The Petite Advantage Diet



  • I agree with all of your opinions I've been reading more into it and there are some aspects of this book that makes me really angry while some of the book is really informational. I'm getting mixed feelings on this book because he says you have to use this special equipment that he created so I was like wow this guy is just trying to sell me his crap but then his valid information like how you calculate how many calories you can have and your bmi and what not is really helpful. And the support you gain from his knowledge is great but like I said before I feel as if hes pawning off his success and what not.

    Also, a lot of doctors have agreed that his methods aren't right. Especially re guarding the no cardio really freaked me out because I always do it. I LOVE cardio especially how it makes me feel so fantastic. But when he discusses strength training I can see what he means when he says how it tears your muscles and rebuilds them as lean muscles but like I said before the no cardio matter really confuses me and I totally disregarded that!

    He has some great recipes and easy ones as well. And he stresses that eating more at breakfast is key. And since then I've been eating a bigger breakfast and I feel a lot fuller throughout the day. I usually get hungry around 12 or so. So i'll eat lunch and be on my way.

    Honestly though, would I recommend his book? Yes and no. His information is great and really plugs a bug into your brain about being mindful about what you eat. But his exercise routines really make me angry. Especially when hes like "using my equipment will help you succeed in weight loss blahblah"

    You can read a summary or what not about the book and message me your opinion on it if you'd all like!
  • He even recommends not to take part in cardio? This doesn't make sense to me. He says that for petites it can assist in actually GAINING anyone else reading this book?

    I haven't read the book, but I know from recent, consistent personal experience that I do hold weight when I exercise. If I omit workouts, my appetite is decreased significantly and weight seems to fall off. It is strange to me, but I am going to save myself some time and stay at home where it's warm ;)
  • Redgal56
    Redgal56 Posts: 73 Member
    I bought it and I am very impressed! What he states in there is so true - calories are calories - muscle burns more fat than just cardio. I am still planning on taking my Zumba class next week but I will be adding weights. I love the book so far! :smile:
  • i have been doing the petite advantage diet without the exercise bc i teach and have a 6 month old. so far on the diet i have lost 4 lbs in 6 days. i didn't think i would like the food but actually they are quick and delicious:)
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I'm 5' tall. My goal isn't to just lose weight, it's to be an athlete too. Therefore, I wouldn't follow that program.
  • lbaustin8
    lbaustin8 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on this Diet for 9 days now. I think there is alot of misinformation even for those who have apparently read the book. Even though he says "no cardio" it's really, that you don't have to do those exercises that just focus on aerobic exercise to get your heart rate up. My experience is that if you do the exercises he recommends with minimal rest periods in between, you will get your cardio. Your heart rate will go up which is the whole point of cardio. He also points out in the beginning that if you follow his exercise plan you will tone your body in places that pure cardio won't. The jury is still out on his plan. I am blogging about my experience and progress at I'm reviewing each of the meals and tracking my progress. Just my way of making myself accountable. So far I've lost 3 pounds. I just started the exercise routine and felt it in my legs and butt immediately (which is where I need it the most). Also, the gravity straps are not his product. It's from "GoFit" and a totally different exercise guru.
  • lbaustin8
    lbaustin8 Posts: 2 Member
    Let me add a couple more comments. How many of you who responded to the original post are over 50? Believe me once you hit post menopause, your body is not your own. The way you used to lose weight doesn't work anymore. What you used to get away with because you had a good hormonally running metabolism doesn't cut it when your hormones go caflewy on you. Maybe that's why this book resonates for me. I've tried all of my usual ways to lose weight to no success. I've worked with a trainer and focused mostly on cardio with some exercises. I never noticed a significant change in BMI and, didn't lose any weight. And, ended up being hungry after every workout. In fact, when I was working with a training, I would have serious hunger pangs at all hours of the day and night.
  • Redgal56
    Redgal56 Posts: 73 Member
    I am over 50 and totally understand what you are saying! I have the book and am going to try and follow it! Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • I am 5 ft tall and 40 years old. I need to lose about 20lbs to get down to about 110 lbs which I feel is a good weight for someone my size. I read the book and it made perfect sense to me from a scientific point of view. The diet is a plan that uses foods that are much more likely to fill you up with fewer calories (high in fiber and lots of lean protiens). It is really just retraining your metabolism so that you can burn calories faster and feel full on less calories a day. The exercise program with the reisitence bands is meant to build and stretch your muscles. It also burns a lot of calories when you are doing the exercises correctly. I do about 30 minutes of cardio twice a week in addition to the resistence bands but that's because I happen to enjoy cardio. I just started this week so hopefully I'll reach my 20 lb goal.
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    I've heard of it and think it sounds really interesting. I like the idea of strength training being preferential to cardio. I've started only doing intense cardio for warm-ups instead of the bulk of the workout. I probably should actually read the book before I decide to follow it haha.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Everyone needs exercise in my oppinion, tall, short, big, small!! I think I would pitch that book- ;)

    Ditto! Just what I was thinking.
  • Interesting!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    ahhh, I know what's going on here...

