How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Every single morning. Even though I should just do once a week.... I can't resist though!
  • andrewsmommy13
    andrewsmommy13 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been weighing daily, and EVERYDAY the scale has been down.


    This is me too!
  • carisadepew
    carisadepew Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, in the morning. Otherwise, I'd be obsessed at the scale and depressed because no instant changes. All about discipline.
  • jvansyckel
    jvansyckel Posts: 45
    Once a week on Friday mornings. You should not be concerned or worried about the scale. This is a journey and your body will fluctuate. You could have a really good week, then the next week not so good, but as long as you keep moving in the right direction and not get discouraged that is what is important. And YES!! How your body feels is a good thing.
  • cjmas
    cjmas Posts: 63
    I weigh myself Sunday mornings, first thing. I workout Monday - Saturday and Sunday is my rest day.
  • I weigh every morning first thing. I know it will go up and down some and that's okay. It makes me more aware of how I'm doing. I log weight in on Saturday morning.
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    Every Thursday first thing in the morning. The important thing is to always weigh yourself at the same time, on the same scale.
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    i weigh every day, about 4 times a day too, should cut back on the amount per day and have before, but i just don't want to lol.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I weigh in every Friday, after I use the restroom and before I fix my coffee. :smile: And I usually try to wear the same thing to weigh in. :tongue:
  • afigueroa_pr
    afigueroa_pr Posts: 344
    If you're actively losing weight, I'd say weigh yourself once a week. That way you don't feel frustrated if you gain a half a pound a day. You'd be surprised how much weight fluctuates.
    Also weigh yourself at the same time every day. I particularly do it after I wake up in the morning or after my workout early morning before I ingest food.
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    Well I had been doing it daily, but I realized that I was focusing on that number way too much. So now I'm only doing it on Monday mornings.
  • ^^ This.
  • EAH123
    EAH123 Posts: 40
    This is a touchy subject for me. :grumble: The scale and I are finally on speaking terms after a few months of it not budging. Granted, I've been circuit training with weights so I built muscle.

    Anyways, I usually weight once to twice a week. The scale and I are back on speaking terms now. :tongue:
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I was doing it weekly, but now I'm on a self challenge to do it monthly.
  • wotan
    wotan Posts: 9
    I weigh myself almost every morning as a point of reference, but I only update my progress once a week to avoid getting all worked up about any minor fluctuations.
  • Charlahorr
    Charlahorr Posts: 37 Member
    Weekly- first thing in morning every week.
  • If you can disconnect what you are seeing daily from the progress you are ultimately making, I don't think weighing daily is a terrible thing. It keeps you consistent and grounded and there are no surprises at the end of the week because you are aware of what your body is doing everyday.

    I think most people don't do it everyday because it's really hard to stay motivated when each time you look at the scale the numbers have no pattern of decline or incline and so every week or every 2 weeks works. And is more of a general progression of what is happening. With no need to fret about the everyday goings on.

    I like knowing daily or every few days what's going on with my body. It doesn't stress me if I get heavier because it will happen. It's the disconnect from what you are seeing and the progress you are making which is the key to doing it everyday.
  • Jeanne78832
    Jeanne78832 Posts: 16
    I weigh in once a week on Thursdays around 12:00 pm.
  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    hahaha about 4 times a day... in the morning, when i get home from work, after dinner, and before bed.

    yeah i know its obsessive but I dont care. I've been successful thus far. Keeps me in check!
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Most mornings!! And sometimes at night just to see. I don't get depressed if it goes up. it just helps keep me on track as well.