Good Hemp Protein

I've been taking this natural supplement for a while now and find it REALLY effective with no dodgy side-effects :happy:

Anyone else enjoying this product?



  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    Meeee!! xD Was beginning to think I was the only one haha
    First time i tried it though, I made the mistake of smelling it but once you get past the colour etc its all good :)
  • cjbennett2012
    cjbennett2012 Posts: 38 Member
    haha have to agree it tastes vile but for the sake of no stomach pain i can live with that :laugh:
  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    ok so slightly anti-diet but to get myself used to it i added a spoon of maple syrup n it tastes kinda yum!! And now I can just drink it straight up cos I is hardcore haha
    I like the high-fibre and amino acids side to it aswell cos I'm veggie.
  • cjbennett2012
    cjbennett2012 Posts: 38 Member
    Excellent really happy it's workin for u too haha we should spread the word, best protein supplement I've ever taken, wen i was into bodybuilding at 19 i used to put so much rubbish in my body it's unbelievable but like u say it's great source of protein anyway especially for a vegetarian as it's all natural :happy:
  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    Yusss spread the word!! Although, I have tried, nobodies interested if you don't mention "whey" when discussing protein :ohwell:

    I only really started using supplements recently, when I discovered the Jillian Michaels workouts and decided it was time to get fit properly. That extra protein makes such a difference to whether or not my muscles are aching next day. Fact in the matter is I actually now have muscles!! :happy:
    So how old are you now?? Everyone I speak to on here seems to be 16 or late 30s.
  • cjbennett2012
    cjbennett2012 Posts: 38 Member
    Haha i agree whey is no good and gives u gut rot i think :laugh:

    Currently doin a ripped in 30 challenge in groups if u wanna join JM methods r amazing and fair, not too easy and just when u think u r gonna break it's over :happy:

    I'm 27 yrs old, so what got u back into fitness u have lost quite alot already haven't u? :smile:
  • sarasmile144
    sarasmile144 Posts: 108 Member
    We have hemp oil in our house, and occasionally get the hemp milk (especially the hemp chocolate milk.. yummm) :)
  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    I've never tried it. But I associate it with body-builders and I wanted to increase my protein not become superwoman haha Although, I actually have (small) guns now which I'm quite proud of :happy:

    Ooo don't have that one. I'm just about to start level 3 of 30 Day Shred, a couple of days off were required this wkend due to alcoholic indulgence :wink: but I think I did enough dancing and today I channelled my inner Alan Titchmarsh so hoping I didn't do too much damage. I just ordered the 4 dvd box set, which is 6 wk 6 pack, burn fat boost metab, no more trouble zones and another copy of the shred. So i'm gonna have a play around with them once I'm finished the shred. Its weird I havn't dropped that many lbs but the inch loss and body toning has been awesome :happy:

    Yup, probably nearly 40lbs....I didn't even realise I was so BIG!!! But now its great, I'd still say I have a fair way to go but I'm on the right path now and don't intend to give up on the fitness in general cos it makes such a difference to even just everyday things. Not really sure what it was, I've been a yoyo-er since my late teens but never really did much on the exercise front before and now I've started I don't want to stop :happy:
  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    We have hemp oil in our house, and occasionally get the hemp milk (especially the hemp chocolate milk.. yummm) :)

    Have you tried the chocolate oat milk?? Tis rather yummm too :smile:
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    Have you tried Manitoba Harvest Hemp Pro 70? It's Hemp protein that's soluble so it doesn't leave a bad taste!
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    I sprinkle hemp hearts on my food, to keep me feeling full.