lulabelle,
    If you are serious about logging in every day, then feel free to add me as a friend.
    I log in every single day and try to encourage and motivate my friends.

    Good luck on your journey.

  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Heya! Feel free to add me too.. I did the 30 day shred a year or two ago and it was fab.. I'm waiting on my 'ripped in 30' to arrive so as soon as it does, we can compare notes / workouts while you're getting shredded and I'm getting ripped :)
  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    Anyone is more than welcome to add me as friend if their gonna encourage and expect it back!

    *Good luck to everyone!*