    None of you have actually cottoned on to the fact that everyone under 5'4" is actually not human. They're an alien race called the Droognarts (rough translation of course). Their ancestors were planted here as spies in the intergalactic war of 34545BC.

    This genius of a man has uncovered their secret, and understands that as they are an alien species, they have completely different genetics and physiology which means they will lose weight differently to us real humans.

    If ti weren't for these startling revalations, he would just be seen as a quack out to make a few bucks flogging yet another pointless weightloss method... and what are the odds of THAT being true??
  • kellyb63
    kellyb63 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 63 inches tall. I've been following some of the tips from Karas, such as, adding more strength training to my workout and cutting down my runs from 60 mins to 30 mins, may save my knees in the future! I also am focusing more on eating for calories for breakfast and lunch with lighter fare for supper. Will continue to eat more protein and fiber.

    I have noticed I am not starving or as hungry as I was when doing 60-90 minute cardio, maybe too much is simply that, too much. Will continue this pattern for a few weeks and see how it goes.

    I lost 3 lbs last week.
  • I am 5 feet, 55 years old, small frame, and 20 lbs over weight. I am a career food watcher because of my small frame. I have never been able to eat like most around me because of my petite size. I am doing the petite diet and quit frankly am glad to find someone who made a diet plan that is less than 1200 calories. I have struggled with every weight loss plan because of the higher calorie content. Sounds stupid that 100 calories could make or break a diet but for me 10 extra calories a day can make or break whether I lose weight. I am that person he writes about.

    As far as cardio or no cardio. He explains that cardio makes you hungry and when you're on an 1100/calorie a day diet being hungry can spell failure. As he says do the math. If I need less calories to just exist in a day (1400 calories for me) and I do lots of things that make me want to eat that extra 10-100 calories a day, over time it will add up a lot quicker than if you need 2500 calories to exist in a day. Also, he says cardio 3/week for 30 minutes is fine. Strength training for me has always burned more calories than cardio, and it does give you the same heart affects if you do it right. I learned that a long time ago from a personal trainer. That said, exercise is exercise...just do something!

    I have been on the diet 4 days and have lost 3 lbs. Now to some that seems like too much weight too fast, but he says the first few days it will be water weight, therefore another reason it is so good to build those you're not losing muscle and are actually losing fat.

    The meals are very easy, quick to make, filling, and very satiating. I have not been hungry once. Big for me since this is only 1100 calories. And I need the structure.

    The only con I see is he does not have a maintenance plan. But since I only get to add another 300 calories to the plan for my maintenance of 1400 calories a day it should be easy to figure out.

    Like any diet; not for everyone, but it definitely covers everything I have struggled with.
  • StephyBee
    StephyBee Posts: 1 Member
    I bought this book a couple of days ago and I believe he makes some very valid points. However, I wish he wouldn't use the words "no cardio", because everyone's jaw drops when he says this. There is plenty of "cardio" in his exercise plan. Cardio, meaning exercise that is beneficial to your cardiac and respiratory health. Do any form of strength training, and you will certainly raise your heart rate to a level that you would with any sort of running, cycling, ect. When he says strength training, he is not merely talking about repeatedly lifting weights, he means resistance training, while moving your body at the same time.
    And although he does sell you on the bands, they're only $35!!! That's it, much less expensive than P90X, and all of the equipment you would have to buy in that program + the cost of the DVD's.

    I'm 5'1 and have had a hard time loosing my last few pounds, so I'm going to give it a try. If It doesn't work, I'll try something else.
  • JocelynMG
    JocelynMG Posts: 2
    I just started this diet and exercise plan this week - Monday, May 21 and I've already lost 4 lbs. I'm assuming most is from getting rid of the bloat, which he talks about in the book.

    I'm not sure of the exact science behind it though - I'm fine with the 1,100 calories, but I don't know why I can't spread them out instead of eating those mammoth meals! I thought I was going to puke a few times b/c I was absolutely stuffed to the point where it was just gross. One meal calls for 15 spears of asparagus, that's crazy!

    Breakfast today included a full cup of yogurt, 1 cup of blueberries, 10 strawberries, walnuts and a 1/2 scoop of protein. I had to put it in a mixing bowl for God's sake!

    I do love my cardio, so it's weird not to do any, but I am getting my heart rate elevated with the exercises he's outlined with the gravity straps.

    So I'll carry on and let you know how I progress!
  • JocelynMG
    JocelynMG Posts: 2
    Crap - I wish I had know about his straps. He didn't mention where to buy them or anything, so the only thing I could think of was TRX. So I spent $260 on the straps and the door anchor :(
  • -
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    Barely even 5'0 here and I will say that...the one month that I did cardio 5 days per week was the WORST month I have had for weight loss.