
cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
So, I've been getting smaller. I know that. I just don't really feel like it, despite the 28 lbs. My clothes still don't fit right (except now my bras are all uncomfortable) and I still get winded and tired. I CAN exercise more, which is great, but that doesn't really fix how uncomfy I am in my won skin. Plus, I'm kicking my own *kitten*, and losing about .75 lbs a week. Erg.

Is it just me who can't see this, or does this look like a mighty small change in nearly 6 months?

Alright, so here I am in January of this year. Highest weight ever, in Ghana, in about 90 heat:[img]" border="0" alt="" width="320" height="240"[/img]

Fine. So, I continued with MFP through January, February and March. I lost about 15 lbs, and have these two pictures from a work dinner in Seattle. I really should keep the glasses on more often, I think they help!)This was the last day of 30DS, BTW.

[img]" border="0" alt="" width="320" height="240"[/img]
[img]" border="0" alt="" width="320" height="290"[/img]

This is me now (or last night, anyway), at the end of May. I'm about to start 30 DS again (5 days a week for 6 weeks with light cardio, and heavy cardio on the off days.)
[img]" border="0" alt="" width="480" height="640"[/img]

I know my hair is different in each pic, and the clothes, too, but I just feel like my face is still huge, and that I'm still so doughy around the middle. I HAVE progress pics in exercise clothes (first one in shorts, second-third-fourth-fifth all in the same outfit, and sixth in the same pants as the previous 4 but a different bra) but they are totally not internet appropriate. :/ So...can anyone see a change?


  • Bambooblade
    Bambooblade Posts: 18
    thats a massive chage well done you. I've lost about the same as you, went shopping last week and got fitted for a new bra - it was a revelation, I feel so much more supported & perky now. Would recommend highly x
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    thats a massive chage well done you. I've lost about the same as you, went shopping last week and got fitted for a new bra - it was a revelation, I feel so much more supported & perky now. Would recommend highly x

    I plan on it in about 10 more lbs. I'm BROKE, and want to get something that fits well, but my bras are normally about $40 a piece. :/
  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    Your face may be large, but you are gorgeous! Your hair, face and shape are all beautiful. As for seeing the changes, they are definitely visible. If you are losing from your back and bust first, you will need to be patient for the rest. I for one think you have a lovely sillouette.
    I know what you mean about the bra's though. I recently had to replace mine and spent a hefty amount! But it did make a difference to my comfort and confidence.
    Well done and keep at it, you are looking fab!
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Not only are you clearly smaller from the first pic to the last, but the attitude between the pic from Ghana and the most recent one is totally different. There is definitely a change there, and you look great! :D Keep up the good work. Sounds like it's time to reward yourself by getting some new bras.
  • ImDetermined2Lose
    ImDetermined2Lose Posts: 12 Member
    Huge change!!! You look great! :) Try watching your sodium intake - you could be retaining water. I notice that I am more bloated around the middle when I am... Either way - keep up the good work! You are doing great! :)
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    Huge change!!! You look great! :) Try watching your sodium intake - you could be retaining water. I notice that I am more bloated around the middle when I am... Either way - keep up the good work! You are doing great! :)

    Thanks. I try to keep my sodium down and my water levels, up, but I'm on a diuretic for that, so it mostly leaves me alone. :)
  • alisatodd
    alisatodd Posts: 10 Member
    I think overall you look younger. Your jawline looks more noticeable which gives your face a slimmer appearance, but your whole body looks slimmer also. You're very pretty to begin with! :) Keep up the good work! :happy:
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    I think your attitude and posture made a huge difference as well!

    For me - I can loose 300 lbs and STILL be fixated on the spots where the weight didn't come off - and it's always those spots where you want the weight off first! I tend to lose weight in my shoulders and face first. The stomach and thighs don't budge. I have several pics where I can't tell the weight loss either.....but you know what? The scale doesn't lie. The weight must have come from somewhere on your body, so keep doing what you're doing and the areas you're most concerned about WILL change eventually!
  • lessofme65
    lessofme65 Posts: 107 Member
    I can definitely see the change from one picture to the next, you look awesome. I know how you feel though, alot of times I am my own worse critic.. Gaining weight has definitely effected my self esteem and I will have to work on building it up as I work on dropping the pounds. I'm pretty sure that is an issue for alot of us.

    You look beautiful and you are doing great!!!
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I think your attitude and posture made a huge difference as well!

    Well, I'm stone cold sober in the first two pictures. :)
  • psychofantasy
    I agree; you can definitely tell a difference! Your jawline is more defined in the last pic than in the first three, and your face overall looks slimmer. It's hard to judge your body because of the difference in clothing, but I can tell you've lost weight.

    The weight you've lost is no small accomplishment! You deserve a huge pat on the back! Your ticker says you've lost 28 lbs, so the next time you're at the store, pick up a 25 lb bag of dog food, and a 3 lb bag of cat food and hold them at the same time. That's how much you've shed!