Looking to add motivated friends

Please add me! Trying to create a support system as motivated as myself. All ages and body sizes! I'm so excited to get my dream body!


  • ez_spinz
    ez_spinz Posts: 1 Member
    hey, i looking for a support system too...i cant wait to lose weight and feel great..since ive been married ive gained weight and im not happy with my body so its time for a change :)
  • shrdn21
    shrdn21 Posts: 7
    Congratulations on making the first step forward ! We will kick our booties back into shape!
  • kparks2
    kparks2 Posts: 121 Member
    Add me if you want I am addicted ha ha. Lost 30 lbs so far since Jan...even tomorrow will be at the gym in the morning
  • bufgal8
    bufgal8 Posts: 2
    Hi! I am also looking to add motivated friends and people who can be a great support system. Add me if you are interested!
  • honeydove
    honeydove Posts: 39
    Hi, just sent a RF... feel free to add me- anyone!! :)
  • gotchakatja
    gotchakatja Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me also! :] I have no friends on here right now and I feel like I need a support system too.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    add me if you like.
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    I sent you a request also.. I'm coming up on 50lbs lost.. working out 5-6 days a week and I've committed to running a 5K this fall.
  • i just joined literally minutes ago and well...I'm friendless but i'm looking for a support group as well! please anyone feel free to add me (: