Do you still indulge in a drink or two?



  • bditty187
    bditty187 Posts: 14
    I have a drink of some sort 5-6 times a week. I log it all. I don't drink as much craft beer as I once did and I cut out red wine but I still have my drinks! Oh, and 60lbs down since 2-1-12.
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    I cut back heavily, but I do still drink. If I plan on having anything that's not light, I make sure to burn a lot of calories that day so I don't feel bad, and so my metabolism can keep up.

  • jeanzbeanz
    jeanzbeanz Posts: 64
    Guilty! Not every day, but 2-3 times a week - one glass with dinner. Three kids, including one w/special needs - one glass is not only an indulgence, it's a necessity!

  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I have a one beer or one glass of wine every night and on Sat. more than one.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    A life without beer or whiskey is not a life worth living.

    I feel the same about Gin! No point in looking hot, but not going out in the evenings to enjoy yourself! It's about balance. I know I couldn't spend the rest of my life without having a few drinks on a Saturday night, so I fit them in around my calorie and macro goals and have been consistently loosing weight.

    Cheers x
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    Its just like food, everything in moderation. So yes I still have a beer or two every so often. I just make sure I have the calories for it.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Yup! There are very few things I don't eat AT ALL anymore. This is my life and my life includes an occasional drink, an occasional ice cream, an occasional dessert. The key is occasional and to be honest about it. I wouldn't worry about it!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Well I never did before, so I'm not sure why I would start now.
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    I enjoy my beer and cocktails. There is this song by this awesome band..."On Tuesdays"...

    ...♫♫ I'm drunk on Tuesday - couldn't make it half way to the week ♫♫...

    I like to drink and banter with my friends. I don't think its haulting my progress at all. I make sure it fits into my calorie allowance. *shrug*
  • BenBz
    BenBz Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, but not all that often. If you track them, it'll break your heart to see the empty calories those drinks contain. Unless the drinks give you the courage to dance, then you can view that dancing as intense cardio! ;-)
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    i just make sure it fits within my calories
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Yes, I love beer;-) and wine. I fit it into my calories and it works for me. I cannot cut out things I enjoy, or I would never stay on track:-)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I sure do. On Friday nights, if I go out with friends, I'll definitely have more beer than I should. It hasn't hindered me yet.
  • susieqa6699
    susieqa6699 Posts: 42 Member
    I have a tendency to overindulge on Saturday' is the only day I don't go to the gym in the evenings....I usually make sure i have the calories. Alchol definately leds to bad food choices, but you just have to maintain. :happy:
  • SVallatini
    SVallatini Posts: 49
    Yes, it is possible to loose weight and still have a beer or wine, in moderation of course. My husband has lost 18 pounds so far and he had a few beers the other night.
  • cghiggins518
    cghiggins518 Posts: 48 Member
    I have a couple "night caps" every night. have them later in the night and it lets me unwind from the day. In no way has it slowed me down. I am active enough now that everything balances out.

  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hell yeah, I take my BAC% as seriously as my BMI.

    I lost all this weight while drinking a *lot* more (2-3/day) than when I was heavy (2-3/week).

    However, I'm not into heavy-calorie mixed drinks, and I don't get the drunk-munchies. My preference now is for a few strong cocktails or high-quality craft beers first, and then switch over to lighter beer for the rest of the evening.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    double post
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    My hangover today seems to answer this question perfectly.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Absolutely. My husband lost about 30 pounds with minimal cut-backs in drinking. Our house is like Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce half the time. We have a well-stocked bar, collect wine, and love to go beer tasting. We drink a lot over here. I have to be a little more careful because I am dealing with vanity pounds here but I probably have 2-5 drinks per week and it hasn't been too much of a problem.