Anyone on 1200kcals a day?

Hi Everyone! I am 5'4 and currently weight 137lbs, looking to get to 126lbs for my holiday in July (profile pic is my inspiration).

My question is, how many of you out there are on 1200kcals a day and how are you finding it? Many people on here say it's unhealthy and your body is in "starvation mode" etc but I feel fine and often go under my goal for the day.

I currently don't do any exercise (other than walking, cleaning etc) and when I do start to exercise I plan to increase my kcals just like everyone says to do on here. The one day I worked out and ate my 1200kcals plus a bit more for the exercise I put on 2lbs so I dont understand how it works!? All I know is it obviously doesnt work for me eating slightly more and exercising. Am I alone here?!

Confused :smile: x


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm a bit less than that, unless the alcohol gets involved.

    I don't do any formal exercise either, occasionally I'll walk for 30 mins or maybe an hour. Being a bit of a geek I read lots of science etc and aerobic exercise doesn't have a fantastic track record for increasing fat loss.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I assume that girl in your photo isn't you. If it is you, you don't need to change a thing! If it's more an inspiration photo, think about this: that girl works out. Probably a lot. She lifts weights and does other strength exercises in addition to cardio. And she likely eats more than 1200 calories a day to fuel it. :)

    When I first joined (different profile), I ate 1200 calories a day. And you know what, I felt all right. I lost weight, I didn't feel bad, whatever. But eventually I raised my calorie goal. I'm short, so my BMR is pretty low, so I still dont' eat as much as some folks here. But raising that calorie goal helped me feel even better, and I still lost weight. It didn't slow my loss one bit. And I have always eaten all my exercise calories, even the ones from cleaning the house. And sometimes I even eat half a pizza for dinner, and blow my cals right out of the water. And that's ok too. Raising my calorie goal enabled me to get more good nutrition from my food, which in turn gives me more energy for living. That's a wonderful thing.

    I'm not saying you absolutely have to eat more than 1200 calories. It's your body, it's your life, you do what you want to do. But I would suggest doing some more research, and looking around the site at the calorie goals of the people who have reached their goals. Check out users like CoryIda, who lost a lot of weight and looks fantastic, and eats more than 1200 calories. Most of the people who are at their goals eat significantly more than 1200, and did all along their journey. Because 1200 calories really isn't that much to fuel your body. Remember, those calories get burned just by living -- they keep your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your eyes blinking, your brain working, your muscles holding you up while you sit in your chair or walk across the room. And they're burning 24 hours a day. So when you move, you're burning even more. You need calories to survive, and if you want to do anything on top of just barely surviving, you need to eat more calories to fuel those body functions.

    Above all else, experiment. If this is working for you now, great! But if you feel like you need a change, then try increasing them for a while. Think of this as a flexible process. What works right now might not work as you get closer to your goal weight, and that is normal. Just keep an open mind.
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm on 1200 but I exercise every weekday for 40 mins - 1 hr. I don't think I'd be able to do it without my exercise as I need those exercise calories to not feel hungry.

    I find weekends really difficult as that's when my boyfriend comes over so I don't have time to exercise and end up going out for dinner and going over my calories. I've asked him if he'd like to go on dates to the gym at weekends but he's surprisingly never very enthusiastic...
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    You are not alone, and, quite simply, science is still struggling to understand this.

    Anyone who gives you any strong, immediate opinions on this - is probably just uninformed.

    I strongly recommend you read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes, otherwise you're just shooting in the dark.

    My opinions:

    (1) it is all in the kitchen. don't even bother about exercise. you're now in "advanced" weight loss for your last few kilos, so it's all in the kitchen

    Whatever you do, DO NOT " ' eat back your exercise calories ' " if you exercise. At your stage of weight loss it is inconceivable you could take that approach (unless you're a marathon runner), so forget that. Read the book, get actual science on your side.

    (MFP laughably includes the concept of "eating back your exercise calories" - just ignore it. They'll remove this feature in future versions.)

    (2) carbohydrates will be key. you must find an exact intake per day - what about 65 grams per day - of carbohydrates which will make you lose the last few pounds

    (3) you should have NO PROBLEM eating only 1200 calories in a day, at your height. Anyone who tells you otherwise is uninformed. I typically eat 1400 cals (I'm also losing the "last few pounds", but I am 6' tall) and I feel stuffed all the time, I can barely eat that much. I experimented with 1200 a day for a couple weeks, and it was perhaps a hair low, I'd feel a little peckish. At your height it should be no problem at all, as long as your pancreas is in good condition.

    you'll only feel HUNGRY, like you're not getting enough food, if you eat too much carbs. if you were eating say 125 grams a day of carbs, and only 1200 calories overall, your body would be starving itself, and psychologically you would be bitterly hungry all the time. in contrast if you are eating 70 g of carbs per day, and 1200 calories overall, your body will be stuffed with all the wonderful food it needs, and you will feel fantastic, energetic and full all the time.

