What does it mean when...

When your body weight increases and body fat % goes down?

Also, what does it mean when your body weight stays the same and your body fat% goes down?

Example - 123.4lbs BF 19.2%
3 weeks later - 123.4lbs BF 17.8%

Example - 123.4 BF 17.8%
1 month later - 128lbs BF 16.2%

What does this mean exactly? Gaining some muscle?

I've noticed that my clothes are fitting tighter, so it feels like real weight gain, but I don't understand the change in BF%... help! :blushing:



  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    i dont kow but bump
  • shelbyweeeee
    shelbyweeeee Posts: 154 Member
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The most likely answer given the above data is that the method of measuring bodyfat isn't accurate. Not saying it isn't possible to have those results, but in the latter of the above examples I would suspect inaccurate measuring.