Well Hello There

Well Hello

I'm new here as you may have guessed by now. A friend who has had a major success in her weight loss journey told me about this site and I thought I would give it a try. So far I'm liking it and I'm really enjoying how the system works. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it evenmore.

So enough blabbing lol (Which means more Blabbing). I'm Mike but most of the time my friends online call me Mikey. So I'm 22 years old and will be the big 23 this year coming in July. I weigh 280 pounds (yuck) and by the time winter comes I don't want to see that number anymore. One of my friends is getting married and I'm her Man of Honor. When it comes to her Wedding in 2013 I want to look really great without a doubt. It seems to be an easy journey but wooo I was wrong indeed. It is in fact going to be rough.

For the last two days I've done good and my friend is helping/couching me along. I've been doing great on the calories and I even went and exercised.

The last couple days made me realize my main problem and that is over eating. My fiance called me out on it the other day. I'm so glad he did. We settled problems we were having and he was honest with me. He said my eating is a big problem. He said I'm eating way to much, I was doubtful when he said that, I'm not a big eater at all. Oh I'm telling you I was wrong, I've noticed that he is right. My portions and calories are way to much, I realized I was being healthy at all. My fiance has more health issues then me and he is in fact healthier then me. Yeah I know how is that figured out. (long story)

So the other night studied myself in the mirror and was like Yep I so have a problem. This problem needs to go buy buy.

So now its "Mikey on a one Track Mission"


  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    Hello and welcome, Mikey! I also joined after being inspired by a friend's success and I'm sure you'll see some great results on here. Well done on taking the initiative, and how great that you and your fiance have been honest with each other and he's being so supportive on your journey to a happier, healthier you. Good luck and have fun!
  • Spudeata
    Spudeata Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Mikey - good for you - the first part of the battle is getting that switch in your head to recognise it is time to do something. You have some great events ahead to motivate you - so let's get a wriggle on and get you on your way - feel free to add me as a friend I'm on most days and try to motivate and offer support. Good luck on your journey, it will be the best thing you ever did for yourself!
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 120
    Welcome aboard! I've been on this lifestyle change for a year now and I've lost 65 pounds! Yippee for me! You can do it too! It's all about tracking what you eat and exercising! The more you burn the more you can eat! Good luck!
  • mikebook87
    mikebook87 Posts: 12
    Thank you. I appreciate the words of encouragement.

    Now I'm going to be honest. Exercising yesterday really kicked my butt. I tried running laps around the baseball diamond at the local park and 1 lap I about died (not really). I was so sore just from that lap I was like woha I'm really out of shape. So Walked randomly around the park for a mile and still could feel it. Here at work all night I've felt it. Taking the stairs to deliver guests reciepts my calves were just burning. I didn't care. The more burn the more success is what I look at.
  • lpeace2u
    lpeace2u Posts: 94 Member
    Ease into the exercise. This is a lifestyle change. Walk if you have to and then try a C25K program. They are great if you want to run. I would be glad to be your friend and help motivate. I have been here 150 days. Not going anywhere LOL
  • ashb1216
    ashb1216 Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome !! And good luck !!! :) It can be a tough journey, but so rewarding in the end.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Well Hello there! Welcome to MFP. You're gonna love all the help and support on here. Good Luck and ENJOY! :smile: