Raspberry Ketones...coincidence or working?

Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
So, I'm well aware that the topic of Raspberry Ketones is a controversial one around here. I, too, heard about these on Dr. Oz, and it sparked my interested...and any of you who say it didn't are lying haha! I did a little research, and found that there were mostly negative reviews of them on here, but then I read some other reviews where people said they noticed a difference.

I want to make it clear that I DO NOT think that this is some miracle, cure-all supplement. I also want to make it clear that I'm not one of those people that buy-in to everything. This is the FIRST supplement that "claims" weight loss that I have ever tried. However, I'm not hurting for money, so I didn't mind paying the $25 for a bottle to just try them out. I also want to preface this by saying that I am a smaller person (SW 116 lbs), so my goal has been 1 lb. a week, because being smaller I couldn't loose big numbers without literally starving myself.

I basically want to loose a few pounds (about 8) and tone up before my beach trip and wedding...all of which are coming up this year. For the past few weeks I had been maintaining at 116 lbs. I was eating well, and trying to exercise everyday- and only maintaining...which was a bummer.

I started taking the ketones a week ago, and am down 0.8 lbs, which may not sound like much, but again, my recommended goal is 1 lb/week. HOWEVER, as far as dieting/exercise goes, this past week (the week I started taking the ketones) has probably been my worst. I only exercised 1 day, and my diet has been horrible probably 5 out of the 7 days (lots of fat, fried food, and retirement parties at work, which = cake). Perhaps it's all just a coincidence...but one I thought was worth noting :) I've started back on my diet this week, I'm going to keep up with them at least for a while and just see what happens. Why not?!


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    1) Coincidence.
    2) .8lbs is not nearly enough weight to make any conclusions about anything.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I suppose it doesn't hurt (though I don't know what the ingredients are) if you don't mind spending the money. The reason most of us pooh-pooh them, myself included, is there is absolutely zero scientific evidence proving that keytones do anything, other than get Dr/ Oz richer and make you poorer.

    Many of these types of supplements that aren't proven to do anything can probably gain traction with some people on coincidence or the placebo effect.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I'm offended that you assume we are liars if we don't fall for the latest money making scheme.

    But in all seriousness, every word of Sidesteal's post. One week and 0.8 lbs do not a conclusion make. You can lose 0.8 lbs by emptying your wallet on raspberry ketones or sitting on the toilet.
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    1) Coincidence.
    2) .8lbs is not nearly enough weight to make any conclusions about anything.

    Right, I get it, .8 is not much. But it's better than I've had in the past weeks. Being 5'1" and 116 lbs, I get excited about almost a pound lost.
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm offended that you assume we are liars if we don't fall for the latest money making scheme.

    But in all seriousness, every word of Sidesteal's post. One week and 0.8 lbs do not a conclusion make. You can lose 0.8 lbs by emptying your wallet on raspberry ketones or sitting on the toilet.

    Oh geez...I should have known people would get all upset by this post. The whole thing about being a liar was a JOKE (haha...get it?)

    You guys are just mean! I'm already regretting this post. It was just meant as a way to share an observation. Should have known I'd get some hateful people on here. Working on finding a way to delete it :)
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I am definitely of the opinion that these things are open to debate - there might not be any scientific evidence for them, but there is also no scientific evidence against them, because nobody has bothered to do a proper randomised trial.

    If they seem to be working for you then go for it, if they don't work then you'll know not to buy them again :P
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    I am definitely of the opinion that these things are open to debate - there might not be any scientific evidence for them, but there is also no scientific evidence against them, because nobody has bothered to do a proper randomised trial.

    If they seem to be working for you then go for it, if they don't work then you'll know not to buy them again :P

    Thank you, ATOLLIT. I agree, if a couple weeks pass, and I don't notice a difference, I just won't buy them again. People get so upset by these things, I think it's funny. The worst thing that could happen is I spent $25 on curiosity. I know my body well, and I just wanted to point it out because in the past I have never seen a decrease in weight when I pigged out all week...on horrible things. Normally after a week like I've had, I would typically see at least a 1 lb. gained....not the other way around.

    Either way...CALM DOWN people...it was just an observation. I wasn't trying to say that they definitely worked...
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    I am definitely of the opinion that these things are open to debate - there might not be any scientific evidence for them, but there is also no scientific evidence against them, because nobody has bothered to do a proper randomised trial.

    If they seem to be working for you then go for it, if they don't work then you'll know not to buy them again :P

    Thank you, ATOLLIT. I agree, if a couple weeks pass, and I don't notice a difference, I just won't buy them again. People get so upset by these things, I think it's funny. The worst thing that could happen is I spent $25 on curiosity. I know my body well, and I just wanted to point it out because in the past I have never seen a decrease in weight when I pigged out all week...on horrible things. Normally after a week like I've had, I would typically see at least a 1 lb. gained....not the other way around.

