Running on Empty.

I just started this MFP deal yesterday and I made it ok....I almost went over my calories and had to hold back on stuff that I wanted big time but I know it will be worth it in the end when I'm not 55lbs overweight anymore...

But I gotta tell ya...I'm running on plum empty. Its like 4:35pm and hopefully there will be soft tacos when I get home but I'm seriously crashing big time over here....usually I'd have had probably two 20oz cokes (480 calories) and a couple of beef jerky sticks (320 calories) and probably 3 handfuls of planters honey roasted nuts (480 calories) for a total of 1,280 calories inbetween my meals which average I would say 500 calories most days for breakfast and lunch and then 800 - 1,000 calories for dinner.

So overall each day I was probably eating 3200 and some change calories....and today, I'm crashing hard. I'm plum OUT of GAS.

Does this pass? I don't know if I can continue to feel run down and running on empty every day :(


  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    You might want to plan in some healthy snacks. I know that with my calorie restriction I can only go a few hours with out refueling myself. So I keep dry roasted almonds on hand. 24 is a serving for 150 calories and I find it very satisfying. I also pack things like fruit and cheese sticks. But I keep it all in my calorie budget. This also keeps me from over eating when I do it. I try to never be to hungry.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    It's all of matter of what you eat and when you eat. Make sure you space meals and snacks out every 2.5-3 hours. And make those calories count! Find snacks and meals with lots of protein and fiber. I can have a bowl of oatmeal with a chopped up apple at 6:30 AM and still not be hungry by 10 AM. Apples with PB, protein shakes and/or bars, nuts, chicken - all great sources to keep you full for longer.
  • byock
    byock Posts: 23
    Replace the Coke with Coke Zero or Diet Coke. Caffeine is a appetite suppressant and does me wonders.
  • Sounds like you just need to find healthy alternatives. Water instead of pop, maybe some veggies instead of jerky....
    I get 1520 calories and find I actually eat alot and am not hungry very often. It takes awhile to figure out what foods work for you and your appetite, look at some diaries, read some threads about snacks, you ll figure it out :)
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    You are going to lose weight faster when you drop your calories that quickly, but you may plateau faster too. If its burning you out that bad, eat about 200 less than you used too, and try to make them healthy calories. Then the next week drop another 200. etc. So your body can adjust to the energy its losing.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    The biggest thing I am noticing is that you are eating a TON of processed foods. Processed foods are high in calories and often not packed with nutrition. If you want to eat alot of food and not run on empty, try to make your own food from scratch more. Oatmeal and fresh fruit for breakfast, an apple and all natural peanut butter for a snack, a sandwich of leftovers for lunch, homemade dinner. You'll be able to eat much more for the calories than the processed stuff it looks like you are eating (from your diary).
  • browneyez27
    browneyez27 Posts: 31 Member
    you may need to reconsider the goals you set for yourself when making your profile...if its set for 2lbs/week maybe its wise to start out slower at 1.5 or 1 lb for'll give you more calories and more leeway until you get the hang of the whole cutting down/logging stuff on here :)
  • Kreacher12
    Kreacher12 Posts: 20 Member
    You say what you eat, but not what exercises you do. Be sure to log your exercises. Those make a difference in you calories. If you walk, ride a bicycle or whatever kind of work you do, log it. If the exercise you do isn't listed on the database, got to "" and see if t is there. Then search the MFP database for something close to what you have burned and log that.

    Note: Calories burned from an exercise will change with your weight. Be sure to note how many minutes you do each exercise so you can enter/log it correctly. Almost any activity burns some calories. Go scream at the jerk next door. No! Wait! Forget I said that!! :-D

