Hi im a newbie!

hayley12765 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi im Hayley, im 35 and need to shift the pounds!!!
Over the last year i have managed to put on over 4 stone and feel totally miserable! i hit a low about 3 weeks ago and decided its time to get off my backside and get myself on track. Just over a year ago i managed to lose 4 stone for my wedding and felt great, but i fell off the wagon after the wedding was over and now i feel like ive let myself down after all my hard work, so, here i am and im giving it my best shot, like most people i do need support and encouragement so thought i would give this site a try!

Hayley x


  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    Welcome:flowerforyou: This site is wonderful.You will love it!I know I do.Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • hayley12765
    hayley12765 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you! im sure i will, i just have to retrain my brain not to pick at foods and eat when im bored lol...and thx for the welcome x :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thank you! im sure i will, i just have to retrain my brain not to pick at foods and eat when im bored lol...and thx for the welcome x :flowerforyou:

    Or you'll learn how to make healthy choices and snack on good stuff.

    You'll find lots of support and great advice here. Just be prepared to have you posts get unnoticed sometimes because of the different posting times (I gather you must be from UK since you talk about stones). The site works on a "last in, first on board" system, so older posts slip out of the first page.

    Good luck and stay motivated! :flowerforyou: You can do it! You know this already :wink:
  • me too, kind of. i joined fell way off the wagon and hav just got back on again. fingers crossed we'll both get where we want to :wink:
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