    Either way...CALM DOWN people...it was just an observation. I wasn't trying to say that they definitely worked...

    right on for trying them. definitely a supplement i've been thinking about myself. it does seem like mfp forums have turned into thrash 'em and bash 'em forums for people that don't agree with certain things. i think we all just have to remember they are supplements, and SUPPLEMENT means that they are there to SUPPLEMENT your diet and hard work, which i'm sure your doing. if you're ever curious about supplements, check out pubmed. lots of good peer reviewed articles on there. let us know how the ketones work, and best of luck to you!
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    I was going to try these but I did some research and it appears they would not work well with some of the medications I am taking so I chose not to buy them. Each person has to research and decide for themselves.
  • rollieorial
    rollieorial Posts: 11 Member
    Hey there! First of all, good luck to your upcoming wedding. I would appreciate it if you could update us with your progress while taking the RK supplements as I just started taking them myself. Thanks!:smile:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    1) Coincidence.
    2) .8lbs is not nearly enough weight to make any conclusions about anything.


    i can manipulate my weight by 10 pounds with water.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I drink water out of an old non-bpa-free nalgene bottle, every day. Maybe my weight loss was due to the bpa and its magical weight loss properties.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Hard to say. I lose weight ( about 2 pounds) when I rest from exercise for a few days.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I admit, I bought them too. I have a friend that owns a Nutrition shop and I had been promising him I'd buy something eventually. I took them for 5 days and for 5 days I burped up Raspberry. Not worth the "I might lose more weight".

    If you feel they are working, by all means, keep taking them. Don't listen to these cranky people. Everyone has to find what works for them. Everyone's goal is different.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I got some at GNC yesterday I don't know if they work. I went in for protein and I explained to the guy at the counter that I am trying to lose weight. He told me they are thermogenic and don't have side effects. It might be a bunch of bs but I got suckered into buying them. I didn't open them and can bring them back if I want to.

    I am going to research them more thoroughly before I ingest them.

    I watch Dr OZ sometimes. The man has medical knowledge and I like how he explains how our bodies work. He makes visual demonstrations of how things happen inside us. It's easy to understand. I will admit he does have some witch brew remedies that are a little far fetched to me. He pushes too many supliments without warning of possible side effects or negative interactions from taking different ones or with prescription meds. I wouldn't call him a "quack" because he is a legit doctor but he's definitely a sketchy M F.

    I watched one episode about heartburn he said don't eat 3 hours before bed. I tried it and I don't get heartburn in the morning like I used to. I also watched one on ingrown toenails and he said to use band aids to pull the skin down I have been doing this for 2 days. The nails need to be surgically removed I hate when people touch my feet so I am trying it.

    If there is no side effects then there is no harm to try it.
    Anything Dr OZ has on his shows should be researched thoroughly before blindly following his footsteps.
    I prefer to watch "the Drs"
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm offended that you assume we are liars if we don't fall for the latest money making scheme.

    But in all seriousness, every word of Sidesteal's post. One week and 0.8 lbs do not a conclusion make. You can lose 0.8 lbs by emptying your wallet on raspberry ketones or sitting on the toilet.

    Oh geez...I should have known people would get all upset by this post. The whole thing about being a liar was a JOKE (haha...get it?)

    You guys are just mean! I'm already regretting this post. It was just meant as a way to share an observation. Should have known I'd get some hateful people on here. Working on finding a way to delete it :)

    She started her second sentence "but in all seriousness" which would indicate she was joking in the first sentence.........
  • my4boys29
    my4boys29 Posts: 3
    Wow, people are a little cranky this morning! I've thought about trying them myself. Good luck to you, and I would love to hear how they work for you. :)
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    You really need to watch what you post here, if you're not up for the mean people's comments. I've had a few of my posts that resulted in a lot of nasty, mean-spirited people chiming in. Definitely get your skin thicker beforehand. Sucks, but it's the way of the world unfortunately. Good luck on your weight loss, you must be TINY to only need to lose 8 lbs. :happy:
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    Thank you for this post!

    I'm trying them, as well. I've been taking for about 3 weeks. Like you, I was amazed at what they are said to help with. I did make some adjustments to my diet at the same time, not major, just a little more cutting back. But, I have been losing again after being on a plateau for a few months. Like Oz said, they are not a miracle pill. You can't eat your pizza and jelly doughnuts and take these and expect them to work. They are for those individuals who are following a lifestyle of diet and exercise to "help them over a hump". I was exercising and eating all of the right things, but the scale wasn't moving. So, the raspberry ketones, in addition to some minor changes in eating and exercise, I believe have made a difference. And since I don't eat much fruit right now, I figured what could they hurt, it's only raspberries.

    And, don't even read a reply if it's hateful, I just skip to the next one. I know I'm not perfect like some people. Maybe one day I'll get there. In the meantime, I'm just out here looking for constructive guidance and support from people just like me, looking to make changes in their life. So, thank you again! Keep us posted on your progress! ;o)
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'm offended that you assume we are liars if we don't fall for the latest money making scheme.

    But in all seriousness, every word of Sidesteal's post. One week and 0.8 lbs do not a conclusion make. You can lose 0.8 lbs by emptying your wallet on raspberry ketones or sitting on the toilet.


    people, loosen your a**holes. seriously.