    (4) eating a good amount of FAT is key to FEELING FULL. FAT makes you feel full, CARBS make you feel hungry, and PROTEIN builds and repairs your body. FAT is also key to the health and beauty of your skin. A good source is something like pure, absolutely well-made Greek Yoghourt (made from full cream mlik). carefully included that type of fat with each meal for that really satisfied, stuffed feeling.

    (5) EXPERIMENT and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If you feel good eating 1200 a day - great! Try it CAREFULLY for a week. If you feel too peckish at 1200, try a different amount of carbs and a different level.

    Some thoughts.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I'm on 1200 and I'm finding it just fine. I cut sugar and white flour out of my diet and I find that I don't get terribly hungry. I don't formally eat my exercise calories back, but I think a few glasses of wine when I go out / at the weekend probably takes care of them. After the initial two weeks of high losses, I've settled into a 1lb a week which is about right if I do my BMR / TDEE numbers.

    Isn't the girl in the pic Kate Moss? I don't imagine she's lifted anything heavier than a champagne glass in her life.
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    First, I'd change my inspiration to something or someone that's not airbrushed. :) I'm on 1200 calories too and it's not easy but is very do-able with good choices. Some days I go over just a bit but then exercise (walking) to counter the calories so it all balances out at the end of the day.
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    You are not alone, and, quite simply, science is still struggling to understand this.

    Anyone who gives you any strong, immediate opinions on this - is probably just uninformed.

    I strongly recommend you read "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes, otherwise you're just shooting in the dark.

    My opinions:

    (1) it is all in the kitchen. don't even bother about exercise. you're now in "advanced" weight loss for your last few kilos, so it's all in the kitchen

    Whatever you do, DO NOT " ' eat back your exercise calories ' " if you exercise. At your stage of weight loss it is inconceivable you could take that approach (unless you're a marathon runner), so forget that. Read the book, get actual science on your side.

    (MFP laughably includes the concept of "eating back your exercise calories" - just ignore it. They'll remove this feature in future versions.)

    (2) carbohydrates will be key. you must find an exact intake per day - what about 65 grams per day - of carbohydrates which will make you lose the last few pounds

    (3) you should have NO PROBLEM eating only 1200 calories in a day, at your height. Anyone who tells you otherwise is uninformed. I typically eat 1400 cals (I'm also losing the "last few pounds", but I am 6' tall) and I feel stuffed all the time, I can barely eat that much. I experimented with 1200 a day for a couple weeks, and it was perhaps a hair low, I'd feel a little peckish. At your height it should be no problem at all, as long as your pancreas is in good condition.

    you'll only feel HUNGRY, like you're not getting enough food, if you eat too much carbs. if you were eating say 125 grams a day of carbs, and only 1200 calories overall, your body would be starving itself, and psychologically you would be bitterly hungry all the time. in contrast if you are eating 70 g of carbs per day, and 1200 calories overall, your body will be stuffed with all the wonderful food it needs, and you will feel fantastic, energetic and full all the time.

    (4) eating a good amount of FAT is key to FEELING FULL. FAT makes you feel full, CARBS make you feel hungry, and PROTEIN builds and repairs your body. FAT is also key to the health and beauty of your skin. A good source is something like pure, absolutely well-made Greek Yoghourt (made from full cream mlik). carefully included that type of fat with each meal for that really satisfied, stuffed feeling.

    (5) EXPERIMENT and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If you feel good eating 1200 a day - great! Try it CAREFULLY for a week. If you feel too peckish at 1200, try a different amount of carbs and a different level.

    Some thoughts.

    Thank you, this is some great advice and I will have to check out that book. Like you said, for my height I feel that 1200kcals is more than enough. I think the protein is what I need to look into a bit more and less carbs to shed these last 10lbs.
    Good luck in losing your last bit too :) x
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    Hi, thank you for your quick reply! No the girl isnt me (I wish it was!), the photo is my inspiration body and I'm not really sure who she is or how she has got to that point.

    Did you lose weight more quickly by having your lower amount of kcals or by upping them and exercising? x
    I assume that girl in your photo isn't you. If it is you, you don't need to change a thing! If it's more an inspiration photo, think about this: that girl works out. Probably a lot. She lifts weights and does other strength exercises in addition to cardio. And she likely eats more than 1200 calories a day to fuel it. :)

    When I first joined (different profile), I ate 1200 calories a day. And you know what, I felt all right. I lost weight, I didn't feel bad, whatever. But eventually I raised my calorie goal. I'm short, so my BMR is pretty low, so I still dont' eat as much as some folks here. But raising that calorie goal helped me feel even better, and I still lost weight. It didn't slow my loss one bit. And I have always eaten all my exercise calories, even the ones from cleaning the house. And sometimes I even eat half a pizza for dinner, and blow my cals right out of the water. And that's ok too. Raising my calorie goal enabled me to get more good nutrition from my food, which in turn gives me more energy for living. That's a wonderful thing.

