What do you tell people...



  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Since deciding to turn my life around last year, im now wishing i would have done it back in my late teens, however my daughter who was carrying a bit of weight at 14 yrs has seen my progress and off her own back she has lost weight by healthy eating shes now 15 yrs and is blooming in to a young woman

    My gripe...............Aimee (thats my daughter) goes to her grandmothers once a week for dinner (my mother in law) MIL knows that Aimee is healthy eating and fair play she makes salad or pasta for her which is good but then she goes in to the cupboard and brings out chocolate cake or chocolate biscuits telling Aimee "have some, cause im having some"

    I honestly have to bite my tongue when MIL does this as she then offers her the cake about 6 -7 times even though shes declined each time :explode: :mad: Rant over
  • bellyake3
    bellyake3 Posts: 135 Member
    I find that those comments usually come from people that can't control their own eating habits. It's their own guilt that causes them to comment. I tell them that I enjoy what I'm eating and I know it likes me back.

    diddo..Keeping yourself feeling strong is your responsibility -- no one is going to force you to treat yourself well. In fact, it's other people who usually are the reason you do things that aren't the best for you to do!
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    I try to laugh it off. I get even stranger comments (than the OP) b/c I just happen to love produce (fruits and veg), but I also eat junk food, so sometimes people say things like: Why are you eating these healthy salads and then I see you eating potato chips?
    I just shrug and tell them: I'm not a health nut, I just eat what I want to eat...like everyone else does.
    That usually shuts them up.

    I find that the people make weird comments b/c when they see me eating something healthy, they take it personally, like a silent criticism of their food choices - when in reality I'm not saying anything or making a statement. I'm just eating my darn lunch!

    I honestly feel bad for them b/c they are thinking about it way more than I am. I wouldn't presume to tell someone to eat what I'm eating. But I can't do anything if they have their own issues. They are wasting time wondering about why I eat what I eat!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member

    Or I just say "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and they usually shuts them up...

    Love this one. It is so true.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I get it on the other end of the spectrum - I am still about 50lbs overweight. Sometimes when I go to a restaurant and I order grilled fish and a plate of broccoli - the waiter will say "Oh come on, you dont want want some mac n cheese or a baked potato?" - Um, no, I dont.. I am trying to make my *kitten* smaller, not bigger thank you very much. Or mom in law says "oh, one piece of pie isnt going to hurt you"... Yes, it is. I am not supposed to have sugar and I feel like crap when I eat that junk. So it seems like because I am already fat, one piece of cake isnt going to matter. Leave me to my fish and veggies and Ill leave you to your heart attack burger.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    Just say 'I love salads!'. It'll reinforce to them that this is how you want to eat, not that you're depriving yourself.

    I don't have this problem much, honestly. I'm allergic to so much that my friends usually ask 'are you sure you can eat that?!', they're adorable and look out for me.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    For the past few years, we've subscribed to an organic fruit & veggie delivery service, and my kids have gotten accustomed to the taste of fruit with no pesticides or wax added. So much so, when I once bought a bag of apples from the grocery store and dumped the apples into a bowl on the table, EVERY SINGLE family member, when they took a bite of an apple, stopped, got a deer-in-the-headlights look, and asked me, Are these organic? (knowing there was something amiss.)

    I found this to be very telling, and relayed the story to my coworkers. Ever since then, they've pestered me about everything I eat, and without fail will banter about "she can't have this, it's not organic". It's funny, yes, but it's getting OLD. I've told them again and again that we don't eat entirely organic, but they won't let up. If we go to lunch together, they'll comment on how the burgers (or whatever) might not be organic, and is that okay (har har har), etc.

    I'm half tempted to go 100% organic and start refusing their lunch invites just on principle. :devil:
  • DBell28
    DBell28 Posts: 45
    Thanks everyone for the support and advice, I'm glad I am not alone here. Im going out tonight and I'm sure I'll get a "comment" so now I know what to say :)

  • 0622cameron
    0622cameron Posts: 49
    I am on the other side of this...people at work pass around sweets all the time and now that i'm on track to eating healthy they all look at me like "WTF why isn't the fat girl taking the treats" it's almost like people just assume that because I am overweight I will eat sweets, or go for seconds, or take the last piece of cake?? At this point I really don't care what they think, I am doing this for me and my health. You shouldn't have to explain why you order what you do, or why you turn down sweets or what not. What you put in your body is your choice, and I do not feel the need to explain it at all! :)

    You said exactly what I was thinking. I have been working with these people for 4 yrs so they are so use to me eating like them now they don't understand why I want eat when we have special occaisions. My supervisor really acted like her feelings were hurt. Some people are just crazy!!!
  • Finch000
    Finch000 Posts: 6 Member
    I just look at them and say why are you not ordering this and then listen to all their excuses about not wanting to live healthy etc..
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Salads are DELICIOUS. And losing weight, KEEPING IT OFF, and eating healthily are more important than eating one slice of mystery bread from a restaurant. I frequently say, "I didn't make it, so I don't know what's really in it and I don't want to put something weird in my body."
  • My name is Daniela

    The best thing to do if you love to eat is, eat 5 -6 small meals a day , i never tried it .

    So i decided what the hell let me give it a try , i started 2 weeks ago and already lost :D its amazing and its so much fun , check out my blog i found that it keeps me motivated posting my meal plans and recipes :) everything is so good and low in calorie and very healthy :)

    especially if you love peanut butter i found this amazing peanut butter for 2 tbsp only 45 calories , 1.5 fat amazing :) and so goooddd !!!!!!!!!!!

    let me know what you think , and also message me with any questions
    im still new at this blogging stuff but i want to help everyone who struggles with weight loss , ive struggled and it wasn't easy but it is possible :)

    Happy Healthiness everyone :)

  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    In another note, the boss' daughter at the restaurant where I work thinks I'm losing weight by eating salads all the time. Right, because that's all people watching what they eat are eating. Salads. I have told her repeatedly that I eat lots of other things but she still doesn't get it so I've stopped replying. Sometimes you just have to ignore the dumb.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Just tell them that what they are ordering would make your stomach upset as it is so used to you being kind to it and giving it healthy foods. That is what I say and it's usually true.
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    I usually just say that I have changed my lifestyle. If they get too in my face about it or pressure me I usually say, go ahead and eat your way and stay fat I dont care, this is the way I eat get over it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't tell people anything, because the people who'd make those kinds of comments are the same people who'd make comments no matter what you ate. "Lucky you, being able to eat whatever you want..."

    No reason to stoop to their level being snide back at them. Live your life. Enjoy your food.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I had a conversation with a co-worker yesterday about my food choices that went something like this:

    Him: are you allowed to have that candy bar NayShel? (it was a chocolate mint protein bar)
    Me: sure, I can eat whatever I want
    Him: then why did you have only two tiny slivers of cake last week?
    Me: because I just wanted a taste
    Him: but I bet you really wanted more, right?
    Me: no, not really, I can't eat sweet like I used to - and frankly I don't care to
    Him: yeah, I guess you're right, I don't like eating so much it makes me ill either

    :) I love when coversations end in my favor

    Thankfully no one in my life really questions my choices on a regular basis. Hubby might from time to time but I'm always able to convince him it's what I really want to have for that meal/snack and not a sacrifice.

    If I had friends that asked me questions like that, I'd first give the honest answer of "this is what I feel like having" and then turn it around to them and ask "why are you choosing what you're ordering?". Turnabout is fair play!
  • mrsamy1
    mrsamy1 Posts: 10
    I get this all the time - it used to annoy me but I've learned that these people are just self conscious about what they are ordering for themselves. I usually ignore it, it's not their business what or why I eat certain things. If they really push me I pull out the gross FAT picture of myself that I keep in my phone. Good luck eating after that, kids.
  • dee492
    dee492 Posts: 28
    My FRIENDS, they dont ask me those types of things, because they are my friends and they know I have made huge strides in the past almost 3 years. My lifestyle changed, not my diet. I was huge and sat in front of the TV everynight eating, snacking etc....I watch very little TV now and am always on the go, I make poor food choices sometimes, somedays a lot of bad choices, but instead of giving up I know there is always tomorrow or the next meal or workout....my friends support me and sometimes when I make a poor choice they question me...even my co-workers are supportive. I know I am lucky to have that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't tell people anything, because the people who'd make those kinds of comments are the same people who'd make comments no matter what you ate. "Lucky you, being able to eat whatever you want..."

    No reason to stoop to their level being snide back at them. Live your life. Enjoy your food.

    You know, I used to think like that - like people who were skinny were lucky. I'd see them during the holidays or out to dinner and they'd be eating the same as me and I couldn't fathom how if they ate like me they could be thinner so I chalked it up to luck of the draw. Then I realized the difference is that most of them are that way because they are careful about their eating and are active during their day to day living, which allows them to go ahead and indulge a little now and then without being overweight. Whereas I was indulging on almost a daily basis! Maybe something to consider explaining to friends that give you that comment...