How do you ladies/guys DO IT!

I should only have 1620 calories of intake a day ( according to this app ) It is my first day trying it out & I'm already like HOW DO YOU DO IT! For breakfast I took in a total of 700 calories (Yikes! I never knew I took in that much) so that only leaves me with 920 for the rest of the day. How do you manage it out? Any tips or things I should eat that would help!?

Also feel free to add me! Need some motivational people in my life that will stick to this like I am trying too :smile:


  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    My net goal is 1420 right now and I don't find it a problem. I rarely feel hungry. My total intake for each day is about 1700, with the added exercise calories. I've been a little (100or so) under every day this week, and I had fries, wine, and ice cream. The key for me is planning ...
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    mine is 1620 as well, if you open your diary I can probably give you some pointers...
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    Basically, one of the tricks is to remove higher density calorie foods and substiute those with less calories. ALso, fill up on low calorie foods like veggies. Drinks have lots of calories (sodas, coffee drinks, alcohol, etc), good idea to cut those out since they take up calories....I

    I could go on and on bbut I think you get the idea. It's going to take some research and learning before you get it right . Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Cook most of your food yourself. It is amazing how much the calorie count of foods goes down when home prepared. Nachos, pizza, pasta, burgers, etc. When I prepare these myself they have 1/2 - 2/3 the calories of when I eat them out or premade. It's as if every restaurant and frozen food company coats everything in lard.

    I eat about 1600 - 1800 most days, and that include a couple glasses of wine and I'm rarely hungry.
  • So that's what I have to do! PLAN IT OUT! What I ate for breakfast didn't even fill me up & it had 650 calories! No more of that. Time for something else. THANK YOU!
  • How do I open it?
  • taintedbutterfly18
    taintedbutterfly18 Posts: 189 Member
    my goal is @ 1200 right now. I usually eat around that or up to 1500 (depending if I workout that day) . It does take some adjusting. The thing is to use your calories wisely as you would say your money. We all want expensive things or in this case high calorie things do taste much better than healthy foods, but you can have those things as well as long as you keep it in moderation. Know what portion sizes really are. Feed your body what it needs, instead of what it wants all the time. The results are worth it.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Welcome to the first step of a healthier life. Awareness of the crap around you. I just pretty much eat, I've actually had to find calorie dense foods to get my calories up. I believe in the Eat More Lose More approach, but everyone uses their own take on how to get it done. You're just going to have to start exchanging foods for greater quality foods. Only thing I recommend, if you're hungry, eat. Don't deprive yourself of food. Just keep working until you find foods that are leaving you feeling more fulfilled after eating them. For me removing grain/most carbs was a HUGE difference and the same for my girlfriend. High protein and a nice fat along with it does well for me.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    Go to "Settings", and then down to "Diary Sharing" and choose "Public"
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I usually eat about 200 for breakfast and lunch, 300 for snacks (total 700), 600 or so for dinner. I eat very light foods throughout the day. If I get hungry, I eat a snack. The secret is to eat all through the day and to avoid anything heavy. At 700 cal for breakfast, I'd say no creamer in your coffee, no dairy at all, and try to get protein and grains (which give me, anyway, a fuller feeling than empty calories). Oh, and something as small as a cup of OJ really adds up and does little to slake your thirst or give you vitamins (any multivitamin has more vitamin C than a cup of OJ)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The biggest part of logging calories is finally being AWARE of just how many calories you consume. It's really an "OMG, really?!" moment. Life-changing.

    Once you learn where your calories are coming from, you can make adjustments to your lifestyle.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    my goal is @ 1200 right now. I usually eat around that or up to 1500 (depending if I workout that day) . It does take some adjusting. The thing is to use your calories wisely as you would say your money. We all want expensive things or in this case high calorie things do taste much better than healthy foods, but you can have those things as well as long as you keep it in moderation. Know what portion sizes really are. Feed your body what it needs, instead of what it wants all the time. The results are worth it.

