Averaging 300 aprx burned calories per day.

on most days I am getting 60 mins in but I am only burning 300 aprx calories, today I did notice I walked faster at the beginning of my walk but had to slow down.
If I am only burning 300 calories on average will I lose any weight.?
I also do a seated abs workout that I found on youtube.

I am limited to how much/ time spent because of aliments, not using them as an excuse but have already been in hospital because of COPD..so I want to keep my exercises mild but I also want to burn more calories


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Depends on how much you eat. You can lose weight with no exercise at all. You just have to take in fewer calories than you burn.

    Don't take that to mean you should eat as little as possible, though. What's going on with the 500 calorie days?
  • Technically, while exercise does aid the process, you can lose weight by sitting on the couch as long as you carefully monitor your food intake. If you are eating less calories than you burn, your weight will drop. Exercise can speed up this process and help you tone muscle, but weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% exercise. Burning 300 cals a day definitely helps to create a deficit, keep it up and you should continue to lose : )
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    Depends on how much you eat. You can lose weight with no exercise at all. You just have to take in fewer calories than you burn.

    Don't take that to mean you should eat as little as possible, though. What's going on with the 500 calorie days?

    I been looking at the food calories from MFP and notice what I am eating are high in calories...I nearly fainted when I saw 400 calories in a baked potato..and I thought potatoes where good for you...I also feel if I am only burning 300 calories...if I eat 500 calories I've wasted my exercise...hope you know what I am saying..hard to put into type..lol.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i think calories burned is representative of a few things - for instance, i ran 10miles today and only burned 640 calls - thats the biggest burn i ever have recorded - some high intensity aerobics classes i won't even break 100. It takes a lot to raise my heart rate as i am fit and small..

    perhaps its something like that?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Depends on how much you eat. You can lose weight with no exercise at all. You just have to take in fewer calories than you burn.

    Don't take that to mean you should eat as little as possible, though. What's going on with the 500 calorie days?
    I been looking at the food calories from MFP and notice what I am eating are high in calories...I nearly fainted when I saw 400 calories in a baked potato..and I thought potatoes where good for you...I also feel if I am only burning 300 calories...if I eat 500 calories I've wasted my exercise...hope you know what I am saying..hard to put into type..lol.
    You need to eat food to fuel your body. If you eat 500 calories a day and burn 300 through exercise, that leaves 200 calories for your body to run on. It is extremely unhealthy to eat that little.
  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    I been looking at the food calories from MFP and notice what I am eating are high in calories...I nearly fainted when I saw 400 calories in a baked potato..and I thought potatoes where good for you...I also feel if I am only burning 300 calories...if I eat 500 calories I've wasted my exercise...hope you know what I am saying..hard to put into type..lol.

    Your body will burn calories when you are doing absolutely nothing. If you sit on a sofa ALL day, you'll still burn calories. You really should eat at least 1200 a day, if you can't do that, please don't go lower than 1000.

    You need those calories for essential functions, like keeping your heart beating. Looking at your diary, I really hope you just didn't log everything some days. Eating under 500 is really dangerous!

    I'm not here to judge you, please don't think that, but we all want you to be safe.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    on most days I am getting 60 mins in but I am only burning 300 aprx calories, today I did notice I walked faster at the beginning of my walk but had to slow down.
    If I am only burning 300 calories on average will I lose any weight.?
    I also do a seated abs workout that I found on youtube.

    I am limited to how much/ time spent because of aliments, not using them as an excuse but have already been in hospital because of COPD..so I want to keep my exercises mild but I also want to burn more calories

    Please do realize that this is an ADDITIONAL 300 calories to what you already burn. Just the process of living burns some calories. That is why the food log allows you to have a certain number of calories. Everything you do burns calories... Eating, sleeping, walking, sitting... The number of calories per period of time depends on how active the activity is. Therefore, yes you can easily lose weight burning an average 300 calories per day by exercise because it is added to the normal activity level (minus of course the resting rate of burn you would normally get)...
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    I think I am starting to understand..to have 200 calories is unhealthy..so if I eat my 1200 calories and burn 300 calories...that is better..correct?
    Sorry...I am really new to understanding how all of this works...i just know one thing I am desperate to lose weight
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    Depends on how much you eat. You can lose weight with no exercise at all. You just have to take in fewer calories than you burn.

    Don't take that to mean you should eat as little as possible, though. What's going on with the 500 calorie days?

    I been looking at the food calories from MFP and notice what I am eating are high in calories...I nearly fainted when I saw 400 calories in a baked potato..and I thought potatoes where good for you...I also feel if I am only burning 300 calories...if I eat 500 calories I've wasted my exercise...hope you know what I am saying..hard to put into type..lol.

