Need support/encouragement today (10/10)

We are hosting a cookout/party today for our church and I'm very nervous. Last night, I didn't eat dinner because I knew I was going to be preparing different snacks and that I'd need to sample them (you, know, to make sure they taste ok, right? :wink: ) Well, I kinda lost control, sampling the meats and cheeses and homemade chex mix I made.... I didn't go too far over my calories, maybe just a couple hundred. But what I'm afraid of is that I'll lose control at the party. We are having a cookout, so there will be yummy burgers and sausages and things, and people are bringing deserts and other dishes, and we have some great cooks at our church... I'm just really starting to get worried. If I knew that you guys were counting on me or believing in me or something, i might be able to handle this.... Does anyone have any have any suggestions to help me avoid over-doing it? oh, help!!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The only way I have been able to deal with cooking and potlucks and all that other stuff is to draw the line at eating nothing at all.

    I don't have the control to eat "just one" so I eat nothing.

    I don't eat at parties or potlucks because I don't know when to stop.

    I don't know if prayer is something you use as a tool to cope with life, but this might be a good time to look for help from a higher power.

    Try putting your energy into talking to people and adding to the event with your kindness and thoughtfulness.:bigsmile:
  • jaminsmonster
    Pray! the devil know's where to hit where it hurts
  • jaminsmonster
    I'll be thinking of you & pray too :laugh:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I first want to tell you good job, you have done an awesome job! I can see where today would make you nervous but also remember it is just a day, a day meant to be with family and friends, a day that will NOT happen again so go with thee intent of fellowship and fun. Focus on the that and you won't be consuming your thought with food. Plan to be picky in that food line, try very small amounts and remember that saying about that nothing after the first bite taste as good !! Best wishes today and go with a cheerful heart! God bless!
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    We are hosting a cookout/party today for our church and I'm very nervous. Last night, I didn't eat dinner because I knew I was going to be preparing different snacks and that I'd need to sample them (you, know, to make sure they taste ok, right? :wink: ) Well, I kinda lost control, sampling the meats and cheeses and homemade chex mix I made.... I didn't go too far over my calories, maybe just a couple hundred. But what I'm afraid of is that I'll lose control at the party. We are having a cookout, so there will be yummy burgers and sausages and things, and people are bringing deserts and other dishes, and we have some great cooks at our church... I'm just really starting to get worried. If I knew that you guys were counting on me or believing in me or something, i might be able to handle this.... Does anyone have any have any suggestions to help me avoid over-doing it? oh, help!!

    By not eating prior you are going to the event (or the tasting last night) with hunger and the expectation that you will eat something. Then the temptation takes over with "I'll just eat this one, more...".
    Eat the right foods and fill up before you go so it will be easier to not eat there and the temptation will be lessened.
    Also, since you are now not going there hungry, you can just eat the "right" foods that will be there and not feel the need to eat just anything that is there.
  • Robby
    Robby Posts: 41
    I am completely impressed. Not only have you come so far already but you are very on top of what you are feeling and that alone will help you control your portions today! Think about small samples instead of a plate of everything. Are you going with anyone? Would they be willing to share a bite instead of you getting a plate? Either way, one day won't break'll keep moving ahead!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    You have done great so far. For this party, maybe limit yourself to one well portioned plate of small samples. That's what I did at the last one I went to. Once you finish the plate, no more food - just water. That way to can control what you eat and feel full with the food and the water. :heart:
  • laur89
    laur89 Posts: 30 Member
    Try not to hover around the food.
  • pawprint061
    I wish you good luck. I know what that is like for sure. The way I handle it is, I look at a food that looks really good and before I think oh that looks good I think oh my that must have over a hundred calories... so if I want a taste, that's all I get is a taste. I take a small spoonful. That way I can kinda taste more than one but only eat a little.... then I start telling myself that I'm full. I stay away from the food and busy walking around and talking to people... It's all about mind control but you can do it. Try taking a water bottle with you and drinking water... maybe you will feel more full eat less today. Good luck
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I stay away from burgers and sandwiches, but I check out the finger food and spoon food. However, instead of giving myself an entire helping (1/2 cup or more), I only put a taste on my plate. Make like a food judge and only give yourself a tablespoon of each thing. If it's a piece of pie or a tart or slice of cake, I can obviously not just take a tablespoon, so I allow myself two forkfuls or 1/2 of the piece (whichever is smaller). This way I still get to taste all of the lovely food and participate, but not overeat. I don't do second helpings, I don't graze (ie: eat while doing something else), and I stop when I am full. I jot it all down in a little notebook and log it here when I get home. For an example, you can see my diary for yesterday when we went to the Golden Corral (all-you-can-eat-buffet). Good luck and enjoy!
  • shinybonnie
    Wow, you guys are amazing! I can't tell you how much your advice and encouragement mean to me. Especially those who said they'd be praying for me. Just knowing that helps so much.

