You HAVE to eat your exercise calories....



  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    if you are at an unhealthy weight then there is no need to eat back you exercise calories, your body is happy to be shedding weight as thats what it wants you to do, however when you are at a healthy weight and your body is quite happy sometimes not eating back exercise causes too much of a deficit which can stall your weight loss. I say keep doing what works for you and then when it no longer works try something different :) no one can tell you to do anything, lol every body is different and responds differently, its all a matter of trial and error :P
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    As many have already said, just go with what works for YOU. Everyone is different and everyone loses weight differently. The goal is find a balance of eating and exercising that works for you and one you can live with for the rest of your life to keep the weight off.

    I am one of the lucky people that had to eat my exercise calories in order to lose weight. If I didn't eat back my exercise calories my weight loss stalled or I gained. That's just the way my body functioned... and who was I to complain? Eat more and lose weight. Awesome! :happy:

    Now that I'm on maintenance I still eat my calories back, but using my HRM to determine my calorie burn has been crucial to maintaining the right balance. The weight loss journey was all about learning what did and did not work for me so that I could maintain healthy weight... and not feel deprived while doing it! :flowerforyou:
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I don't eat all of mine back or any of the sometimes, sometimes I do...I try to stick with my base calories though then the extra are there if I'm still hungry or not then its just some extra I figure it gives me some wiggle room lol if I under estimate the serving size of something. Or graze while I'm cooking or working (as long as its not extreme grazing)..This has worked better for me than trying to eat everything weather I"m hungry or not...b/c well for myself eating just to be eating is one of the reasons I'm here.
  • willismack2
    willismack2 Posts: 84
    Today I will only eat an egg and drink chocolate milk. I wonder how much weight I can lose?
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    I still don't believe that I have to eat back all my burned cals,
    I have reached my first goal ( 37 lbs ) and most of my diet time I didn't eat my burned cals , the last stage I was eating 50%......

    I want to say : what is working for you may be not working for me..........I eat when I feel hungery....
  • BenBz
    BenBz Posts: 46 Member
    The fact of the matter is this isnt a short term journey for 99% of the people on here. Do what works for YOU. That being said, there is no reason to starve yourself.

    Thank you.

    I've just kept it simple and compartmentalized everything. On one had I make sure I exercise. On the other hand I make sure I eat sensibly and adequately. Just worry about not going over your calories on a regular basis. If you stay under you WILL lose weight. Just have to be patient and find the right balance that works for you and your new lifestyle and losing weight.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Options this question ever going to end???? DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU PEOPLE! It's that simple!! You're not going to drop dead on a 1200 a day calorie intake...nor are you going to drop dead because you aren't eating back your exercise calories. Everyone's metabolism is different. People fast for DAYS on end, and they certainly aren't dying or even unhealthy in the majority of cases.

    DO WHAT WORKS......
  • kktiny12
    kktiny12 Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah, but the Biggest Loser really isn't an indication of the right or healthy thing to do. They lose insane amounts of weight insanely fast which can't be healthy for you.

    People don't want to see "Oh great job, you lost 1 lb this week!" they want to see "Wow, you lost 15 lbs this week!" It's that whole instant gratification culture thing we have...

    I don't think what they do is unhealthy only because of the massive amount of fat that is weighting to come off. Of course if me being a 135 woman lost 15 lbs. in one week, I either gave birth to a kitten or lost a limb.
  • kktiny12
    kktiny12 Posts: 15 Member
    Options this question ever going to end???? DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU PEOPLE! It's that simple!! You're not going to drop dead on a 1200 a day calorie intake...nor are you going to drop dead because you aren't eating back your exercise calories. Everyone's metabolism is different. People fast for DAYS on end, and they certainly aren't dying or even unhealthy in the majority of cases.

    DO WHAT WORKS......

    AGREED! And the same goes for every other aspect of dieting and working out. Some peoples bodies break down and use foods differently so if someone else's diet doesn't work for you it's because you aren't them!
  • Teresacoughlan
    Teresacoughlan Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah but the peole on the programme are extreme cases. They need to loose weight fast or they will have an early grave. I think the Biggest Loser is a great way to kick start a healthy new lifestyle.

    I have entered a biggest Loser competition in my local gym and have lost 31 pounds in 10 weeks by only eating 1200 a day and not eating my excerise calories. i have had a few bad weeks, a hen party, come dine with me night etc but to enjoy those nights I just made sure I burned off extra calories on the weekend to make up for the over eating on those nights.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yeah, but the Biggest Loser really isn't an indication of the right or healthy thing to do. They lose insane amounts of weight insanely fast which can't be healthy for you.

    People don't want to see "Oh great job, you lost 1 lb this week!" they want to see "Wow, you lost 15 lbs this week!" It's that whole instant gratification culture thing we have...

    What people aren't thinking about regarding TBL contesants is (and Bob Harper has pointed this out) while they're on the show, that's their JOB. They are working out for a MINIMUM of five hours/day. They are going to educational sessions. They are constantly kept busy. And they have been completely removed (for the most part) from temptation. Not to mention, they don't have to worry about scheduling workouts around their work/family/social life. OF COURSE, they're going to lose alot of weight in a very short amount of time in that situation. What nobody is thinking about is the fact that, in almost every case, contestants' weight loss slows waaaay down once they get back to their normal lives/routines. So, I don't think they're necessarily losing weight in an unhealthy way, it's just that they're able to concentrate SOLELY on losing weight and getting healthy.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member

    I don't think what they do is unhealthy only because of the massive amount of fat that is weighting to come off. Of course if me being a 135 woman lost 15 lbs. in one week, I either gave birth to a kitten or lost a limb.

    That would be one heavy kitten....
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Yeah, but the Biggest Loser really isn't an indication of the right or healthy thing to do. They lose insane amounts of weight insanely fast which can't be healthy for you.

    People don't want to see "Oh great job, you lost 1 lb this week!" they want to see "Wow, you lost 15 lbs this week!" It's that whole instant gratification culture thing we have...

    I don't think what they do is unhealthy only because of the massive amount of fat that is weighting to come off. Of course if me being a 135 woman lost 15 lbs. in one week, I either gave birth to a kitten or lost a limb.

  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    different strokes for different folks. everybody has to learn what works for them. eat your calories back if it works for you.. if it doesn't don't .
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member

    Do whatever you want, really. You are not going to die if you do/don't eat your exercise calories back. If it affects your weight loss, do the opposite. The end.
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    What I find funny is how people want to bash the Biggest Loser all the time but EVERYONE is jumping on doing the 30 Day Shred all the time!!!! What the heck??? lol
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 439 Member

    Do whatever you want, really. You are not going to die if you do/don't eat your exercise calories back. If it affects your weight loss, do the opposite. The end.

    Bingo! I lost 250lbs not eating back my exercise calories, but we are all not the same, so the same rules don't apply to everyone. We also don't have the same goals, or want to get to those goals at the same speed.

    You need to find what works for you!
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    bump - I'll contine reading this later
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    Glad I found this thread! I just started a week ago and am soooo confused on eating back exercise calories and what not..... yikes..... guess I will see what works for me and adjust when I need to! Thanks for all the great info!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    What I find funny is how people want to bash the Biggest Loser all the time but EVERYONE is jumping on doing the 30 Day Shred all the time!!!! What the heck??? lol

    The Biggest Loser is a game show where some severely overweight people are exploited for TV ratings.
    The 30 Day Shred is an exercise DVD.

    I don't see the correlation.