    I'm not saying you absolutely have to eat more than 1200 calories. It's your body, it's your life, you do what you want to do. But I would suggest doing some more research, and looking around the site at the calorie goals of the people who have reached their goals. Check out users like CoryIda, who lost a lot of weight and looks fantastic, and eats more than 1200 calories. Most of the people who are at their goals eat significantly more than 1200, and did all along their journey. Because 1200 calories really isn't that much to fuel your body. Remember, those calories get burned just by living -- they keep your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your eyes blinking, your brain working, your muscles holding you up while you sit in your chair or walk across the room. And they're burning 24 hours a day. So when you move, you're burning even more. You need calories to survive, and if you want to do anything on top of just barely surviving, you need to eat more calories to fuel those body functions.

    Above all else, experiment. If this is working for you now, great! But if you feel like you need a change, then try increasing them for a while. Think of this as a flexible process. What works right now might not work as you get closer to your goal weight, and that is normal. Just keep an open mind.
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    Thanks Kat. I have other motivation pics, that's just my fav! How much have you been able to lose being on 1200kcals and walking?
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi, thank you for your quick reply! No the girl isnt me (I wish it was!), the photo is my inspiration body and I'm not really sure who she is or how she has got to that point.

    Did you lose weight more quickly by having your lower amount of kcals or by upping them and exercising? x

    Thinking about it, I don't really recall any difference in the speed of my weight loss. I did notice that I dropped inches more quickly when I increased my calories and exercised, but I don't think it sped up my actual weight loss. I have noticed that the more I eat, the less sleep I require. Which for me is a HUGE deal, because I've always been a 12-hours-of-sleep kind of girl, and I have a little boy who likes to wake at 5:30 every morning. :laugh: I feel better in the mornings when I eat more the day before.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I'm on the 1200 calories diet...for a meal :laugh:
  • Hi Everyone, :flowerforyou: I've just joined tonight! I'm on roughly 1500cals/day but over the past few days this week I haven't been able to reach that, sitting around 1200. I'm from Australia, Far North Queensland and finding this site a little difficult to complete my exercise plans using miles instead of klms, and consistently converting pounds to kilos. But I'm persisting! Anyone else in the same boat?
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    I am on 1200 a day but I am always be honest i am afraid to get to 1200 or even go over a little.
    I'm walking aprx 60 mins a day and doing about 10 mins of "light exercises" total
  • My name is Daniela

    The best thing to do if you love to eat is, eat 5 -6 small meals a day , i never tried it .

    So i decided what the hell let me give it a try , i started 2 weeks ago and already lost :D its amazing and its so much fun , check out my blog i found that it keeps me motivated posting my meal plans and recipes :) everything is so good and low in calorie and very healthy :)

    especially if you love peanut butter i found this amazing peanut butter for 2 tbsp only 45 calories , 1.5 fat amazing :) and so goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!

    let me know what you think , and also message me with any questions
    im still new at this blogging stuff but i want to help everyone who struggles with weight loss , ive struggled and it wasn't easy but it is possible :)

    Happy Healthiness everyone :)


    MY BLOG --->
  • I would like to be between 1200-1500/day. I exercise 4 mornings a week, 2 cardio and 2 weight training. I am very motivated and wondering if I am going to slow down the weight loss process if I don't eat the required amount of cals that I'm suppose to. :smile:
  • ashb1216
    ashb1216 Posts: 45 Member
    I am on 1200 cals a day, and let me say it can be a bit tough. I have to make sure that I cut out all the little things, like putting creamer in my coffee.. etc. and portion out my foods correctly. Like one lady said, sometimes I go over too, but then I will exercise to balance it back out. I am currently just walking, but about to start building muscle mass, for a more tone look. You can do it, but I would def. recommend that you work out as well.
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    I'm also from Australia! But Perth :)
    My advice would be, if it's working for you, then it's right.
    If you're losing weight, feeling good etc on 1200 cals a day, keep at it!
    If you're not getting the results you want, try upping your cals a bit.
    Just play around until you figure out what works best for you
    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • hI, mfp has set me to 1200 a day and I feel this is more than doable by cutting out the high calorie snacks. I do excersise, at least an hours walking a day,a nd I do karate training 90mins x3 a week, plus light training and practice at home including warm ups and downs of sit ups/press ups and stretches etc

    Ive only just started this journey so no idea what realisitc daily calories I will need, also breast feeding, so think i should be adding calories in for that, but we'll see how we go!

    Good luck with your weight loss journey x
  • AmyB69
    AmyB69 Posts: 117
    I'm on 1200 cal a day. I workout 6-7 days a week for at least an hour a day. I do the stationary bike, or the treadmill for an hour and some lifting. I actually just reached goal this morning!
  • nicolacor33
    nicolacor33 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree, I record my daily exercise depending on if its circuit training, walking or running. WIthout a daily something I'd be very hungry on the 1200 calories I've been allocated. The only problem is that I get a little light headed but herbal teas and water are a good way to satisfy a hunger pang sometimes :) Try a 300 breakfast, 300 lunch then something nice for dinner with all the rest of the calories, then you dont go to bed hungry. :smile:

    Even a short walk will give you some extra calories :smile:
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