Need support

I have fallen off and on for about six months and have lost some friends along the way. I understand completely that I cant expect people to stand by me if I dont commit to this completely. Anywho I am in need of some supportive, stay on your *kitten*, no excuse having type of support. I can be stubborn at time, but i'm a Taurus. I would appreciate any support in any shape form or fashion. I am also open to suggestions that will help me stick to exercising on a daily. I do have a gym membership, but i find it hard to stay focus on a treadmill and as far as weights I dont know too much about the machines.


  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    Honestly I am not the person to motivate you when it comes to exercise. I do what I can, but not a daily person. But if you need some help with what you eat then I can help! I am pretty disciplined about that!
  • wed30
    wed30 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, just want to share this with you, "you can't move forward, if you're always looking back". I think this speaks for many things in life. Wishing you the best with your goal!
  • lhinds85
    lhinds85 Posts: 66 Member
    I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks for your well wishes they are greatly appreciated.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Sweetie, you can do this. Get your *kitten* on that treadmill. Go outside and *enjoy* that walk, don't just take it. It's so much easier to stick with it when you enjoy it.

    I bike on weekends. I don't burn as many cals as I do when running the tread, but I enjoy it more. I think when I retire, I'll probably stick with the biking and lay off the running. I even got my hubby to go with me this last weekend :wink:

    So get out there and have some fun, or enjoy the air, or do something that makes you happy!!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    I am a Taurus too. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    I like to run and I'm currently on week 6 of the couch to 5k program. I don't like treadmills because I get bored really easy and I may forget what I'm doing and hurt myself, lol! I like going outside and to do my thing; the fresh air and different scenery keeps you distracted from the time and what you're doing. I'm very committed to achieving my goal and log on often. You could add me if you like but if you don't log in, we cant help!
  • Msbeene001
    Msbeene001 Posts: 11 Member
    I can definitely offer support!! I can be harded too but if you really want something then
    you work and fight for it...
    Feel free to add me
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    Hello lhinds85,
    You have started the journey, give yourself some credit you lost 61 pounds.
    Do you like you results so far?
    Do you want to make more changes?
    Do you love yourself enough to continue?

    I do the elliptical, bike and a bit of weight training.
    Elliptical and bike are boring as all get out. But I know I need the excerise and endure...I usually watch TV while I am at it.
    Try to make exercise part of your life. Not a drag on your life.
    Believe it or not, I have improved enough in my life to be able to come home and then go back out to the Y. The old me could not do it. I have been working on lossing weight and I know exercise is a part of if, so I suffer thru. I am one of those folks who do not get that energy burst after exercise. It takes all my energy to get home after workouts..and I have been at this for a while.
    Try to get a buddy(s). There are ladies and guys I see at the Y, who encourage me, and I encourage them. They notice when your pants are fitting loose or your face is looking slimer, encourages you to keep trying, ask where you been since you have not been around.
    Don't over do it at 1st, that will only discourage you. Just do whatever you can, and gradually work up. Ask the staff to go thru and show you the correct way to use the machines and weights. You should get some free ones with your membership.

    Another thing, my neighbors walk in the evening. I invited myself to walk with them, to add a bit more to my exercise. It give me a chance to get to know them, and get more exercise. Plus nice to have someone to walk with. Just a casual evening stroll.

    Make yourself important to you, love yourself enough to do this for you...

    I will send you a friends request.
  • lnevola
    lnevola Posts: 2 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from!! It has been about 4 months now for me, and for the first time in my life i an enjoying exercising! My only words of wisdom - make a decision to take time for you! Set aside 30 minutes or whatever your schedule will allow, and that will be your time! Then during that time - do something you like, whether it be walking outside, on a treadmill , jumping rope, hulahoop, whatever - as long as you are in motion. Make it SOMETHING THAT YOU ENJOY and just stay in motion. As long as you are moving - that is better than sitting!! Find good upbeat tunes on your ipod, and make a decision to enjoy being you - and to work on making sure that you become healthy and strong! It is a journey and i wish you all the best of everything!!:smile: