i'm going to eat like a pig



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    LMAO! I love how you quote a comment that has nothing to do with nutrition to ask me about my background. Should I question your ability to read?

    No, but you should stop being so rude and answer my question. :laugh:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    She already ate the steak, let it go.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    And you're right, you can't stop her, so quit hoping that you can. Considering you're new to this sight and have posted fewer than 10 comments, you shouldn't reply negative and also put someone else down saying they obviously know nothing about nutrition! I don't know who you think you are but you've obviously been mis informed about the benefits of this awsome site! We motivate eachother and SUPPORT eachother...

    Lol! For one I'm not "hoping" she doesn't eat red meat, I just think she has the right to be informed and then make her own descision. I think you personally should eat all the red meat you want. Also your right quantity of comments is sooo much more important than quality.....wait that's not true....isn't that the thinking that got you into this mess in the first place. Im am very sorry to have offended your notions of what this site should be. Personally I like to be given facts over useless opinions but that's just me. Anyways I think you should cook yourself a nice big slice of steak. Enjoy it!! ;)

    Hmm... sarcasm AND assumptions. Now there's a yummy combination. :huh:
    Seriously, you should spend a little time reading some of the other posts here and learn a bit more about this site, its members and how it's used. One day you may have a question or the need for some advice from some of the people whom I would consider subject matter experts here, either through formal education or experience with successful, healthy, sustainable lifestyle change. Such as Songbird.
    This has been an amazing resource and I'm grateful to have 24-hour, free access to a wealth of information and advice from people who, although they don't know me, care enough to respond.
    You have some changes to make and obviously don't know it all or you wouldn't be here. Don't shoot yourself in the foot, and best of luck with whatever your goals are.

    OP - I too love a nice steak once in a while, and hope you and your Mom had a great evening!
  • chellebelle315
    First of all, in my earlier post I mentioned it can be okay to eat it in moderation. Courtney you obviously know some about nutrition which is really what I want from people. I dont care if you agree with me but at least research it enough to form your own opinion. I would list better sources to get those vitamins and minerals you listed but I can tell people would just spout off about how much they dont like them. Sort of like my 5 yr old cousin.

    I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry for trying to help you be healthier. Personally I won't support the torture and murder of thousands of helpless animals. Nor would I ever risk the bacteria contamination involved in eating RARE meat especially or any meat at all.

    Interesting article: News Flash the meat industry has been Unsanitary for a long time, try reading Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle", http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-woman-eats-hamburger-ends-up-paralyzed/

    Advice is generally more appreciated when it's SOLICITED.

    OP, great job planning ahead and enjoying yourself!

    SBS- Can't stop laughing, and couldn't have said it better myself.

    OP-- Happy Birthday to your mom! I'm so glad you had fun, and that little changes made you feel better about your night, that's what making a lifestyle change is all about!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    First of all, in my earlier post I mentioned it can be okay to eat it in moderation. Courtney you obviously know some about nutrition which is really what I want from people. I dont care if you agree with me but at least research it enough to form your own opinion. I would list better sources to get those vitamins and minerals you listed but I can tell people would just spout off about how much they dont like them. Sort of like my 5 yr old cousin.

    I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry for trying to help you be healthier. Personally I won't support the torture and murder of thousands of helpless animals. Nor would I ever risk the bacteria contamination involved in eating RARE meat especially or any meat at all.

    Interesting article: News Flash the meat industry has been Unsanitary for a long time, try reading Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle", http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-woman-eats-hamburger-ends-up-paralyzed/

    Advice is generally more appreciated when it's SOLICITED.

    OP, great job planning ahead and enjoying yourself!

    Exactly what I was going to say- she didn't ask for advice...
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    lol:laugh: :laugh:

    didn't know that I would get such a huge reaction from eating my 8 oz steak hehehhehehehehehhe:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Angelface28
    Angelface28 Posts: 23 Member

    This has been an amazing resource and I'm grateful to have 24-hour, free access to a wealth of information and advice from people who, although they don't know me, care enough to respond.
    You have some changes to make and obviously don't know it all or you wouldn't be here. Don't shoot yourself in the foot, and best of luck with whatever your goals are.

    I agree that this is a great site I really enjoy how easy it is to keep track of not only calories but also carbs, protein, sugar ect. As for a change, Nope, I eat very healthy and am already at a healthy weight. I'm just obsessed with Nutrition, which is why I Love keeping track of everything I eat. You may think I'm crazy but I think I'm lucky, it isn't a chore for me to eat healthy, I love doing it. I think it's because I'm so passionate about it that my advice came off as overbearing or why I gave it without being asked. But if I was doing something that could potentially increase my risk for all kinds of disease I would want to know! But honestly this showed me how judgemental some of you are. I made an offhanded comment that some people dont know a lot about nutrition, which in America is very true, and you all attack me. It's pathetic.

    To tlapdx72 I apologize for accidentally turning your post into an argument, it really wasn't my intention. I hope your mother had a lovely birthday! Thanks for not joining the angry mob! lol :wink:
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
  • batgirl79
    wow is that your bod in the profile pic?? I am new and if you can offer any help to get close to that i am up for it....
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    She already ate the steak, let it go.

    :laugh: :laugh: Truth.
  • slimmingmom
    And you're right, you can't stop her, so quit hoping that you can. Considering you're new to this sight and have posted fewer than 10 comments, you shouldn't reply negative and also put someone else down saying they obviously know nothing about nutrition! I don't know who you think you are but you've obviously been mis informed about the benefits of this awsome site! We motivate eachother and SUPPORT eachother...

    Lol! For one I'm not "hoping" she doesn't eat red meat, I just think she has the right to be informed and then make her own descision. I think you personally should eat all the red meat you want. Also your right quantity of comments is sooo much more important than quality.....wait that's not true....isn't that the thinking that got you into this mess in the first place. Im am very sorry to have offended your notions of what this site should be. Personally I like to be given facts over useless opinions but that's just me. Anyways I think you should cook yourself a nice big slice of steak. Enjoy it!! ;)

    I will, and I personally don't mind killing what God gave us to eat! I knew you were against it when you replied the first time. That's what pissed me off most, you didn't care about the nutrition of steak, you were just against the cow being killed..........
  • slimmingmom

    This has been an amazing resource and I'm grateful to have 24-hour, free access to a wealth of information and advice from people who, although they don't know me, care enough to respond.
    You have some changes to make and obviously don't know it all or you wouldn't be here. Don't shoot yourself in the foot, and best of luck with whatever your goals are.

    I agree that this is a great site I really enjoy how easy it is to keep track of not only calories but also carbs, protein, sugar ect. As for a change, Nope, I eat very healthy and am already at a healthy weight. I'm just obsessed with Nutrition, which is why I Love keeping track of everything I eat. You may think I'm crazy but I think I'm lucky, it isn't a chore for me to eat healthy, I love doing it. I think it's because I'm so passionate about it that my advice came off as overbearing or why I gave it without being asked. But if I was doing something that could potentially increase my risk for all kinds of disease I would want to know! But honestly this showed me how judgemental some of you are. I made an offhanded comment that some people dont know a lot about nutrition, which in America is very true, and you all attack me. It's pathetic.

    To tlapdx72 I apologize for accidentally turning your post into an argument, it really wasn't my intention. I hope your mother had a lovely birthday! Thanks for not joining the angry mob! lol :wink:

    Not only Americans use this site, and American or not the ones who do use this site are not just a statistic. You can't assume that since America has a weight problem that everyone on this site does as well. And do you know how many people on here have a passion for health including me? I was bed bound for more than a year and gained a lot of weight....so no, as you said earlier...eating big portions is NOT what got me into this mess. I use to be VERY fit...I had a 4 pack when I was 14 and LOVED eating healthy and excersising. So don't go assuming you know me, or my story on how I got fat! I have a huge passion for health but I do not shove it down peoples throats in the slightest bit unless it is asked, actually ASKED!