any mommys with twins out there????



  • texasrebel83
    texasrebel83 Posts: 40 Member
    3 year old boy/girl twins here. The first year was a cake walk compared to this age, I would take the infant stage back in a heartbeat over toddlerhood.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    The youngest of my crew are my 4 year old twin boys. They are identical, but feel less and less like what you expect twins to be like as they grow further apart developmentally...they were very sick as preemies and one (the cutie in my ticker) had a stroke that left him with an overwhelming amount of brain damage, CP and other issues.

    Still, despite the differences in developmental age, they are SO very attached to eachother and on the bright side, at least (as someone pointed out to me) I've never had to worry about them running off in opposite directions, leaving me to decide which one to chase first. LOL
  • mssurles
    mssurles Posts: 9
    Hello there. Well I have a set of twins that are 12 and at the younger yrs they were a hand full but I got used to it; just did double things instead of single. Dont worry enjoy them in the younger times b/c it gets tough when they start the teenage years lol. I have fraternal twins to me which is a good thing cause I can tell who did what lol but they are still just like being identical twins; always blaming each other for stuff, fussing, and fighting as any other of my kids. The funny thing about it is when they were babies I was in the grocery store one day and this gentleman was behind me and told me, "i got twins also and when they get older it gets harder" i didnt think nothing of it at the time and I just laughed it off but now I see he might of been correct in some way. Dont get me wrong though, my boys i love them to death they will always be my babies; there is always positive outlooks on twins.
  • My boy/girl twins will be three in two weeks. As I tell my sister (who has 9 month old twin boys), it doesn't get easier, it just gets different. Though I have to say that right now there are many days when I'm glad there are two of them. They are really close and play together really well (though we still have the typical sibling squabbles, of course). Most of their friends are twins as well. I suspect they are going to think all kids come in pairs! LOL
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    Mine run left and right if they had the chance I've had to Chase them before they think its funny.. me ..not so much ... The youngest is a mama"s boy big time ... The older one is the mischevious one he starts everything LOL
    I have three boys was really sad when I found out they were boys bit looking back I wouldn't change it for anything ... I agree I wish I woulda cherished the infant stage more there are some days I feel insane like why me ahahah ... But they are my world
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I have twin girls (7) fraternal, I also have a 14 yr old and a 12 yr old, girls as well. Super busy the first 3.5 years and gradually was easier with them, however I find now that the older two keep me so busy with school activities and teen hormones that the twins are a piece of cake these days.
  • lastczechmate
    lastczechmate Posts: 7 Member
    Here is a late post to this topic: My fraternal twin sons just turned 21! You would think it would be a relief that now they are adults, responsible for themselves, yet a mom will always worry! I found out I was having twins while overseas and pregnant (and hemorrhaging). Back stateside, bed rest pregnancy during the worst TV era in the history of the USA! They were born emergency c-section at 29 weeks. The first 7 months were the hardest thing I'd ever done, turned a big corner when they learned how to talk, all the time dreading when they would be learning how to drive... But we all survived that too, and in the most unexpected ways!

    So impressed with all you guys taking care of yourselves when you are also really in the trenches in terms of parenting too! Message me if you want to "talk twins"!