Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Is there anyone else out there that suffers from this. What I see in the mirror is opposite from what others see of me, and I hate it!


  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I don't suffer from it but I want to express my sympathy and also bump you up so you can get some responses. I can't even begin to imagine it. :/
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Yeah I do. My husband swears up and down that I am beautiful. I don't think so. I've always felt ugly, even when I was a normal weight. I struggle with the mirror hourly.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I do! I swear I'm 200lbs..and thats the person I see in the I dont see 148 AT ALL...I see FAT and that never sucks. but Ive suffered from this forever and tried to get help and it didnt help.

    the only time i recognize it is YEARS LATER when I look back at pictures and think omg i look good and then remember wait i thought i was huge and hated myself
  • StirFriedGiblets
    I have it too, and I am sick to death of it. *hug*
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't think I've ever gotten to that point, but I know how you feel, to a point. <3 *hugs*
    Bumping so you can get answers and more support
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I do! I swear I'm 200lbs..and thats the person I see in the I dont see 148 AT ALL...I see FAT and that never sucks. but Ive suffered from this forever and tried to get help and it didnt help.

    the only time i recognize it is YEARS LATER when I look back at pictures and think omg i look good and then remember wait i thought i was huge and hated myself

    Oh my goodness i do the same thing....I think "How could i have thought I was fat, now look at me".
    Thank you for all the responses...
    I have a problem with the mirror...I am sure many people think I am vain...trying to catch looks at myself in a mirror, window reflection etc...but NO! Its me destroying myself in my head.....constant bombing of insults at myself.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I do! I swear I'm 200lbs..and thats the person I see in the I dont see 148 AT ALL...I see FAT and that never sucks. but Ive suffered from this forever and tried to get help and it didnt help.

    the only time i recognize it is YEARS LATER when I look back at pictures and think omg i look good and then remember wait i thought i was huge and hated myself

    Oh my goodness i do the same thing....I think "How could i have thought I was fat, now look at me".
    Thank you for all the responses...
    I have a problem with the mirror...I am sure many people think I am vain...trying to catch looks at myself in a mirror, window reflection etc...but NO! Its me destroying myself in my head.....constant bombing of insults at myself.

    well hello me in another person! haha this is exactly what i do. I don't LIKE the mirror I just feel like i need to look to see how i can improve.and when im going out i feel like i look like crap and have to pretend I LOVE how i look because i dont want the lectures anymore from people.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    There are times when I look in the mirror and get completely disgusted. I try to not let myself focus on it though. When I feel that way, I try to take myself away from the mirror and do something constructive instead. I've come a long way, and I'm on the right track. I just am not where I want to be.

    I also don't really see me. Pictures of me look way smaller than I *think* I am. I have that problem when I go shopping also. I still find myself wandering over to the plus sizes thinking that the regular sizes won't fit yet.
  • StirFriedGiblets
    I do! I swear I'm 200lbs..and thats the person I see in the I dont see 148 AT ALL...I see FAT and that never sucks. but Ive suffered from this forever and tried to get help and it didnt help.

    the only time i recognize it is YEARS LATER when I look back at pictures and think omg i look good and then remember wait i thought i was huge and hated myself

    Oh my goodness i do the same thing....I think "How could i have thought I was fat, now look at me".
    Thank you for all the responses...
    I have a problem with the mirror...I am sure many people think I am vain...trying to catch looks at myself in a mirror, window reflection etc...but NO! Its me destroying myself in my head.....constant bombing of insults at myself.

    well hello me in another person! haha this is exactly what i do. I don't LIKE the mirror I just feel like i need to look to see how i can improve.and when im going out i feel like i look like crap and have to pretend I LOVE how i look because i dont want the lectures anymore from people.

    Do any of you guys have cognitive behavioural therapy for it? I did a couple of sessions before my therapist was off work due to "unforeseen circumstances" and it seemed to be slowly working for me
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    I have it now that I am losing more and more weight. I see the difference in pictures but in the mirror I see the really fat me and not who I am now. I still have weight to lose and am afraid I will always see the old me :(
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I want to see a therapist, but I have seen so many before....they always drug me....and whats worse, is from all the illnesses I have, I take too many meds as it is. I want to have a healthy mind, not a drugged one. Maybe I can find a non-druggie therapist!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I have changed my body, I know it has changed because I can see in photos that it has changed and that it is me but sometimes i do not relate to that image at all. I feel huge, sometimes i just dont feel at all or think about it so then its no prob, but it is there the unconnectedness with my bod. every now and again I will get a glimpse at the smaller me and really enjoy it but my head has not caught up with it, i think when you have been a different shape it takes a looooonnnngggg time to adapt, if ever! maybe that fattie wasnt a fattie it was just me and i was expecting things to change when i lost weight that never were going to???? dunno
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • StirFriedGiblets
    Cognitive behavioural therapy is an alternative to medication, you basically talk through how maybe you thought you got this way, assess how your disorder affects your life, work out the way you think then the therapist tries to help you evaluate situations and problems you encounter due to BDD in different ways :)
  • StirFriedGiblets
    Options This might not help but it is certainly worth a watch.

    Anyone know how to make the link active? xD
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    I do! I swear I'm 200lbs..and thats the person I see in the I dont see 148 AT ALL...I see FAT and that never sucks. but Ive suffered from this forever and tried to get help and it didnt help.

    the only time i recognize it is YEARS LATER when I look back at pictures and think omg i look good and then remember wait i thought i was huge and hated myself

    Oh my goodness i do the same thing....I think "How could i have thought I was fat, now look at me".
    Thank you for all the responses...
    I have a problem with the mirror...I am sure many people think I am vain...trying to catch looks at myself in a mirror, window reflection etc...but NO! Its me destroying myself in my head.....constant bombing of insults at myself.
    omg this is me 100%
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    i have this and it is destroying my life. I look in the mirror and see only faults. I call myself the meanest ugliest words. And compare myself and give myself a hard time for not being perfect. I look in the mirror and hate what i see i see the more ugliest girl in the world from head to toe. And i am always paranoid about the way i look and feel like my husband sees the 'ugly' image in the mirror that i see. And it hurts me so much. I remember taking a self esteem workshop in school and learning about this disorder and i always knew i had it. Just dont know how to be better and change this outlook. If i get this solved then i think alot of other problems in my life would be solved as well.
  • bjbex
    bjbex Posts: 24
    I suffer from this and have cognitive behavioural therapy to cope with it. It led me to having an eating disorder which I am now recovering from. It's hard but we cant help it. It's something to do with neurotic part of the brain I'm told? xxxx
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    I am not sure, I think I just have terrible self esteem. I was looking at a picture of someone who is 25kg's (about 50 pounds) heavier then I am, and I swore black and blue that I looked the same size as them. It is a constant struggle to find things to wear ANYWHERE because I always feel like an elephant ( I have a healthy BMI). All
    I seem to see is fat when I look in the mirror. I think it is something I will be able to work through. Or I will just avoid mirrors... Forever lol.