Been here b4 but not serious, now time to get serious

Well, I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've always been big, all my life...I'm not very tall 5'5" and weigh about 220#'s I gained all of my weight 18 years ago when I was pregnant...Had my son and lost down to 175#. Then over the years slowly put back on 45#'s. I will be 49 yo in a few weeks. By the time I'm 50 I want to be at my goal weight of 140-150, in shape, with good muscle tone, and a new way of looking at and eating food.

I'm about to rejoin the gym and make a serious commitment to getting in there at least 5 days a week. I'm glad to have because I'm seeing a lot of inspiration to help get and keep me motivated. I just have to now make a commitment to actually use this resource to help me learn new, healthy habits. Actually relearn....I use to be very athletic and eat pretty healthy....but a busy schedule helped change all of that. Now that I can free up a little time, I'm ready to get back to a healthy lifestyle....I too young to feel old! There's too much life to live, and I plan to live it well, for many years to come!


  • reginasean
    reginasean Posts: 7
    I totally understand! I hope that you will succeed in your goal. I too want to get down to 140-150 and now I am in the 260#s and need to lose the weight. I love marking down everything that I eat during the day and it feels wonderful to see the weight slowly go away. I am changing my habits by eating 4 meals a day with a calorie count of about 400 calories per meal. I am drinking more water but I add Wal-Mart brand of MIO to it because I can't drink water alone I've tried for years but just can't stomach it. I am going to be starting an exercise routine at home with Yoga and other exercises that are geared to boosting my metabolism. I have a very bad knee so any exercises that require me to bend or squat are so out of the question as my knee cannot do this. I wish you the best and if you would like to add me to your friend list please do so. We can encourage each other on this journey and make our lives both healthier and more enjoyable! Good luck!