Missing my fast/junk food. When is it ok to have some?



  • cgsr
    cgsr Posts: 113

    As for the daily intake of between 1200 - 1400 calories, I have become pretty accustomed to it. I don't find myself hungry throughout the day or low on energy. With 3 meals a day and 2 snacks in between I rarely find myself wanting to eat more. I just wouldn't know what more to eat. Maybe eat larger portions of what I'm already eating to have some extra calories? My TDEE came out to 2740, so based on what you said I should be eating about 2200 in calories a day.

    Check out this blog post...

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Maybe eat larger portions of what I'm already eating to have some extra calories? My TDEE came out to 2740, so based on what you said I should be eating about 2200 in calories a day.

    Reasons why you should slowly increase cals:
    1) It will be relatively easier to eat more by slowly adding.
    2) Reverse dieting will tend to yield less bloating/weight gain. That's anecdotal on my part but I believe it.

    Fat & Protein intake, according to my food logs on here, daily fat is about 20 and protein around 50. Not sure of what it should be however.

    Your end intake should be somewhere around here, and this is just a rough estimate:
    2200 kcals (edit: See below comments as I think 2k is probably a better spot unless you have a very active lifestyle outside of working out).
    130 protein minimum
    55 fat minimum
    295 carbohydrate maximum

    The reason it looks like a ton of carbs is twofold:
    1) Your TDEE is high for your weight. This tells me that you are either very active outside of your workouts, or you over-estimated your TDEE.
    2) Protein and Fat values listed above are minimums and I would encourage you to exceed them, especially protein.

    (If by chance your TDEE was over-estimated, I'd go down to about 2k as a total calorie intake and reduce carbs by another 50 from the above totals, keeping pro/fat the same as listed).

    Keep in mind, the above is my total "eyeball job" of intake values. It should be within a reasonable ballpark of where you need to be and you can adjust the above according to results.

    For starters I'd shoot for about 1600 for next weeks intake, 1750-1800 after that, and then 2k the week after that with the above macros. Stay there for 4 weeks and monitor results.

    Lastly, this is just my opinion based on what you've typed.

    Good luck!!
  • tdvogl
    tdvogl Posts: 9 Member
    Great thread!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Not trying to be offensive at all--but
    I'm incredibly curious about your sexuality.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    First - listen to EVERYTHING Sidesteal has said (I know you have - just re-iterating it).

    If you have problems actually eating more food - just make the food you eat more calorie dense. For example, no low fat anything, and eat things like nuts, avocados, peanut butter, seeds, cheese etc. Also, if you have problems getting to the protein macros, there is nothing wrong with supplementing it with a protein shake.
  • gatecityradio
    gatecityradio Posts: 401
    I pretty much eat whatever I want as long as I don't go over my calories for the day. I've been losing weight steadily. If you want to eat more, work out more.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am almost the same height as you, and maintain on 1800-2000 without exercise... you are no way eating enough and really is not healthy for your body to be running on that low of calories longterm, once you have reached your goal weight, imo. You weigh over 30Ibs more than me, you should be eating a lot more. As someone else suggested, I would add some more calorie dense, but very healthy and nutritious foods into your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, whole eggs and even dark chocolate is pretty good (provided it is around 85% cocoa). Allow yourself treats a few times a week, I have started doing this, though I was never a fan of burgers, fries or pizza especially, more an ice cream or cake sort of girl.
  • noomi85
    noomi85 Posts: 3

    straight... with a very healthy sex drive ;) or at least my girlfriend thinks so lol.

    I will try and eat more healthy calories throughout the day and see how it goes through out the next couple of days. How I feel, if my weight stays the same...etc

    I will post an update in here later one.

    Once again thanks for all the helpful tips and suggestions guys, much appreciated!