I need help!!! i just cant get lower than 176lb

Becca21 Posts: 361 Member
So i get to 176 then ill put it back on to 179lb then i lose then i gain.
any ideas why am i not ment to be any lighter than this.
i walk 5x a week 3x a day for 40mins a walk. then i try and do a dvd or a run 3-5 days a week.
im 5ft2 i eat around 1400-1700 calories always have plenty left after exercise.

Please help with ideas.


  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    So i get to 176 then ill put it back on to 179lb then i lose then i gain.
    any ideas why am i not ment to be any lighter than this.
    i walk 5x a week 3x a day for 40mins a walk. then i try and do a dvd or a run 3-5 days a week.
    im 5ft2 i eat around 1400-1700 calories always have plenty left after exercise.

    Please help with ideas.
    Ok first things first. Ive encountered 2 plateaus. My success in breaking them was by eating at maintenance calories for 1 or 2 weeks and starting heavy lifting. I mixed it up with cardio. Fell in love with weightlifting then dropped back into s deficit after those two weeks. Both times I lost 4-6 lbs immediately. So that's my suggestion!
  • htolen
    htolen Posts: 28
    Well, your diary isn't public so I can't look at your foods and numbers, but it sounds like you are WAY under on your calories. I have had the same problem lately, and then realized that I'm a good 500 calories below my net goal every day; as a result I've been yo-yo-ing too. When I eat my minimum net calorie goals (that means your daily goal PLUS your exercise calories), the weight comes off without a fight. So...add more proteins and healthy fats to your diet to get extra calories...you might also want to switch up your exercise routine to work new muscle groups (instead of walking, try biking or do some different workout videos). Most important, just keep going--plateaus break eventually.
  • nessa786
    nessa786 Posts: 107 Member
    You might need to up your calories...try upping it by 300 calories for a week and see what the scale says. I just did that this week and I have lost 5 lbs this week
  • brons2
    brons2 Posts: 6
    I don't always trust what they tell you that you can subtract for exercise. For example I ride my bike and it says if I'm going 14-16 mph it burns something like 890 calories an hour. Well, that really isn't that hard of an average to maintain and I don't feel like I am really burning those sort of calories riding a 15 average.

    Even my Garmin is in on it, when I go for a long ride like say a full century and I wear my heart rate monitor, when I get to the end and upload my workout to Garmin Connect, it says I've burned something insane like 5500 or 6000 calories. I have a hard time believing that honestly. If I eat a clif bar at every stop it seems like I gain weight on the ride.

    So anyway, my message to the OP is to leave the exercise demerits out of your calculations for a while, and try to stay under your calorie goal solely on the merits of your food intake alone. Perhaps that will get you moving off of your plateau.

    If that doesn't work, my other advice is to make a fitness goal, something that is much harder than what you are doing now. That really helps me get pounds off.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Two things that have worked for me - 1. changing my workout routine; add in something new, change up my schedule, etc. 2. Take a week off from exercise (usually not intentionally, but oddly has worked) but keep eating pretty consistent. When I return to exercise weight starts dropping again.