Any horrible runner.... that is now a



  • philfinallyfit
    philfinallyfit Posts: 20 Member
    I feel your pain, and most recently so! On April 9th, I started running, at the beginning of my weight loss journey. I was 250 lbs. (5'9" middle aged male going downhill fast), and that first day at the local high school track, I could not EVEN run one lap.

    But instead of throwing in the towel, I just kept coming back. In no time I was running 2 laps, then walk the rest...always going for 8 laps total, even back at the beginning. Now I have been running those 2 laps every day, which is running two miles, and got there over a week ago. I'm also running faster, plus walking 2 laps after the 2 mile runs.

    My story is all about just showing up. It's early in the process (May 26th), and I have no idea where this will stop. But I can tell you it gets easier, or at least doable. Just show up, make yourself circle the track 8 times in whatever combination of walking and running you desire to start at, and incrementally increase the run vs. walk amount.

    Good luck!
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Was never a runner since young, even though I have sisters who were athletes. I hated running, always feel so breathless even with a 1 minute jog. But to get the heart going, I started with walking on elliptical. Had a bad knee, great excuse for not bring able to run. Started really really slow. 2-3km per hour, for like 15 mins and I was tired. That was 2 years ago. Trudged on with elliptical training, just flat, but going faster and longer every other week. I finally pluck up the courage to go jogging last month. Guess what, I was able to jog for 20 mins, some walking till but jogging in a steady mode! And today, I just ran over 4 km in 1/2 hour. Some walking in between still but hey, I was jogging, running and walking! So proud of myself!

    Lesson for me: take it slow and easy. Listen to your body. When it is ready, you will get there!

    I don't think I'll ever go for marathon, or even need to hit 5km or 10km when I run, but the whole idea is to keep my heart pumping, so that it stays healthy, not over stretching it, but enough to keep it going for awhile.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    My only contribution to this thread is Vibram FiveFingers shoes.

    I was NEVER able to run. It was way too painful. Tried different shoes - got evaluated and the whole nine yards.

    A couple of months ago I bought a pair of Vibrams and have spent some time breaking them (and my legs) in - and now I can do a 5K at the drop of a hat. (Okay, I guess it's been three months now...)

    "Gotta be the shoes."

    Check out the book "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall for some very eye-opening stories.

    Now - THAT said - I wholeheartedly agree with the folks who recommend getting your body 'in shape' as well. I've been doing Jillian Michaels' workouts, which are very leg-strength and cardo-heavy. I also enjoy biking.

    And finally - when you're starting out - if you are running and you feel like walking - WALK. Don't push it. You'll get there, it's not a contest... yet!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I don't believe anyone is a horrible runner. There are inexperienced runners and experienced runners, but not horrible runners. If you run you are a runner. Some may be faster, some may be slower, but a runner is a runner, and no such thing as horrible. Maybe start with the C25K program. So many people have had such great success with the program. Good luck to you and do yourself a favor; stop thinking of yourself as a horrible runner.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've never been a runner. My brothers ran track and cross country in school, I switched from basketball to volleyball because you stayed on your own side of the court and therefore there was less running. :tongue:

    I've been exercising (workout DVDs with weights, plus walking 4 miles) pretty consistently for a couple of years, but wanted to add something that I could do anywhere (besides walking). I started c25k at the end of January this year, and finished in March. I followed the program exactly, no extra days, no skipped or repeated days, went as slowly as I needed to in order to finish each session. I made sure to always do the warm up & cool down walks, and did some good stretching when I was finished.

    I have continued to run 3 days a week, anywhere from 2 - 5 miles at a time. :smile: Yesterday I ran my first 5k race and finished in under 30 minutes and with one of my fastest mile times yet!

    If I can do it, anyone can! My advice is similar to what others have said - get good shoes, c25k, go as slow as you need to - slow jogging is still jogging! If you have to repeat a day or a week of the program - no shame, rather it's a smart move than to push too hard and end up with an injury.

    Once you get started, you should look for upcoming 5k races in your area, find one that gives you enough time to finish the program, and register! It's a great motivator to keep you on track. And it's a blast - I'm already looking for my next race. :bigsmile:
  • willismack2
    willismack2 Posts: 84
    I want to start running...but I am HORRIBLE! Is there anyone out there that was like me but succeeded?

    I think that the majority of people that start running later in life, at some point in the beginning, think they are 'horrible'. Those that kept at it "Suceeded".
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I couldnt run for a bus, now I could. I just decided a couple of years ago now to do the c25K its a great programme and I got the bug, injuries along the way too which is frustrating but I did ahalf marathon last year then I lost the bug...... yesterday i ran 5km a slow first run for ages, give it a go, it is a great cheap exercise but is hard on joints...... good luck

    ^^^ THIS!!!! congratulations, by the way!

    thanks I am really pleased and cant wait to get back in the groove
  • jabaa91
    jabaa91 Posts: 19 Member
    What is "HORRIBLE", and what is "succeed"? Your version of "horrible" may be somebody else's version of "speedy mc'speeden speeder"

    My story: I started out walking. I didn't want to run, didn't try to run, was never going to run. As I lost weight, I got faster and faster walking. So I started jogging a little. No harm there, right? Well, the jogging got a little faster and a little faster, and the next thing you know, boom goes the dynamite, I was running.