    REALLY like this approach. Budgeting like income is a REALLY nice way to put it!
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    My diary is open if you'd like to look at it. I had a really good week and lost 2 pounds, so this week is a good week for people to peek!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    shoot for 3 500 calories meals and a 100 cal snack
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I usually eat about 200 for breakfast and lunch, 300 for snacks (total 700), 600 or so for dinner. I eat very light foods throughout the day. If I get hungry, I eat a snack. The secret is to eat all through the day and to avoid anything heavy. At 700 cal for breakfast, I'd say no creamer in your coffee, no dairy at all, and try to get protein and grains (which give me, anyway, a fuller feeling than empty calories). Oh, and something as small as a cup of OJ really adds up and does little to slake your thirst or give you vitamins (any multivitamin has more vitamin C than a cup of OJ)

    Eating throughout the day isn't that important. It is just something used to help curb binges.
  • EAH123
    EAH123 Posts: 40
    Protein all around. I have 1620 daily and rarely go over. In the morning, I usually have coffee and a protein shake or coffee and egg whites with cheddar cheese and salsa.

    For lunch, I will have leftover chicken with a large salad or enchiladas (frozen/packaged) or Gluten free chicken nuggets. For lunch today, I ate leftover grilled chicken, topped with a 1/4 cup of shredded extra sharp cheese and 1 T of Medium Pace picante sauce.

    For dinner, I eat grilled/baked/sauteed meat, veggies, and an occasional carb. Some nights I will have frozen enchiladas or chicken nuggets or a grilled cheese if I have a craving. I also eat Tinkyada rice penne every once in a while.

    For snacks, I eat Gerbs' unsalted sunflower kernels and/or pumpkin kernels or a protein shake (with water), or rice cake with Peabutter (allergic to peanuts) and a 1/2 T of blackberry spread. I also keep a 80 calorie co-jack cheese packet around. I keep stock of Chobani Champions very berry. 100 calories, 13g of sugar, and 8g protein. I also have Skinny Pop popcorn around as well as Enjoy Life Mountain mambo single serve trail mix.

    I do eat chocolate occasionally but not every day. I stick to one to two serving every once in a while. Philly swirl popsicle stix have 9g of sugar and 48 calories.

    I HAVE to have protein and a little sugar here and there. I also have to stay hydrated. I usually drink 20+ cups of water daily. Most days, I go above my calculated protein amount and below sugar/calories.

    It's a balancing game. There are splurge days, of course, but it's one foot in front of the other, one day at a time.
  • Karalopolous
    Karalopolous Posts: 574
    I'm hungry alll the time, 1620 is not enough for me, I usually do like 1800-2000 a day. I have ot eat a bunch of times a day. Veggies, and high fiber foods are good options. Also, I love protein rich foods they really help.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Check out other MFP-er's diarys to get some ideas. That might help. Try to eat really lean meats, whole grains, try to limit your breads and only drink water, coffee/tea without all the cream/sugars. LOTS of veggies and fruits.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Cook most of your food yourself. It is amazing how much the calorie count of foods goes down when home prepared. Nachos, pizza, pasta, burgers, etc. When I prepare these myself they have 1/2 - 2/3 the calories of when I eat them out or premade. It's as if every restaurant and frozen food company coats everything in lard.

    I eat about 1600 - 1800 most days, and that include a couple glasses of wine and I'm rarely hungry.

    Darn right!!! Stop with the fast food (if you are), and you'll save money too.
  • promo153
    promo153 Posts: 6
    My daily target is 1,200. It's very low. But I adapt. I don't care much for eating something new everyday. This is important. If you expect to have a new flavor every day, then you are in for a challenge! :)

    Here is what I do:
    1- replace breakfast with a protein shake - 129 calories
    2- mid-morning I take a < 100 calorie snack like an apple or a banana or a pear
    3- I have an early lunch at 11:00 or so that usually consists of:
    1) carrots
    2) spinach
    3) beans (for the protein)
    4) cucumber
    5) broccoli
    6) celery
    4- mid afternoon snack as close as I can to 100 calories
    5- light dinner (chicken or fish) and veggies

    Eliminate all alcohol, sodas, foods with high-fructose corn syrup, and diary.
    Repeat daily, add more food when you work out.

    Good luck!