    Set realistic goals. The idea of losing 55 pounds in 2 weeks sounds great, but it isn't realistic. Don't compare you loss/gain wit other people. Each of us are individuals and will not have the same results. Hang in there! :)
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I see you are eating muffins, chips, soda etc...none of those are good nor give you the energy you need. Take a look at my journal (not necessarily the calories i intake) and reference them. Like the bread I eat is the sarah lee delites...only 45 cals per slice. You are eating regular wheat bread which contains more calories for the same thing. etc
  • You're eating high calorie but not filling/lasting food. Eat more lean proteins (i.e. 8 oz chicken) with meals and things like low fat cottage cheese for snacks.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree with the others on finding healthier alternatives to your snacks. Nuts are still good, but you need to lower the quantity and maybe try almonds or pistachios. As far as the getting past this, yes, you will. I'm getting close to my goal weight and truly have no idea how I will actually eat more food once I go to maintenance!
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    The biggest thing I am noticing is that you are eating a TON of processed foods. Processed foods are high in calories and often not packed with nutrition. If you want to eat alot of food and not run on empty, try to make your own food from scratch more. Oatmeal and fresh fruit for breakfast, an apple and all natural peanut butter for a snack, a sandwich of leftovers for lunch, homemade dinner. You'll be able to eat much more for the calories than the processed stuff it looks like you are eating (from your diary).

    This. When I stopped eating processed foods, I actually found it hard to consume ENOUGH calories, and had to force down some meals. You also get more steady energy from natural foods than you do from high sugar, processed foods. Nothing like a sugar crash to wipe you out!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    For one, make sure you are set up for the right calories per day...MFP is sometimes a little low for most people...Use this site:

    Another thing is....Don't try to cut out all of your favorite foods at once...Just cut out one thing each week or for cokes, just cut down to half for a few days then you can go from there to cut them out completely....Sweets, just cut out cookies one week or two then try it for chips....If you do it all at once...You are going to get overwhelmed & want to quit before you even get started...Also, just try to incorporate a glass of water each day until you get up to 8 glasses or so....Also, try to add healthy foods in slowly as well...You CAN do this!!! :)
  • It passes... it truly does. I noticed that you mentioned having 2 cokes - that my friend was what I had the hardest time getting past. The wonky, out of energy feeling that I always cured with a pepsi was the most difficult thing for me to get over but like everything else it passed and I white knuckled it because the empty calories and the sugar rush weren't worth it.

    Good luck to you!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    it will get easier as your stomach shrinks.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Totally agree with others on healthy options, but sometimes it also helps to phase in your drop in calories - instead of going from 3500 to 1500 - go to 2500 for a couple of days - then to 2000 for another couple of days and then maybe to 1500 (or whatever your goal is).....

    It is much better doing it this way than crashing out after 3 or 4 days because the change is just to big for your body and mind to handle.....

    Good luck - it does get easier as you figure out what works for you
  • snuffbox
    snuffbox Posts: 1
    Hang in there dude. You're not going to win every day; but don't let that stop you from trying. After some futzing around with the site I think you'll discover (as I have) that it sucks to be hungry. It's all you can think about. As the above comments mentioned, set your goal to a pound a week. Slow and steady. Get rid of junk food and crap food though. Once in a while enjoy a barbeque over the summer. Going over your calories to enjoy life sometimes is necessary. It just can't be an everyday thing.
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    I know others have mentioned the amount of processed foods in your diary - I would agree and also suggest that you watch your sodium levels as most processed meat, cheese, soups, bread etc will have quite high sodium (salt).

    The recommended adult intake of salt on MFP is 2500 - which is only 2.5 grams or just over 2 'pinches' - not very much!

    Too much sodium can cause heart issues, high blood pressure, weightgain through fluid retention, increased thirst and pressure on your kidney function.

    If your sugar intake is quite high your blood sugar levels may not be stable - when thet are from eating complex carbs such as grains etc rather than processed flour products (muffins white bread etc) then you will not go through these sugar low crashes
  • tammisr32
    tammisr32 Posts: 38 Member
    snack ideas: celery with peanut butter, pears, apples, pumpkin seeds (1/4 cup), greek yogurt with berries.... 5 hour energies for those days when nothing helps!
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Start eating low caloric density foods. That is vital on a low cal diet. Fruits, veggies, brown rice, lean turkey, quinoa, etc. are all great. That way you can eat a ton of food, but not a ton of calories. Lean turkey and top sirloin are my favorites (top sirloin isn't quite a low cal, but if you trim it up and don't slather it in blasphemous sauces, it's 800 calories for 15 oz, which is a lot of steak! Quinoa is awesome too: rinse it really well, cook it in a rice cooker with chicken broth instead of water, and add some smoked paprika, and it's amazing.

    Hope that helps.