    Potatoes - Russet, flesh and skin, baked, 1 potato small (1-3/4" to 2-1/2" dia) Mine is only 134
  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    I think I am starting to understand..to have 200 calories is unhealthy..so if I eat my 1200 calories and burn 300 calories...that is better..correct?
    Sorry...I am really new to understanding how all of this works...i just know one thing I am desperate to lose weight

    Yes! You definitely need to up your intake girly. Technically, most people would say you should eat some of your exercise calories back, but you should take it one step at a time.
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    I think I am starting to understand..to have 200 calories is unhealthy..so if I eat my 1200 calories and burn 300 calories...that is better..correct?
    Sorry...I am really new to understanding how all of this works...i just know one thing I am desperate to lose weight

    Some eat the exercise calories back some dont. If I am hungry then I do. If i am not hungry then I dont. So if you want you can which means if you eat your 1200 and burn 300 then you need to eat 1500..........
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I think 300 calories burned a day is pretty good. I lost the majority of my weight while burning about 250 a day.
    But you gotta eat. I know what you mean when you say you feel like if you eat 500 calories you've wasted the workout, but if you don't workout and eat within your calorie goal you will still lose weight, but adding exercise gives you that extra nudge in the right direction (healthier and better looking body!) Just remember that doing nothing still burns calories...
    I am by no means an expert I'm just going by what i have seen and my own experiences...
  • hhorncastle
    hhorncastle Posts: 84 Member
    Make sure you're finding food database entries here that are confirmed. A medium baked potato is really only about 173 calories, not 400. Do some reading on here about whether or not to eat back your exercise calories. It's a hotly debated topic, as is "starvation mode".

    Even if you're not going to eat back your exercise calories, remember that MFP builds in a deficit for you and just by eating the number of calories that your plan tells you to, you should lose weight.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I think I am starting to understand..to have 200 calories is unhealthy..so if I eat my 1200 calories and burn 300 calories...that is better..correct?
    Sorry...I am really new to understanding how all of this works...i just know one thing I am desperate to lose weight
    Better, yes. But your goal is to eat 1200 calories PLUS all the ones you burn through exercise. Some people choose not to eat those exercise calories but when you have such a low goal to start with (1200 is about the bare minimum for anyone) you should eat them. You don't want to deprive your body of nutrition.
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    thank you everyone...as for the baked potato..I medium size= 400 calories....according to MFP.....maybe it was wrong...either way...I was shocked at the amount...and therefore ate less...will try to eat my calories per day but going to see what it does not to eat my calories burned...I think 1200 is a lot for one day
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    If you are eating what your body needs for maintaining your current weight and burning 300 cal/day you will lose a half pound a week average. I don't know if you are logging everything you eat but your daily calories seem to fall between 800-1000. Very low . You will lose weight, but it will be with few nutrients and little energy. A good idea would be to go to the settings, set it at your desired weight loss speed, and follow that. It will give you at least 1200 calories, plus your exercise calories, which will give you enough room to get the protien and vitamons you need to feel great and lose weight. This site and most people here want to encourage a healthy approach to weight loss and it works.
    I hope it does for you to.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    If I am only burning 300 calories on average will I lose any weight.?

    I lost 40 pounds pre-MFP before I started doing any exercise at all, so yes, you can lose just fine on 300 calories of exercise a day.

    Good luck!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I can understand when people who are eating a ton of vegetables can't manage to get in all their calories. But your average day is like rice cakes and soup. You are getting very little nutrition. If you truly aren't hungry I think you may not be able to rely on your body to tell you when you need food.
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    In terms of logging your food, maybe try and log it in a more itemized way... for example, instead of logging "baked potato", you could log the potato and its components separately to make sure you are getting as close as you can:

    1 medium potato @ _____ calories
    1 pat of butter @ _____ calories
    1 tablespoon sour cream (or whatever you put on if anything) @ _____ calories

    This is how I log everything in my diary and I weigh everything as well so I can be sure to get as close as possible not just for calories, but for carbs/protein/fat as well.

    Best of luck!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    thank you everyone...as for the baked potato..I medium size= 400 calories....according to MFP.....maybe it was wrong...either way...I was shocked at the amount...and therefore ate less...will try to eat my calories per day but going to see what it does not to eat my calories burned...I think 1200 is a lot for one day

    I checked your diary and you have a baked potato entered in the amout of 600 calories. I've also checked the MFP calorie data base and found one in there under "Swiss Chalet baked potato plain". Perhaps you could use that one instead and then just add any butter or extras that you had. Please make sure you eat your 1200 cals per day. It may seem like a lot right now, but just gradually add a few more foods per day and ease yourself into it. Your body will love you for it!! :flowerforyou: