Eatting every 3 hours??



  • hthrld
    hthrld Posts: 125 Member
    I've tried this recently and I find that I eat less when I eat more frequently and I feel more satisfied. If I get too hungry, I will eat whatever I can get my hands on. That usually tends to be unhealthy items. I've tried planning ahead more. See if it works for you! Good luck!
  • csmith091
    csmith091 Posts: 12 Member
    I eat roughly every three hours but that's essentially because I eat smaller portions, in general so I get hungry within that time range. I think the biggest thing is being in tune with your body. If you're eating less during a meal, you'll probably get hungry sooner and want a snack, therefore, eating every 3 hours prevents you from "running on fumes" until your next meal and overeating when that meal comes. I think if you trust the nutritionalist maybe you should listen to him/her, but as I said I'm more a supporter of "listening" to your body and responding to what it wants.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I find if I just watch this:


    I feel satisfied and full.

    These threads are killing me inside.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I eat roughly every three hours but that's essentially because I eat smaller portions, in general so I get hungry within that time range. I think the biggest thing is being in tune with your body. If you're eating less during a meal, you'll probably get hungry sooner and want a snack, therefore, eating every 3 hours prevents you from "running on fumes" until your next meal and overeating when that meal comes. I think if you trust the nutritionalist maybe you should listen to him/her, but as I said I'm more a supporter of "listening" to your body and responding to what it wants.

    The only that trusting our 'hunger' is often what gets us fat in the first place. Our brain regularly confuses hunger with boredom, with thirst, with stress, with our emotions...the list goes on. When you 'feel' hungery, is also something that can be systematically trained. It takes me (and understand, my maintenance is almost 3000cal) usually 10+ waking hours or more on top of 8hrs of sleep, to feel the stirrings of hunger. When I ate regularly throughout the day, I was hungry...sometimes ravenous within 2hrs of any meal. Many anorexics never feel hungry (stress adaptation). Many of the obese never feel hungry as well. It's kind of a weird thing...and a lot of it is based on many other chemical inputs than how full your system is. Additionally, most human beings in todays western society, truly don't even know what hunger really feels like.

    Also understand...I didn't really have a point to the above...other than saying that hunger is rarely a reliable indicator of when you should eat. The fact that you and your body have come to an accomodation, is a good thing! It just doesn't really apply to even small majority of people.
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    I don't know if it helps with the metabolism or whatever, but I do eat every 3 or 4 hours with snacks because I have insulin resistence.
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    So, I just read from a very famous nutricionist in my country something like this: when you eat every 3 or 4 hours you make your digestive system work all the times you eat, when you eat you burn calories to process what it is that you ate, so that gets your metabolism working better and you end up burning more calories than if you eat only 2 times a day.

    It made sense to me at least.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    yes i believe in it. ur body will know when its time to eat too. u eat at the same time everyday, ur body will know, it will have that hunger pain when its that time. and if u think about it a baby has to eat every 3 hrs. and i believe it keeps ur metabolism going. so try it and see. :) if ur eating small meals that is. if ur eating big meals, then no, i don't recommend it lol see what works best for u. 3 big meals, or 5 to 6 small meals. good luck
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    So, I just read from a very famous nutricionist in my country something like this: when you eat every 3 or 4 hours you make your digestive system work all the times you eat, when you eat you burn calories to process what it is that you ate, so that gets your metabolism working better and you end up burning more calories than if you eat only 2 times a day.

    It made sense to me at least.

    Logically, with only that does make sense.

    Physiologically's just not true.

    The only two things that affect your metabolism in that manner, are body weight (your metabolic rate is pretty consistent for about 72hrs with no food, based on your mass), and exercise. Nothing else has much impact.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    I find if I just watch this:


    I feel satisfied and full.

    These threads are killing me inside.

  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey, yesterday I decided to try something a little different for me. I cut up a couple of green apples, some strawberries, and some carrots, and mixed them all into a medium-sized container. I stuck that in the fridge. Then, when I got hungry, I just pulled that out and snacked on it all afternoon. It's only been 1 day, but I'll let you know how the "low-calorie fiber salad" experiment works. It tastes good, at least!
    Add a couple hard-boiled eggs to the mix for some protein?
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    That's what I did!
    My friends always mentioned how they were so confused that I was losing weight even though I was eating constantly. I ate 1200-1500 calories a day depending on the level of exercise I did that day, and the pounds dropped really quickly. I went from 142 to 127 in around 5 months.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    Look very carefully at the physique maintained by each man that posted this.

    Physical appearance determines your knowledge of human nutrition and physiology? I had no idea.
    You don't think there might be a correlation between people who are able to get their bodies into great shape, and people who have knowledge of nutrition and physiology? I know I don't ask morbidly obese folks for fitness advice. Have I been doing it wrong?

    ok 1 someone may have good advice and knowledge but that doesn't mean they always follow it. so just because somebody is morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know what they talking about. just means they didn't do or currently doing it. u are just flat rude. i've always known about eating the 6 times a day. but that didn't mean i did it........though i am now....and yes i still look big though to u i'm probably morbidly obese.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Look very carefully at the physique maintained by each man that posted this.

    Physical appearance determines your knowledge of human nutrition and physiology? I had no idea.
    You don't think there might be a correlation between people who are able to get their bodies into great shape, and people who have knowledge of nutrition and physiology? I know I don't ask morbidly obese folks for fitness advice. Have I been doing it wrong?

    ok 1 someone may have good advice and knowledge but that doesn't mean they always follow it. so just because somebody is morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know what they talking about. just means they didn't do or currently doing it. u are just flat rude. i've always known about eating the 6 times a day. but that didn't mean i did it........though i am now....and yes i still look big though to u i'm probably morbidly obese.

    If you were saying I'm flat rude, I think you need to check yourself first. Honesty, and rudeness are not the same, though they can share similar space.

    Also...if you got from my posts that you need to be eating 6 meals a day, you weren't comprehending what I said...and so, kind of prove my point. brought yourself into this, I'm just being honest. If you think that's rude...well...I'm sorry for you feeling that way, it must be rough to live in a world where someone telling you a simple truth (or anything else for that matter over the internet) hurts your feelings.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    i eat 12 times a day (about 250 calorie "meals") the way i do it i never get hungry because i'm always eating, is this way better than eating 2-1500 calorie meals a day? i don't know but it works for me :) i say go with whatever works
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    i eat 12 times a day (about 250 calorie "meals") the way i do it i never get hungry because i'm always eating, is this way better than eating 2-1500 calorie meals a day? i don't know but it works for me :) i say go with whatever works

    Well said :)
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    Look very carefully at the physique maintained by each man that posted this.

    Physical appearance determines your knowledge of human nutrition and physiology? I had no idea.
    You don't think there might be a correlation between people who are able to get their bodies into great shape, and people who have knowledge of nutrition and physiology? I know I don't ask morbidly obese folks for fitness advice. Have I been doing it wrong?

    ok 1 someone may have good advice and knowledge but that doesn't mean they always follow it. so just because somebody is morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know what they talking about. just means they didn't do or currently doing it. u are just flat rude. i've always known about eating the 6 times a day. but that didn't mean i did it........though i am now....and yes i still look big though to u i'm probably morbidly obese.

    If you were saying I'm flat rude, I think you need to check yourself first. Honesty, and rudeness are not the same, though they can share similar space.

    Also...if you got from my posts that you need to be eating 6 meals a day, you weren't comprehending what I said...and so, kind of prove my point. brought yourself into this, I'm just being honest. If you think that's rude...well...I'm sorry for you feeling that way, it must be rough to live in a world where someone telling you a simple truth (or anything else for that matter over the internet) hurts your feelings.

    well to be honest i don't know who said. but from what i saw it was not u...... i was talking about the comment about not taking advice from morbidly obese ppl becasue they don't know what they talking about just because they were fat. if i remember correctly u were the one saying not to be judging by the picture whether information is accurate or not. my feelings were not hurt. lol it just kinda irked me that someone would make that assumption that information would be false soley based on how they look.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    i eat 12 times a day (about 250 calorie "meals") the way i do it i never get hungry because i'm always eating, is this way better than eating 2-1500 calorie meals a day? i don't know but it works for me :) i say go with whatever works

    Well said :)

    exactly me eating 5 to 6 times a day keeps me full. but i didn't always do it.........sometimes i only ate once a day....and well that obviously didn't work for me lol
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Look very carefully at the physique maintained by each man that posted this.

