
gabwas Posts: 28 Member
Or should I say knee.
I have a bad knee. I am almost 30 years old and still suffer from osgood schlatters, as I have continually since 4th grade. I think it is pretty rare in adults. Because of the condition I can't really kneel or do lunges because of pain. As per the doctors I have seen over the years, there is nothing really wrong with my knee in terms of long term damage, it just hurts. Sometimes it swells so I ice and take ibprofen. Here is the deal. I want to lift weights for my legs and I am trying to become a distance runner. I can regularly run 2-3 miles no problem and am hoping to work up to a half marathon. I signed up for one in October. Has anyone else dealt with osgood schlatters throughout their adulthood. Any suggestions?


  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    No, but I have issues with Patellar Tendonitis and so I cannot do lunges, squats, etc. I also have lower back problems from a car accident and cannot do dead lifts. I lift all upper body and would love other suggestions for lower body workouts that would be easier on the knees. I tried weighted squats but I love to run and it made my knees so painful I had to take time off from running. That is not worth it for me. Looking for suggestions!
  • gabwas
    gabwas Posts: 28 Member
    Come on knee people!
  • missattitude57
    I don't have osgood schlatters but my first instinct when I read this was to suggest anything you could do in the water since it lets you do things with reduced impact on your joints. Even swimming or treading water could help strengthen your legs since it provides some resistance.
  • duncanryan
    duncanryan Posts: 122 Member
    As a physical therapist, I'd suggest the machings (sitting knee extension, standing knee flexion) to target your quads and hamstrings. This will help strengthen your upper leg. When doing these exercises, perform them within a PAIN-FREE range of motion. This means that if you feel your knee hurting, you went to far. Also, if you can do squats or lunges in a PAIN-FREE range as well, I'd recommend those. The goal is to keep your knee from flexing too much to avoid patellar compression.
  • duncanryan
    duncanryan Posts: 122 Member
    I don't have osgood schlatters but my first instinct when I read this was to suggest anything you could do in the water since it lets you do things with reduced impact on your joints. Even swimming or treading water could help strengthen your legs since it provides some resistance.

    Also an excellent suggestion.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Do you have one of the patella straps that are used for Osgoods. The girls @ my daughters gym with Osgoods use a strap. I have read that the double one works better.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    If there is truly nothing that can done for your condition, then you just need to deal with the pain aspect. If there are ways to avoid the pain by abstaining from things like lunges, then do so. If you are dealing with pain, as long as their in no permanent damage, that too becomes the reality.

    It sounds like you are able to perform as a runner with few issues, and if you are limited in some other areas, I guess that is the way things are. I say run run run. It's a great sport and good for you.

    I had knee surgery for an unrelated knee issue, and it was like magic. I can't believe I waited!
  • dcjackson50
    dcjackson50 Posts: 196
    Well,..... I am not at all a seasoned lifter,......just getting started actually as I think I have been concentrating too much on the cardio.

    While Im in the gym I have seen and done a couple things for legs that do not require bending your knees.
    For one, dead lifts give pretty quick results and are super effective for toning strengthening the hamstrings/buttocks.
    (bending at the hips with feet together so that weight comes just above your feet and legs are kept straight )

    Also, the machines that work the outer and inner thighs. Your legs are bent as you get into position, but while you do reps, are not bending the knees they stay in place,.......personally,.....this is another excercise that I found gave quick results.

    Hope this helped
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    I do use straps. I haven't seen double ones, I'll have to look into that!
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    I have had 4 knee surgeries and basically rebuilt all the ligaments in my knee. Plus I ripped half the other stuff in there holding it all together. I was 18...fastforward to 37 and I have had knee pain the whole time. I go from water to weights... it just depends on how my knee feels. One thing is great one day and will hurt me the next. For me, the point is not eliminating leg work outs but finding the range and exercise that works that day.
  • gabwas
    gabwas Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you everyone! I will try the machines and a strap!
    I love this community!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Can you do a reverse lunge? That puts a lot less stress on the knee than normal forward lunges. I know this because I had a torn cartilage in my right knee several years ago. Before I could go back to doing squats or lunges I could always do reverse lunges without irritating my knee.

    Someone else might have already mentioned it but you can do Good Mornings or stiff legged dead lift to work the hamstring and glutes. Those exercise will kill the back side and you don't even need to bend your knees at all.