Hello Peeps - I'm looking for some support

Hi Guys

I'm new to MFP and I'm trying to loose 2 stone and would really appreciate some support on here, pointers and guidance would also be brilliant.

My main aim for wanting to loose weight is to be in a healthy lifestyle and best physical shape for when I start trying for a baby within the next year.

I see a trainer once a week but feel he is not really listening to what I want so I'm trying new things myself and wondered what other people thought about how I should deal with this - he is the expert after all lol

I hope to hear from some hopefully new friends soon/



  • Sylvialng55
    First of all start by taking one day at a time. I'm sorry, I know your trainer is an expert but if you are feeling him, let it go! You have to find what works for you. I am 55 years old and I think I have been on a diet since I was young. I have six children. It took me a long time but I am no longer on a diet. I started by changing my eating habits. I started with instead of eating two helpings eat one. Then I went to smaller servings. I eat on a small plate, and I have done better know because I am tracking what I am eating. I have tried so many different programs for exercising, I could start my own personal gym, but I was not feeling it. When you are not feeling something you are not motivated to go. What I do now is walk and I love it. Start there, and as you lose then you may find other things that interest you. You may even find another trainer that pleases you and work with you well. Everything is trial and error. Everyone is different and maybe the trainer is doing what worked for someone else and that does not fit you. Good luck but whatever you do, don't quit. Every small success is a success. Listen to your body not everyone else. You can do this! :wink:
  • DanitaGal
    DanitaGal Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Em,

    I am new to the website as well and want to welcome you! Maybe we can help support each other as I have about 60-70 lbs to give away! I have been trying to lose weight for as long as I can remember....but have already lost 4 lbs, just watching my calorie intake and upping my exercise and tracking everything on this website.

    We are trying for a baby and I know that my chances will increase if I can get rid of some of this extra weight I am carrying around my middle (where I tend to hold any extra weight).

    Hopefully your trainer can help to shape you into a more beautiful you!

    If you want to to be a support buddy, I would love to be one to you as well!