    That was 2006, 2007. I'm not competitive, and I'm sure as shootin' not fast. But I do enjoy racing. I've done some 5k's and 10k's here and there, lots of half marathons, a full marathon and tons of triathlons. There's something really exciting, encouraging, invigorating about race day that makes all those training runs worth it. No matter where I finish in the pack.

    I'm not fast. Not even a little bit. I've only finished in the top half of a race once. My racing buddies only train with me when they need a slow easy day. So in that sense, one could say I'm "horrible." But I have fun. Endless amounts of fun. I enjoy training (for the most part). I groove on race day. I've made great training buddies and even greater friends. I get to show through example how to live life off the couch to my children who I sincerely hope find a love of exercising now, so they don't HAVE to as adults, like I did. There's no down side to being a Back Of Pack racer. Or slow if that's the word. Or even "horrible" by somebody else's definition. Even in the back, it's all WAY too good. So in that sense, I am not just a "success story", I am a winner. And I genuinely believe this.

    I hope this helps.

    thats amazing, well done!!! i just completed my first 10k last month and hope to do a half marathon in september. inspirational :)
  • tamraj
    tamraj Posts: 50 Member
    What a wonderful thread. I am planning on keeping it near to me when I need inspiration as a new runner. I actually started about two years ago in the summer- something like C25K, and got to a certain point and decided I didn't like it as much as my other exercise and stopped. That winter I got a wild hair and went for a walk/run and realized I actually liked cold weather running as opposed to hot and humid running. Then I stopped again- can't remember why, and just started again a few months ago when I got a treadmill, and I am seriously hooked. Some days I feel like I am flying- other days I feel like I am plodding, especially on my outdoor runs (am transitioning from treadmill to outside. Ugh!) Each run, which is currently still slower than many walkers I try to focus on belly breathing, relaxing legs and arms, posture, hitting the ground with a mid foot strike as softly as possible and keeping HR low. I have good shoes purchased from a running store after an analysis, but am in the process of strengthening my feet and calves for some amount of barefoot running (Yup- I, too, read Born to Run).

    I am making progress- it feels easier, heart rate stays lower with less walking, body feels great, energy is though the roof, weight is melting off, muscles are making an appearance- and most of all I love it!! And, you too, will make progress- there is tons of good advice in this thread. BTW- my mother, 68 just started last week a run/walk program and feels great- just take it slow, and then slow it down a bit more until it feels good. There will come a time for pushing hard, but as beginners still building our running base, it is not now- at least, not according to all that I have read (lots) and my own personal experience.

    Oh, one last thing- I found one of the best things I did was to find music I loved at the BPM I wanted to run. After much trial and error, I am now running at a sloooooow 148-152 BPM, but will increase as I am ready.

    Good luck- and feel free to add me as a friend if you want another newbie to commiserate with.
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I don't have much more to add - I agree with everyone who has posted so far...

    I was total non runner, decided to do couch to 5k because I felt like I needed more than just walking. I was also bored with walking and figured the intervals would help keep my attention. Now - I am training for a 15k and am thinking about doing a 1/2 marathon this fall. I just ran for 9 miles over the weekend and it felt great!! So, it is possible to become a runner even if you think you are horrible at it now.
  • M155AUS
    M155AUS Posts: 52 Member

    1. Couch to 5K program if you are really out of shape
    2. Actually sign up for a 5K so you will have that motivation to run
    3. Keep losing as much weight as possible, every 10lbs will make your running exponentially easier
    4. Push yourself that extra distance and you might just find that "coast zone"
    5. Get a HRM or Nike+. Either will help you pace yourself while serving as a source of encouragement and motivation.

    I signed up for a charity 5km that I completed last month and I think point 2 is good advice as it gives you something to aim form. I trained in the gym for a while doing intervals before I ran outside and trust me, i'm a terrible runner, but it worked for me. I trained by doing 4 minutes running, then 2 minutes brisk walking and repeating that until I had run for 35 minutes. Each time after the walk I would increase my pace a little bit more. Then make sure you run outside first if you do train in the gym.

    Good luck, I am still a hopeless runner, but I enjoy the fitness I get from trying.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm sure you will find lots of people on here who were horrible, myself included. The only secret is that there is no secret. Go out and walk. Eventually add some running. And then some more. And more. Eventually, it won't feel as bad. It may even feel good once in a while. Do it some more. Run a race. Run in the rain. Run before sunrise. Eventually, you will feel stop feeling horrible. Sometimes, you will even have a run like I had last Saturday where everything just felt right and the running was easy. It doesn't happen often for me - I'm still a big guy lumbering along. There are many days when running still sucks. But even those days have started to seem pretty good.

    Also, I'm a big fan of HRM's and websites like Running is a little easier when you can track your progress.
  • lexikaye22
    lexikaye22 Posts: 28 Member
    You all are so inspiring!!!!! Thanks for all of your input.... I guess the saying is true, you reap what you sow..... !!!!
  • brismom070897
    brismom070897 Posts: 178 Member