Buying a Fitbit...Should I? Or NO?

I'm wanting to buy a fitbit...but as I've done research on here, there's been a lot of complaints about confusion on cal's counting, synching w/MFP, and some say they don't like it. So..I'm wondering what ya'll think and if its worth the pain. I'm not wanting to spend $100 just on some spiffy pedometer, but if its worth it and it shows accurately then I'm willing. But, if its more of a headache, then I don't want it. So, give me your opinion and let me know! Thanks!!


  • OddBookOut
    OddBookOut Posts: 25 Member
    I don't have any answers for you but I'm in the same boat. Wondering if it's worth the money for the extra motivation. I think I'll buy it from Best Buy and if I don't like it I guess I can return it. Hoping you get your answers!
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Same question here...a large portion of my workouts are hot power I'm thinking just an HRM would calculate my cals burned more accurately. But I walk A LOT too...hmmmm? Clue us in!
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    I've been using mine for almost 5 months. Excellent data collection and new website gives you lots of graphing options. I wear the fit bit all the time and manually override for non-walking activities (yoga, cycling, running with my HRM where I have more precise calorie counts).
    I've also been syncing with MFP for 5 months and no issues (occasionally a temporary glitch but very rare and resolves in a few hours).

    Monthly calories in vs. out according to my fitbit reports track reasonably close to what my scale does.

    Great tool for increased awareness of activity (or lack thereof).
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    I love my fitbit, but I use it only to make sure I do those 10,000, since I have a desk job. I do not use it for working out, for that I use my HRM. It just really depends on what you are looking for from it.
  • Gloria67648
    Gloria67648 Posts: 108 Member
    I LOVE mine. I think my calories burned with it are more accurate than what I was typing in with mfp.
  • Hey guys,

    I got one for a gift and really like it. No problems with MFP cross-sync at all. I would recommend getting one if you are looking for better insights into your diet/excercise/sleep trends in relationship to your goals.

    If nothing else, it serves to highlight your activity levels and help you reach for new goals or provide objective feedback if you are slacking or think you are more active than you are.

    The stats are all there on a nice-looking dashboard and I find them consistent and *reasonably* accurate. For me this is fine. It's really not about finite accuracy it is about consistency and keeping you on track. I also find the 'gamification' quite motivating.

    The other thing you may want instead (or in addition to) is a heart rate monitor. I love toys and stats!

  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    I got mine on ebay for $70 and free shipping (used), I have only had it for 2 weeks but like it for walking, soon to be running


    use cell phone app for bike riding ..
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    I've only had mine for a little over two weeks, and I've been very happy with it. It seems to be very consistent in how it tracks calories burned, etc., and I find it does help me to stay on top of how active I have or haven't been through the day. It's helped me to see where I could make a few small changes to increase daily activity.

    Obviously, nothing is going to perfectly mirror what's going on in your body, so it's not something that you just clip on and expect it to perfectly determine your exact calorie burn each day. However, it does give you a good, consistent measurement, in my opinion, and then you can tweak it from there, depending on the results you are getting when you follow the data you receive from the Fitbit. I'm finding that I'm starting to understand better what the numbers mean for me, but there is a (very small) learning curve.

    Before i bought mine, I read many of the threads in the "Fitibit Users" group, which helped me to understand how it works and what I could expect from it. I also asked several questions there so that, by the time I got my Fitbit, I had a pretty good basic understanding of how to use it.

    It also depends on how much you like to look at numbers: Do you view them as extra input that you can use to analyze and come up with a strategy for weight loss? Or are you overwhelmed with them? While I love the way MFP syncs with Fitbit, it took a bit to figure out where some of the strange numbers (Fitbit Adjustments) were coming from. Once I got that straight, it's been super easy and helpful to me. I think it also depends on how you have things set up on each site. I keep mine pretty simple. I set my caloric goal on both sites as my BMR, as I want to make sure that I always eat that amount at a minimum and also because there is a very small difference between my BMR and my TDEE. I then can adjust what I eat according to my level of activity and exercise each day, if I wish, but I make sure I'm always eating at or above my BMR. It's working for me, but I know many others would find it backward.

    I haven't had any problems with my Fitbit so far or with its communication with MFP, but, again, it's only been a little over two weeks.
  • kcallan17
    kcallan17 Posts: 3
    I love mine. I purchased both a Fitbit and a Polar HRM about 1.5 months ago. I wear my Fitbit all the time and I add my HRM when I'm actively exercising at the gym. I find that it motivates me more because I want to reach my goal every day. I have a desk job so it really helps me gauge how active I've been during the day. I would totally recommend it.
  • McDougal416
    McDougal416 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I guess I'll get the guts up to spend that much money and try it and see! :)
  • lauraver
    lauraver Posts: 6 Member
    I got my Fitbit on New Year's Day and wear it religiously. If you have a slightly obsessive personality as I probably do, you will love it! I wear it to yoga class but add the class manually as an activity on my Fitbit dashboard. It doesn't translate into more steps but into activity points (and calories burned). I have no problem syncing my food tracker from MFP although sometimes it takes a little while for all 3 meals to appear on the Fitbit site. I find Fitbit especially useful and motivating for days when I cannot make it to the gym. Then I'll make a point to park further from my destination, to stand and walk around while watching TV, etc.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    It depends on what you want to use it for. I bought a fitbit and am glad - but I was most interested in the sleep tracker and stair climbing aspects. I live on the 5th floor of a 10-story building, with 2 garage levels. Before the fitbit, I was winded climbing 5 floors, and I knew that if I could have a goal (and someone other than me keeping count), that I'd be more likely to climb the stairs. And it worked! I use the stairs as much as possible, just to get the number on my fitbit to increase....

    The sleep tracker is awesome. I knew that I wasn't sleeping well at night before using the fitbit, but I didn't realize that I was waking up every hour or more each night. I've made a lot of changes to my night routine since getting the fitbit, and now am sleeping most of the night through. You can really see the impact that having an alcoholic beverage or coffee in the evening has upon your sleep once you start using this handy little gadget.

    For the ladies out there, don't hook it into your sports bra. I learned the hard way - too much moisture gets into the fitbit, even though the website suggests putting it there. My first fitbit drowned in sweat. :( But I find the fitbit useful enough that I invested in a second one.

    Hope this helps!
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member

    What is TDEE?

  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I love mine and I'm glad I bought it.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I have grown to really appreciate my Fitbit but there was a learning curve as it comes with ABSOLUTELY NO INSTRUCTIONS IN THE PACKAGING whatsoever.

    Once I figured it out, with the help of about twenty people on this forum, it was much more useful.

    That being said, a lot of the exercise I do is walking and running. If you are weightlifting, cycling, kayaking, may want to invest in a heart rate monitor with a chest strap instead.

    I like the Fitbit now but it works best as a pedometer and sleep monitor.
  • jayele72
    jayele72 Posts: 51 Member
    I love my fitBit! It syncs perfectly with MFP for normal daily activities. I run and hues my PolarF7 to log the runs and I assume you could do the same with yoga. I log the activity into the FitBit interface and let it sync with MFP. Basically I only use the FitBit interface to log in activities like sleep and workouts (it does daily steps, etc on its own) It automatically syncs all of that with MFP.

    Ive been using them like that since I joined MFP and its been awesome!

    I would definitely vote DO IT!!!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I guess I'll get the guts up to spend that much money and try it and see! :)

    You will love it, just remember it is not perfect, if your not walking or if your riding in the car, make sure you log that on the Fitbit website so that it will adjust your steps and calories. if you do a lot of cardio other than walking or running i would suggest getting a HRM as well
  • I love mine too!!! It makes me move more, that is for sure. It syncs perfectly :) If I could name one con about it, it is that I drive lots (4hours+) and because of the bumpy roads I get credit for steps(and extra calories) that I didn't do, BUT all I have to do is go in and over-ride it as "driving" and I lose the steps that it logs.

    It is worth it.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member

    What is TDEE?

    total daily energy expenditure
  • mrf330
    mrf330 Posts: 19 Member
    I use the Fitbit and find it to be a fabulous help. I find it gives a more accurate picture of my overall calories (in and out), and it allows me to monitor steps taken, how well I'm sleeping, and my vitals (BP, heart rate). The visuals provided on the site give a good picture of my progress and it's easier to determine what is or isn't working for me. I'd say it's worth the $100.