    IntheMoney, you are right, I had been planning to skip breakfast and lunch "just in case" I over did it at the party, but from your guys's advice, I will eat a normal breakfast and lunch and plan on eating nothing at the party. And I'll focus on my guests, not the food, and I'll stay away from the food, and I'll keep a water glass in my hand and drink from it when I start eyeing up the food.

    Thanks so much, I'll let you know how it goes!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I was going to post something similar looking for party support. I have a party to go to tonight and my track record at such events is terrible. I start out okay, but then I lose control. And my last couple of days haven't been the greatest.

    Good luck to both of us.
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Skipping meals is never good. Don't beat yourself up and don't focus on what you are not going to be able to eat. Have breakfast and lunch and drink lots of water. You may want to have an earlier dinner before everyone gets there of a really healthy choice (at least 1/2 an hour before guest arrive) then you will be full.

    If you are busy with talking to your guest and stay away from the table the temptation to pick will lessen.
    Also remember if you do break down and nibble. Walk an extra half hour tomorrow.

    Good luck have fun with your friends and enjoy yourself.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi Bonnie,

    It seems that the closer that you get to the goal the more we sabbatoge it! We start thinking...hey, look how good I am looking...this won't hurt. or...the weight is coming off so slowly at the end that we get discouraged and think it won't make a difference.

    For every yes there is a no. Yes to indulgance is no to a slimmer you. No to indulgance is saying yes to everything the Lord has planned.

    What we really should be learning here is to avoid extremes!!! We should be learning HOW to eat.

    I agree more with the sentiments of small portions rather than the eat nothing camp.

    I sometimes tell myself to eat like a skinny person. A skinny person asks for 1/2 of a hamburger, only takes 1 Tbs or the cheesy potatoes, takes the vegies and fruit and doesn't take any chips at all! She can still see parts of her paper plate when she sits down to eat.

    I will pray for you, too!
  • Rosebud1956
    Try and just snack on small bites of each thing you want to try. And if you go over again today, cut back later on in the week so it will average out in the end. Plus do some physical walking around talking to people and that may help burn more of what you eat. Main thing enjoy yourself its not like you do potlucks all the time. I read somewhere you burn more calories when you are standing than sitting.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    You're doing so good! :flowerforyou:
    Look how far you've come, wear something that will remind you of your accomplishments & have a good time! :flowerforyou:
    Get in some exercise so you have more calories.
    Keep a glass of water with you at all times if you can so your hands are full.
    Have something low calorie but filling before the party so you aren't starving.
    Remember that others who have been watching your weight loss will be wondering how/what you eat to be so successful.
    Take healthy tastes like others here have advised & you'll be fine.
    Eat slowly & enjoy!
    Remember - it's only a day. :wink:
  • 4mricandy
    4mricandy Posts: 159 Member
    Load up on water before the big cookout. Getting that feeling of being full might help you around the burgerfest!
    Good luck!
  • shinybonnie
    Well, I did pretty good. I thought of you guys often, throughout the party. I decided I was not going to eat anything at the party, but was going to eat a normal breakfast and lunch, drink water at the party, and then eat dinner afterwards (since it was at my house, I knew there'd be a ton of stuff left over at my house). Well, that was a good plan because I didn't get myself a plate of food, as I would have if I'd planned to eat there. I did have one weak moment, where I was talking with a person that makes me a little nervous. She was munching on the chex mix and I found myself with my hand in the bowl. I took 3 *small* handfuls and would have kept going, but during the 3rd handful my mind was shouting "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? STOP THIS!!!" and I stopped. :laugh:

    When the party was over, I was trying to get everyone to take as much food as possible, but there was still a LOT left over and I was having to clean it up. I had like 5 potato chips and a half a cup of pasta salad, and 3 bites of the most heavenly apple dumpling stuff the world ever saw. I pretty much threw everything out that was a temptation to me, rather than have it in the house and pretend like I wasn't going to eat it. I had to have my husband throw out the huge bowl of left over chex mix because I would've eaten it all between walking from the counter to the trash can, I couldn't bring myself to throw it out, hehe!

    Thanks everyone for your support, prayers, and good advice. Knowing that you guys were out there really helped me today. Even though I wasn't *perfect,* I am so glad that I'm not feeling guilty, sick, and stuffed right now!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I knew you could do it
    .':bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Great job!