any mommys with twins out there????

Just curious if there is any moms who have twins ;) and how u handle them everyday ;)


    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I have twin 4 year old girls. They are a mess. lol It's def a challenge when they are babies but like everyone told me, it does get easier.
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    My twin boys are three and I thought after they turned a certain age they'd get better but o lord they are so bad sometimes lol . Their brother is 8 and he's even scared of them ahahah
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I have Irish twins, does that simi-count? They are awesome and inseperable. My older girl is 7 and the younger one is 6. They drive my 10 year old son nuts. LOL
    I get TOLD all the time that they are actual twins.
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    They are so close in age I can imagine how they do act like twins ... Mine drive me crazy we are potty training now and its stressful can't wait till they are four .. it isn't terrrible twos its terrible threes LOL
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I have a 19 yr old in college and an almost 14 yr old as well as the twins. I'm lucky cuz my girls are actually pretty good. Different as night and day. One of them is my little devil. Sweet and cute on the outside but very mischiveous and sneaky when you're not looking. The other is pretty passive. But they are very close even though they fight they can't stand for the other one to be mad at them for very long and hug all the time.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    They are so close in age I can imagine how they do act like twins ... Mine drive me crazy we are potty training now and its stressful can't wait till they are four .. it isn't terrrible twos its terrible threes LOL

    This is SOOOOOO true! lol
  • KellyR72
    KellyR72 Posts: 51 Member
    Identical twin boys that will be 7 in September. It has gotten a little easier as they get older! But they are very mischievious and always looking for their next adventure!
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    Fraternal boys just turned 13. They are night and day... oil and water!!!!!

    From the moment they were born they were a challenge. They arrived 9 weeks early at just over 3lbs each and didn't come home until they were 5 weeks old. These days though, all things considered I have it pretty easy! They're good kids, average at school... not terribly adventurous or sporty.

    For those of you with little twins -it's true it gets easier. It also gets harder but in a different way.

    How did I get through the toddler years? Fireball. Just Kidding.... sorta... :drinker:
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    Mine are fraternal .. night and day as well ..
    I had them a month early and they were 5'11,and 5'14,.. long too ..I honestly thought the toddler years would be cake as my 8 year old was super easy LOL .. I was so wrong ...
    I am always busy getting them outta everything .. breaking up fights .. screaming toddler break downs ahahah ..
    It's so much but at the end of the day I'm blessed to have them ... I am looming fwd to them getting older tho for sure ..
  • SocialRopes
    SocialRopes Posts: 51 Member
    i have 9 yr old quads, two boys and two girls, who are always mistaken for 2 sets of twins. all fraternal, but i still get asked if they're identical ~
  • mcmdazy
    mcmdazy Posts: 5 Member
    I have twin 18 year old girls! They were a handful as babies but such good babies! They always had each other...that was the fun part! Cherish every moment even when you are pulling your hair!!!! It gets easier! It goes by too fast! I found the teens were/are the hardest! Best of luck!!!! Hang tough Mom!
  • NavyWifeTwinMom
    NavyWifeTwinMom Posts: 98 Member
    Twin fraternal boys who are about to turn 7. The first three years were hard, and it's been progressively easier since. They are best buddies and are always together...maybe too much so, but I know this will change and so I savor the present. Twins are a unique experience to be sure!
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    They are a handful but I do try to enjoy them tho ... Even when it is hard... And 4 at once ? Dear lord u are one brave woman id lose it that's crazy LOL
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Twinboys here. They are 15 1/2 and the best that could ever happen to me.
    The start was awful, I thought I wouldn´t survive. Nights without sleep and the constant crying made me literally ill. But it got way better after they finally slept through the night. Unfortunately I had no help from any side and noone understood how I felt. So I had to fight my way through the first years, find my way, change my opinion on many things...and now I have two smart polite young men at home. No teenage issues at all. It was worth every sleepless minute, every tear I cried in the first years.

    I should mention that I got 2 more kids after them so maybe I needed that. ;)

    My best advice: Never listen to other peoples advises, only if you ask them for one. Always listen to your heart.
  • I have two and half year olds. Boy and Girl. We are currently potty training, and boy it is a handful. I am glad to hear it gets a little easier. Mine are very different also, it is fun having a boy and a girl. I wouldn't change it for the world, they are the best thing that has ever happened to me!
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    I do it by myself as well their dad works 6 days a week and literally all day so I know how that is.. I dk anyone who has twins so its really hard to relate to my friends who only have one child .. its def a trying time as they are 3 and get into everything all day scream fight with another lol .. their brother was so good when he was young .. and I've been potty training for I swear what's seems to be a year .. just introduced them to the idea of the toilet the younger twin refused to use it screamed kicked would hide and potty His pants .. then from me mom look like a basic haha in ur face for making me use that toilet LOL.. they are 31/2 and just now getting it down .. I've also realized that just because one can do something doesn't mean the other will .. that's frustrating but I have learned patience somewhat ;) I am glad to hear that it does get easier this year so far has been very challenging .. !
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    As a mother of 8 year old twin boys, I thought the first year was pretty....awful. But what I recall, age 4 was the magic number when suddenly they became easier. One thing, right from the start I always kept them on a schedule from feeding to naps.
    My guys are still total busy bodies and totally unlike their 11 year old sister. I didn't even try potty training until they were 4.
    Hang in there and it will get better! :flowerforyou:
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    Oh ya I'm sure when they are 4 it will get easier .. I'm looking fwd to them starting school tho get them interacted more with kids their age ... It's funny tho how many twins are in schools at The same time .. kinda neat ... They go to the kids play at my gym but they just play and I thank god they don't hit the other kids there cuz they are super mean to one another at home ... ;/ .. LOL
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    It gets MUCH eaiser once they get in school. Only my 2 y/o is still at home. Though once they start school it gets hard in different ways.
  • abcmommyx3
    abcmommyx3 Posts: 123 Member
    I have twin 9 month old girls and a 2 1/2 year old boy