    Physical appearance determines your knowledge of human nutrition and physiology? I had no idea.
    You don't think there might be a correlation between people who are able to get their bodies into great shape, and people who have knowledge of nutrition and physiology? I know I don't ask morbidly obese folks for fitness advice. Have I been doing it wrong?

    ok 1 someone may have good advice and knowledge but that doesn't mean they always follow it. so just because somebody is morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know what they talking about. just means they didn't do or currently doing it. u are just flat rude. i've always known about eating the 6 times a day. but that didn't mean i did it........though i am now....and yes i still look big though to u i'm probably morbidly obese.

    If you were saying I'm flat rude, I think you need to check yourself first. Honesty, and rudeness are not the same, though they can share similar space.

    Also...if you got from my posts that you need to be eating 6 meals a day, you weren't comprehending what I said...and so, kind of prove my point. brought yourself into this, I'm just being honest. If you think that's rude...well...I'm sorry for you feeling that way, it must be rough to live in a world where someone telling you a simple truth (or anything else for that matter over the internet) hurts your feelings.

    well to be honest i don't know who said. but from what i saw it was not u...... i was talking about the comment about not taking advice from morbidly obese ppl becasue they don't know what they talking about just because they were fat. if i remember correctly u were the one saying not to be judging by the picture whether information is accurate or not. my feelings were not hurt. lol it just kinda irked me that someone would make that assumption that information would be false soley based on how they look.

    I'm the one in bold above...I initially pointed out the three extremely fit gentlemen as excellent examples of why you DON'T have to eat 6x a day for any reason. Meal timing is a myth.

    Now, to clarify...if a person were extremely obese...but their information was solid, I wouldn't discredit it due to their weight. However...I also wouldn't be using them as a visual example proving how it works as I did above, either.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    i eat 12 times a day (about 250 calorie "meals") the way i do it i never get hungry because i'm always eating, is this way better than eating 2-1500 calorie meals a day? i don't know but it works for me :) i say go with whatever works

    Well said :)

    exactly me eating 5 to 6 times a day keeps me full. but i didn't always do it.........sometimes i only ate once a day....and well that obviously didn't work for me lol

    I was saying his point of eat whichever way you like was well said.

    I've only eaten once today. About 2400cal. I'll probably have some cereal or ice cream later to finish out my 2800cal or so. I eat this way most every day.

    Again, meal timing is a myth.
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    Look very carefully at the physique maintained by each man that posted this.

    Physical appearance determines your knowledge of human nutrition and physiology? I had no idea.
    You don't think there might be a correlation between people who are able to get their bodies into great shape, and people who have knowledge of nutrition and physiology? I know I don't ask morbidly obese folks for fitness advice. Have I been doing it wrong?

    ok 1 someone may have good advice and knowledge but that doesn't mean they always follow it. so just because somebody is morbidly obese doesn't mean they don't know what they talking about. just means they didn't do or currently doing it. u are just flat rude. i've always known about eating the 6 times a day. but that didn't mean i did it........though i am now....and yes i still look big though to u i'm probably morbidly obese.

    If you were saying I'm flat rude, I think you need to check yourself first. Honesty, and rudeness are not the same, though they can share similar space.

    Also...if you got from my posts that you need to be eating 6 meals a day, you weren't comprehending what I said...and so, kind of prove my point. brought yourself into this, I'm just being honest. If you think that's rude...well...I'm sorry for you feeling that way, it must be rough to live in a world where someone telling you a simple truth (or anything else for that matter over the internet) hurts your feelings.

    well to be honest i don't know who said. but from what i saw it was not u...... i was talking about the comment about not taking advice from morbidly obese ppl becasue they don't know what they talking about just because they were fat. if i remember correctly u were the one saying not to be judging by the picture whether information is accurate or not. my feelings were not hurt. lol it just kinda irked me that someone would make that assumption that information would be false soley based on how they look.

    I'm the one in bold above...I initially pointed out the three extremely fit gentlemen as excellent examples of why you DON'T have to eat 6x a day for any reason. Meal timing is a myth.

    Now, to clarify...if a person were extremely obese...but their information was solid, I wouldn't discredit it due to their weight. However...I also wouldn't be using them as a visual example proving how it works as I did above, either.

    yes, i saw the post about the gentleman thing. i got that. i probably scrolled over something else u said explaining. i was reading rather fast. i just saw that one sentence and i reacted. i apologize for calling u rude.